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Which Is The Lesser Of Evils?????

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E. It makes you happy and contented but keeps you conscious of the world. K really fucks you up.

Although...K is quick and doesn't wipe you out afterward, and E makes you so tired the next week.

I don't know. I have no favorites cause I love EVERYTHING!!!!

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What about long term effects? That's what scares me. They don't even really know what E will do in the long run. I have this fear that down the road all of my seretonin neurons are going to be totally screwed up, and I will be forever depressed. Therefore, I guess I vote for K, but who really knows?

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Who's to say which is actually "better for you." But I do know this...K was developed and intended for animal use. E was developed and intended for human use, until (like everything) the government banned it. So whatever - moderation is the key-

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If I had a gun to my head and was forced to choose, I'd say E.

K is probably not as bad for your body or as damaging to your brain as E. However- it can still be really dangerous. You fall into a hole, you're basically catatonic, you have no idea what could happen to you during that time. One time I came out of a hole and some random guy was rubbing my back and groping my breasts. Freaky shit.

E however is really bad for your brain. And noone really knows the long term effects.

Soooo- the real answer here is- everything in moderation! :rolleyes:

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I would say E, it causes trimming of axon neurons, though the aparent damage does not exibit itself in any way, that is people seem ok. In the future however its the great unknown.

To all you people who think K is "just for animals" its not. It has and still is used on humans in other countries. It was used during the vietnam war as a general aneastetic but they had problems with it becuase of the "k-hole" affect, it needs to be used in conjunction with a sedative to keep people from moving around. It is mostly used for children when it is used as an anesteatic. So i think provided it is not mixed with alchohal or any other sedatives/depressants it is rather safe, the LD-50 (dose that causes death in 50% of people) is high enough that it is almost to die of a "k overdose" by snorting.

The chart below shows nasal dosages for ketamine in milligrams (mg).

Nasal Administration

Threshold .1 mg / lb 10 - 15 mg

Light .15 mg / lb 15 - 30 mg

Common .3 mg / lb 30 - 75 mg

Strong .5 - .75 mg / lb 60 - 125 mg

The K Hole ~ 1 mg / lb 100 - 250 mg

LD50 (IVN-MUS) 77 mg / kg ~4,500 mg

LD50 (IPR-MUS) 400 mg / kg ~24,000 mg

Now im not sure about the 2 diferent ld50's BUT given that 4,500mg is 4 and a half grams, and they are saying that is average LD50, you would have to snort 9 jars of k to die from it.

For more info on K dosing go to :


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