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Space will have competition!!!


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Cool :) I generally have liked what the Milons have done, it will inject some much needed class into Downtown. Fuel's original angle was to do that, but they couldn't pull it off. Witn names like Eric and Didier Milon at the helm, the new Fuel (or whatever it shall be named) cannot go wrong. If musical style is any indication we'll get some groovin filtered house and disco down the street from Space (Bob Sinclair? Julius Papp? )

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Sorry, but the Milons are about to lose Millions with this transaction. What are they going to do different then the previous owners?

The place just can't compete. Even during WMC when they had top DJ's all week long were they able do draw a 1/2 descent crowd.

Bar Room in downtown, Naah I don't think it'll work..:tongue:

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You don't regret the things you did, you regret the things you didn't do.

I hope it succeeds, but I know I'll be standing outside the door opening night. And have a sniper on standby if Stephan is working the door again. If they make that mistake, Fuel is doomed.

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oh please, what is space doing that another club can't do BETTER?

it's not like Space is setting any kind of trend. since the closing of twilo, i thought for sure they were going to take advantage...

u guys ever wonder why no BIG dj wants a commitment down there?

something to ponder about.

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Remember kids, one time people thought Twilo, Liquid, Groovejet, and so forth would last forever.

Space has talented DJs, but their customer service is lacking currently. Hell if what some on this board say is true, even certain well-known DJs are pissed at Space.

I'm not wishing Space to close, I'm hoping that the new Fuel will succeed (for the right reasons), and convince Space to stop resting on it's laurels.

Question for y'all, who would you like to see as either a resident or a guest at the Fuel?

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Yeah Space has talent....IF YOU LIKE THAT KIND OF MUSIC.......what if this new club brought in some bad-ass progressive like Sasha, Digweed or Three? Personally I dislike the music that the Space residents spin.....when I saw Digweed, I only ended up wishing that I could hear that kind of music every week...... I am very dissatisfied with that trance of the Space residents.......so if this new club has dj's spinning some good dance music that's NOT the same type of trance that Space has...then by all means, bring it on...cuz I'm there....

(I'd love to spin at the new place.....I've already given them my CD....wish me luck........):D

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I was actually referring to the Blue and Red rooms. I've only been there a few times and each time I went, trance was being played in the blue and red rooms. I love the patio. Ivano Bellini is awesome. The vibe outside is great in the mornings. But when I would be inside, the vibe was a bit aggressive as well as the trance. I havent's heard many of the top dj's in the world, but when I saw Digweed at Space(I had never heard him spin live before)...I was taken to school.....big difference in the vibe and the music when he spun......he was relentless and the crowd never seemed to give up.....that's what I like.....and the music.......wow.....

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I read in the New Times or Street that Space bought Fuel and is turning it into a gay club....so it'll be sort of like Space, but gay.

Will this work? Perhaps. I think the circuit boys might be getting tired of Salvation, but what does a straight girl really know about that :)

my $.02

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i dunno, i'm not particulary excited about this. opium is a nice venue, but if you guys are bitching about the door policy at space, i can only imagine what you'll be saying about this new venture for the fuel venue. i've been to a couple of things at opium, and the door guys were less then welcome to me as i arrived with myself and another friend that was not female. i WAS on the list for said events, and even personal friends w/ the promoters AND the dj's playing. i STILL had problems. "we don't let in unescorted males" after a bit of fuss, they realized i wasn't taking the piss, and let us in. they were not even busy when we got inside! sorry, but this sounds like more of the same crap this city doesn't need any more of. "VIP clubs" fuck off with that crap!! if these VIP club owners really had the knowledge to do things right, they'd realize they are ruining miami's reputation on a global scale. but for now, they can cash in on the reputation of the past for a few more years. then when they've blown the whole scene up their asses, south beach and the rest of miami will be left w/ the trash and scum of the 80's. as they laugh all the way to the bank. thanks for the memories.

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I totally hear you. I spent a better part of the summer in London, and the clubs were awesome. They had great music, a great crowd, they were straight up top-shelf. The best part: no one cared what you looked like. Everyone came out for the music. There was no white-trash doorman refusing entry b/c you were'nt rocking gucci! Its cool to dress up, and be surrounded by beautiful people; but sometimes you just want to go out to the club, kick back in your pumas and dance your ass off. Screw all the Miami nonsense.

****I have a feeling Miami will never change so until then....we'll have to sweat our asses off in designer everything!

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