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Is it quitting.........

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Originally posted by thesandman

I think Sunny G no longer likes me anymore.. Help me out!! When the hell am I ever going to meet you???

I Emailed that lil minx the other day.. isnt she the best??!!.. I wish she would get her lil bootay back on here...:(

We def. have to meet up.. your pretty funny.. not as funny as me.. but you def. have potential :D

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Originally posted by allishara

I Emailed that lil minx the other day.. isnt she the best??!!.. I wish she would get her lil bootay back on here...:(

We def. have to meet up.. your pretty funny.. not as funny as me.. but you def. have potential :D

Feel free to ask her what I look like..... She is cool as hell, I don't know is she is mad at me, she didn't return my last couple of emails which is odd.

Your not as funny as me, women aren't funny in general, but some women make great cooks and homemakers.... those are called wives... Keep working at it, you come a long way baby..

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Originally posted by thesandman

Feel free to ask her what I look like..... She is cool as hell, I don't know is she is mad at me, she didn't return my last couple of emails which is odd.

Your not as funny as me, women aren't funny in general, but some women make great cooks and homemakers.... those are called wives... Keep working at it, you come a long way baby..

She didnt return your Emails?.. Hmm-- I'll get the dirty laundry on what the F is goin on... Just dont go stalkin my friend over there or i'll notify your ass to a ClubPlanet moderator--;)

PS-- your nothing without your Dumb and Dumber quotes



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I live in north Jersey, it will be small tonight so I have room for a few more. .. Any friend of Sunny G is a friend of mine... If you don't mind the drive to Mahwah your more than welcome to come give it a shot.... I don't need anymore guys though... feel free to bring any girlies you want, the crowd is all laid back cool people who will be drinking and puffing to the max. If thats your style sure your invited...

Sunny G does like me, I sent an email that she may not of liked a week ago or so. I was just fooling around. She knows I think she is ok, I never came on to her or nothing.... but I did pour on the compliments..

"Bunch of Fucking amateurs"

-Walter Sobcheck in the Big Lewbowski

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Originally posted by thesandman

I live in north Jersey, it will be small tonight so I have room for a few more. .. Any friend of Sunny G is a friend of mine... If you don't mind the drive to Mahwah your more than welcome to come give it a shot.... I don't need anymore guys though... feel free to bring any girlies you want, the crowd is all laid back cool people who will be drinking and puffing to the max. If thats your style sure your invited...

Sunny G does like me, I sent an email that she may not of liked a week ago or so. I was just fooling around. She knows I think she is ok, I never came on to her or nothing.... but I did pour on the compliments..

"Bunch of Fucking amateurs"

-Walter Sobcheck in the Big Lewbowski

Pipe down sweetheart--she never said one single bad word about you-- they were ALWAYS good words;) How do you think i knew that you two were friends?-- she told me all about you!:cool:

Ohh--gee, thanks for the PITY invite to your house party.. but i'll be attending SANDBAR tonite... we're still gunna have to set something up though...i'll teach you some high quality humor to use back in Mawawahwhaha -i never noticed how wierd the name of that town sounded till now... hmm--anywho--in all seriousness--have a great time this weekend....



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