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NYers who moved from out of town

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how many of you left your family back home and moved to NY area on your own ? how do you like NY? ever thought about going back home? im one of them i moved to NY bravely by myself from va 3 yrs ago. i still love the city and all the fun it offers but i don't really like the people here. people here seem so angry,lonely, workwoked, rude and somewhat less attractive. personally i became pretty successful financially ever since i started a business here in nyc but my social life was much bettter when i was in VA, it seems to be MUCH easier to get dates and make friends down there. i also found women much better looking in the south. they are my kinds of women, the real american white girls.

i just wanna hear what others think about NY and their hometown in comparison. cos i love ny but i sure miss va.

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you might not wanna hear this! i moved up here from atlanta 2.5 years ago and i am not going back! i love new york and all the diversity. down south it still feels like the civil war ended yesterday!!!!

the scene is completely different down there. but after 14 years of the "see & be seen" crap i'm over it! southern men are arrogant and there's just as much of a "player" mentality down there as there is up here, if not more. last time i was down there i went to the trendy sushi bar where everybody hangs out on thursday nights and i swear all the men looked exactly alike. i notice that every time i go home. they all have short, neat haircuts, clean-shaven faces, freshly laundered button-downs with pleated pants (dont' they know about flat front pants yet!! or cargoes for that matter!!!), and they stand around with a drink in their hand and STARE (sometimes they flex too, ewwww). it's like being in a shark tank. all the women look the same too but i won't go there...

plus, it's just plain HOT down there. i'm over that too! give me a nice cool NE summer over HOTLANTA any time.

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Well i moved up here from ATL a year ago and would have to say you might have missed a few things about the south. I think you might have been at the wrong places. I never went wrong with MJQ or even Nomenclature is not so bad. I would have to say people in the NE are a bit more harsh. My theory is that it's the weather, i mean cold weather makes you pissey. When it's warm and the sun is shining all seems to be good in the world. Come on look at people from Cali they are so from another planet when compared to NY people. As much as i miss home we all know it gets so boring in our hometowns,and we can't go back until we are ready to settle down(if that ever happens) ;)

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Well I'm just from the suburbs of LI, but I went to school in the south. I can't say anything about your views on the NY attitude, but YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND if you say southern women are better looking than New Yorkers! There is just so much diversity here, as Shuga said, so many interesting mixes! So many pretty people, ESPECIALLY the women! :drunk: :drunk: :drunk: :drunk:

Then again, if the "all American white girl" is what you're after, this wouldn't really be the place to find her.

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Originally posted by lafera1

Well i moved up here from ATL a year ago and would have to say you might have missed a few things about the south. I think you might have been at the wrong places. I never went wrong with MJQ or even Nomenclature is not so bad. I would have to say people in the NE are a bit more harsh. My theory is that it's the weather, i mean cold weather makes you pissey. When it's warm and the sun is shining all seems to be good in the world. Come on look at people from Cali they are so from another planet when compared to NY people. As much as i miss home we all know it gets so boring in our hometowns,and we can't go back until we are ready to settle down(if that ever happens) ;)

i never hit up MJQ but i liked nomenclature. thanks for reminding of at least one cool place! maybe i'll visit again afterall. :tongue: did you like backstreet? i thought it was pretty disgusting. i guess 14 years of atlanta was enough. i DEFINITELY miss the North Georgia Mountains!!!!

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Well I moved over to NY from New Zealand. Its so different but I love it for all the differences. I write this tho' from England, where I grew up, and where Ive been for the last few weeks having a great catch up with everyone type of holiday. I love everywhere, and everything. Vive les difference.

Enuff of this tho' tonight is my last night before returning over there, so Im off out for a few wee drinkees.

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Originally posted by shugabooga

i never hit up MJQ but i liked nomenclature. thanks for reminding of at least one cool place! maybe i'll visit again afterall. :tongue: did you like backstreet? i thought it was pretty disgusting. i guess 14 years of atlanta was enough. i DEFINITELY miss the North Georgia Mountains!!!!

Hahaha, Crackstreets! Did you ever go to Fusion? I hear it turned straight, but I was there when it was a gay club- amazing space!

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Back Street got to be a bit much for me. The style of music i was and still am into you could really only find at parties/raves. MJQ was the only club that felt like home for me. The crowd was the best mix of people you could find anywhere. There are always your house heads, breakers, tons of rasta types, and then your other types always showed up. It's an intimate enviroment that just feels like it's full of soul.I was raised in atlanta so it will always be my home town, but i don't think i could go back for good anytime soon.It's all about what your willing to giv up to have the life you dreamed of. You know what i mean we give up nature to be a part of the city life. We thrive on being surrounded by madness.

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Well, I moved here almost 8 years ago from St. Louis. Obviously I like it here. I live about an hour and a half upstate from NYC and it sucks here, but NYC?? I love it. I've also found the best set of friends anyone could ever ask for. I miss the midwest sometimes, I guess it's the attitude of the people there I miss. Yes, New Yorkers can really get on my nerves, but at least they pretty much keep it real. I hate the winters here! I guess there's really not too much to say. People always ask me why I don't move back home and I tell them it's because of the people I've found out here. I don't think I'll ever leave.

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like T...I lived down south for 4 years and I could not wait to get back..

yes..Ny'ers may not be as laid back...but I was in an all-southern sorority...and let me tell you...those girls take the cake as far as attitude and things like "who are your parents and what do they do, how much money does your family have, did you have a debutante ball....?" etc etc etc

don't get me wrong..I met many southerners I loved...but I did meet many who were very concerned about the above things I mentioned....

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not all southerners are the same, i dont know much about GA.. that's in the DEEP south. i bet it is hot there. but i lived in richmond va which is 2hr away from DC, it's more like mid-atlantic than south. People there are very VERY friendly and the girls are very beautiful, there are beautiful blondes everywhere.

if you are thinking about moving,i recommend that place. for me i can't move cos of my business. well i guess im a bit too picky. i've met some nice people in NY past 3 yrs but you know what? none of them grew up here.

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Guest jackdiesel

I grew up in a rural area outside Austin, Texas and I was ready to get the hell out of there since i was like 13. I go to school in PA and am living in NYC just for the summer. I think it is all relative. The only real tjings i can say are:

1 I've never been to a better party than Sound FActory, but I love country music and you can't beat two steppin w/ a down home hotty in wranglers who doesn't know how hot she really is.

2 I still can't get used to the coldness of people on the streets here, but if you approach a girl at a bar here your odds are just as good or bad as they are w/ a comparable girl in the south.

Actually fuck it. I could write a fucking novel on the subtle differences b/w North and South! Variety is the spice of life. Keep on movin'.

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i moved here from Dallas 2.6 years ago. when i first got here i was excited. i had wanted to live in this area forever and i never thought that i would get the opportunity. well after 90 or so days, reality set in and boy was i ever homesick. i did not go back to visit for almost a full year. i was afraid if i went back, i would never return.

so here i sit and i have to say i love NY and all that is has to offer and i am never going back to dallas. visiting there has even become a burden. everyone is sooooo, how do i explain it.... big hair, plastic, to much makeup, worried about what the next person is doing.... NY is diverse and i love that.

plus the party scene there sucked a big one.......

the only thing that i miss, is my swimming pool in my apartment complex, wall to wall carpeting, and o'jedas mexican food.....

plus in NY you can wear coats, hats, and boots all the time...:D

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I grew up in a small town of only 2,000 people in eastern Washington state before I moved here. Here's a list of pros and cons of moving to NYC.


-Nights out last beyond 2am

-I can say I've held a DJ residency in NYC

-I've met some (how should I say) unique people here

-I'm not the town weirdo anymore


-I miss the friendliness and laid back attitude of back home

-Can't order food sometimes because no one speaks english at the restaurant

-Egos, attitudes and ASSHOLES

-I hate the weather here

-You could actually breathe the air back home

I guess there's more cons then pros, but I'm living with my g/f here and she seems to like it. When I go out, I stick to the smaller bars and clubs now where I know I'll have a good time.

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im glad my thread received the 5 star rating :)

anyway here are my pros and cons of nyc area:

pros:well lets just do cons, we all know the pros.

cons(these are frank and humorous):

1.sometimes you feel like you are living in a third world country

2.depsite the badly polluted air, people pay extra to dine outdoors at restaurants in manhattan, only to have diarhea.

3.you get depressed everytime you watch the local news.

4.there's always a danger factor from the homeless and the psychos in the streets.

5.you get that nasty looks from homos.

6. there are no Arby restaurants

7.u call an escort service and asked for a white girl, they sent you a hispanic girl instead.

8.the bush admin is dumping ny.

9.city is diverse but most socialize amongs themselves

10. that godd*mn ice cream venor truck is playing that stupid music again.

Originally posted by heretic909

I grew up in a small town of only 2,000 people in eastern Washington state before I moved here. Here's a list of pros and cons of moving to NYC.


-Nights out last beyond 2am

-I can say I've held a DJ residency in NYC

-I've met some (how should I say) unique people here

-I'm not the town weirdo anymore


-I miss the friendliness and laid back attitude of back home

-Can't order food sometimes because no one speaks english at the restaurant

-Egos, attitudes and ASSHOLES

-I hate the weather here

-You could actually breathe the air back home

I guess there's more cons then pros, but I'm living with my g/f here and she seems to like it. When I go out, I stick to the smaller bars and clubs now where I know I'll have a good time.

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