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best cell phone and plan

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hey how come you weren't at the CP meetup!?

anwyay, i think i have a pretty good one.

I have a nokia8290 its those real small phones.

VoiceStream. 600min weekdays

2000 weekends. $39.99/month

this is the best deal for week DAY minutes. the others are like 400 min for the weekday. (i always go over, but with this plan, its good.)

hope you find a good phone.

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i have the Nokia 8610 (i think thats the model #, its the really little one). i'm happy with the phone, its got great reception and the platform it operates on is really easy to use. it has lots of options in regards to ring tones, phone #'s, email addresses, calendar, storage and vibrate option just to name a few. the only problem i have w/ the phone is the numbers are really small, this took a little while to get used to, i shouldn't complain though, because i refuse to get a big phone, the smaller the better. i had a Star Tac before and i'm much happier with the Nokia, especially in regards to reception. the Star Tac does really well in drop tests, where as i don't think the Nokia does, a friend of mine broke the screen on his this weekend, though we do think it was while wrestling (drunk of course) on AC's boardwalk, so this may not be such a good gage.

in regards to service, i use AT&T Digital One Rate, i have 1100 minutes a month and it costs $119. this is more expensive than most plans, but i can call from anywhere in the 50 states to anywhere in the 50 states any time for the same rate, no hidden charges what so ever. i get charged one flat rate of $.20 a minute if i go over my minutes which i rarely ever do. the reason i do this is i travel a lot and have friends clumped in LA and NYC and then in a few other places around the country that i talk to regularly. we've all found that this is the the best plan for our needs. this plan also includes call waiting, caller ID, 3 way calling and text messaging which almost all plans now incorporate.

1100 minutes may sound like a lot, but if your going to be using your cell phone as your main # it works out to a little more than a half hour a day. most cellular companies round their minutes up to the next minute, so if you use your phone for 1 minute and 1 second you get charged for 2 minutes.

hope that helps.

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Originally posted by clubbingirl

hey how come you weren't at the CP meetup!?

anwyay, i think i have a pretty good one.

I have a nokia8290 its those real small phones.

VoiceStream. 600min weekdays

2000 weekends. $39.99/month

this is the best deal for week DAY minutes. the others are like 400 min for the weekday. (i always go over, but with this plan, its good.)

hope you find a good phone.

hehe thanks. sorry i comletely forgot on friday! heh but i think i was around the red room at 2/3 am but was mostly in the hip hop room the whole night. i was in the black leather zip top; i prolly saw you around some where tho :)

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I think some of u cats have this phone, but it's the Nokia 8260. I got that one too, in grey. It's solid. I have the same plan as SD has got. I only pay $20 a month though, my company picks up the rest. It doesn't have an external antenna, but still gets solid reception (going from DC to B-more not that great, but in DC, in Philly, Newark, it's 4 bars). Anyhow, it is small so u can take it damn near anywhere. I dropped it countless times and it still seems to work. Don't get sprint, it just sucks. Stick with AT&T. http://www.attws.com/

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voicestream is a good service

i never have reception problems with it, and their phones are cool. i have an ericsson t28w that comes with a keyboard so i can write SMS (instant messaging for cell phones) and e-mail. I can also create a webpage with ericsson (on chatb.com) and update it from my cell phone and read any messages that were left for me on the page from the phone (no extra charges for any of this). the phone is $99, the keyboard is free

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Hey everybody, I was the one that posted the original cell phone topic on the Jersey board, and after considering all your opinions and some research, i went out this morning and got a Motorola V-series (model 2282) phone (the one with the FM radio and colorful phone wraps) which was free and i signed up with Voicestream, 600 whenever minutes and 2000 weekend for 39.99/ month. Thanks for all your imput.

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