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listen, i've gone thru alot, and i'm not talking about drugs/bad grades/bad job/etc...i'm talking about big terrrible shit.

and i've learned that.....as bad as it get for you, someone else always has it worse.

"it can't rain all time time, right"<--thats my fucking motto. :(

but seriously, dont worry. you're a strong enough person to pull thru and make it all good. :)

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I definately agree with what clubbingirl has to say althought my motto is similiar "No matter how bad things seem for you just remember that there is always some one out there that has it worse so smile... if not for you do it for them" ... like many I have been through a lot as well and sometimes i wish i didnt grow up as fast as i did but i dont regret anything i have done... sometimes i wish i was a lil smarter when i made the decision that i made but i wouldnt take anything back because as corny as it sounds all that i have gone through has made me who i am and despite that feeling that you get when you just want to forget everything because something has gone wrong you just need to let reality set in and realize that in actuality you dont want to forget it you want to remember it... and learn from it... it doesnt have to be the first thing that pops in your head when you wake up... and for a while it may seem to be the only thing that you think of before you go to bed but it takes time.... times heals all and makes you a much stronger person .... next thing you no everything will be okay... because if you think about it everything always happens to work out in the end... take care PiEcE :monkey:

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this is deff big treible shit..my world is upside down..I almost had to skip town. I know i know you girls are right, it could be worse. can't imagine if it was but thank you soo soo much for responding and caring. I am at work and i am trying to hide my feelings and what happened to me last night. which is so freakin hard right now. But i let down so many people, including myself. Its going to take a long time to get over this one. Just seeing my mom crying kills me, and makes me cry. But i have been through hard times b4, peeps tell me it builds character and only makes you stronger. but right now i don't feel like it is. I feel weaker. Work is almost over and now i gotta go face the music again. FUCK , so everyone have a good time tonight, i won't be meeting up tonight. Don't think i will be doing much of anything for awhile. shit finally caught up to me and now i must pay. 3 things i need right now-1 my girl back ,which deff. ain't gona happen. 2 want this shit out of my head, so i can sleep. 3 turn back the hands of time. All of which won't happen.

have fun be safe

"Hard times build character, or so I'm told. They teach you lessons worth your weight in gold, and I've been shown things happen for a reason." - etown concrete

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You ok bro?? Sorry to hear that whatever happened was so horrible. But the girls are right, think of how good things are for you compared to others. If you need any help getting through whatever this is feel free to PM me or call me. Hope everything is ok.


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