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jumpin out of a plane and plummeting towards certain death . . .

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Anyone ever do this? I somehow got roped into this bet with a friend of mine, and now I have to go skydiving this weekend. CHRIST! I'm afraid of heights!!!! How the hell did I get into this, I have no idea. And there is no way i can back out, because i would never live it down. :(

Anyone got any good stories. (preferably something that doesn't inviolve a full body cast):rolleyes:

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Well, I just did it for the 1st time this past saturday. All I can say is that it was UNBELIEVABLE!!!! What an adrenaline rush. I'm defiantely hooked and want to take the classes for it. Yea I am afraid of heights but that really doesn't play a factor since ur so high up. You'll be attached to an instructor so you basically do nothing but enjoy it. For the 1st 2 seconds it feels like a roller coaster feeling in ur stomach but then its utter bliss..its like flying, u feel like superman. Definately the worst part about is hanging from the wing of the plane right before u jump and staring down. Also when they pulled the chute I got really nausea, i guess traveling tht fast and abruptly stopping didnt agree w/ my stomach. My experience was a little hair raising though. I was the last person to go 4 the day (storm came in) So while we'er up there we start hearing thunder in the distance and im like oh fuck but we decided to go 4 it anyway. Also there was this crazy hippie in the plane w/ us. The dude had on shorts, no shoes, no shirt and just a parachute and jumped out of the plane at 3000 ft..I was like these people r crazy....

Definately get it videotaped b/c it goes so fast and u hardly remember it...im getting the pics developed this week..ill post them whwen i get them

Definately go 4 it...ull be glad afterwards u did it

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I have a total phobea of heights, even on my balcolny i freeze sometimes. It's not a fear it's a hell of a lot more than that, even coming down some esculators in the city it's like i carn't move.. anyway i would love to sky dive, i think it would be less scarey for me as it's doesn't look real when you up there. I mean you don't get scared of heights whene your flying do you?

SO it's just thatr split second when you throw yourself off. Besides teh chances of death are 100,000,000 to 1, so it's pretty safe.

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I went skydiving in September. My boyfriend got it for me for my birthday, and even though I am also afraid of heights, I knew I would hate myself forever if said no. And I am SOOOOO glad I did it! It is the most exhilarating experience ever. Also, once we got to the place (we went in Belmar, NJ) I never got nervous. And trust me, the plane that you jump out of is so small you are going to want to get the hell out of there! One word of advice is DEFINITELY open your eyes, its absolutely amamzing. I was going to keep mine closed because I was afraid it would appear as if the ground is rushing toward you, but it honestly looks as if you are flying steadily above the ground. The freefall is the best part, try your hardest to enjoy it and not to be so nervous. I will agree that the worst part is right before you jump out and look down, (I had to position my feet underneath the plane), but everything after that is great. I would defintely recommend you doing this, and have a GREAT time! Let us know how it went too!

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Originally posted by ezd2

Definately the worst part about is hanging from the wing of the plane right before u jump and staring down.

Wh wh wh wh wh what??? Hanging from the wing of the plane??? Please tell me you're kidding!!!

Dear godWell, there's no turning back. I guess we all gotta go some time...

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Depends on the plane. We just jumped right out of mine.

I went out near Las Vegas Crazy views! You're so high up that it like toys and make believe. I'm somewhat afraid of heights, but the instructor was like "your so calm, lets to a backflip". So i lean way back and we jump out and flip around 2 or 3 times. There's a couple seconds of stomach in the throat while you accelerate, and then its like floating in a windy place.

They turn you around to look at shit (i got Las Vegas, the Hoover Dam, and the grand Canyon - toooooo sick). Then the pull the shoot and the guy should let you steer for a bit. Its pretty damn cool and very safe.

Have a good time, and think of it like an amusement ride :)

I'd go again in a heartbeat...

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I haven't been yet.....I supposed to go in September. I have heard it is absolutely amazing, even if you are/were afraid of heights.

The thought of throwing myself from a plane scares me, but the thought free falling like sounds incredible.

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

Wh wh wh wh wh what??? Hanging from the wing of the plane??? Please tell me you're kidding!!!

Dear godWell, there's no turning back. I guess we all gotta go some time...

It depends on the plane. With mine you stepped out of the plane onto this little step and then grasp onto the wing, then you let go. They also had another plane where you would actually sit on thel edge of the door with ur feet daggling and then push off. Gotta agree w/ barvybe about the flip. I actually jumped backwards wh/ was phat b/c I got to see the plane just keep getting smaller, then we flipped and shot down like a missile to catch up w/ the camera man

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