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Weekend Review!!!

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Well it started out awful Friday night as I was driving to Seaside I saw all the traffic lights out on 37 and thought oh man there better be power at XS. Got to XS around 11:30, they had power(Thank God) XS took a while to get busy but I had a blast. Manny tore shit up as always. 007 Pourer good to meet you. Saturday night I met Carbone and Temptkid over at Merge first, these 2 are animals, 11:30 and they are both piss drunk. We went over to Tempts by midnight, the place wasn't overly packed, very comfortable. Good to meet K-hole6969 and Club Angel(Happy Birthday). As always Ceotter had the shots flowing. To bad Carbone and Temptskid couldn't hang with us Ceotter??? LOL. All and all it was a great weekend in the clubs. Only 3 weeks left so let's all make the best of it!!!

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Went to Temps-as usual. And as usual the music was slamming!

Somebody I know actually pointed out a few personalities on this board-QUITE HORRIFYING

So these are the jack asses I clown out on a daily basis-nice!

Well it was good to see the bashing bitches at least.

However queenbitch was missed!

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Originally posted by sin-sational

Somebody I know actually pointed out a few personalities on this board-QUITE HORRIFYING

So these are the jack asses I clown out on a daily basis-nice!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

ive seen a few myself......NOTHING near what i expected

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What the fuck is wrong with people that they need to lie, exaggerate and take liberties with the truth to make themselves seem more than they are?????

Are they really that insecure?????Lieas about bachground, appearance or age only comes back to bite you in the ass!!!!!!!!(see the above posts)

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This is a "Weekend Review" post! We aren’t given reviews on the way people dress/look, if that was so I would have to say WHAT happened to ALL the GUYS at TEMPTS! I was there Saturday and there where more GIRLS then GUYS! My sister and I were very upset! Plus I tend to feel the Music was a bit off, not as much ENGERY as normal. Maybe the weather got Danny down or something. Aaaanyway, I went to Sandbar Friday night was great! It had a bit of a late start but once 1 o’clock came it was back to normal. Oh and Joey, how did you mange to vomit on poor little tempkid…lol hheheheh and

K-hole6969 and Club Angel it was very nice to have meet you both.



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Guest saleen351

JBR, I can vouch for sum12nv, she is a very sexy female..She might take hottest chick titile on cp,,but i have a few more to meet.....But def a top quality lady....But she has a man....:(

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Maybe someone needs to vomit on you. :puke: :puke: :puke:

BTW...the vibe and the music were incredible AS USUAL. AND most importantly it's DEnny.... not DANNY. Are you sure you were in the right club??? Perhaps your Daddy needed to buy you the Navigation System in that new SAAB of yours!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

:D :D :D :D

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

What the fuck is wrong with people that they need to lie, exaggerate and take liberties with the truth to make themselves seem more than they are?????

Are they really that insecure?????Lieas about bachground, appearance or age only comes back to bite you in the ass!!!!!!!!(see the above posts)

Spoken like somene who has been there..........

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

The receiving end, yes! I hope that you are not IMPLYING that I hide anything. I hide behind nothing and put on no airs for anyone. I am who I am and if nobody likes it, oh well, your loss!

I wasn't implying you have anything to hide. I was agreeing with you. I have heard only good things about you:D :D :D

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

I wasn't implying you have anything to hide. I was agreeing with you. I have heard only good things about you:D :D :D

I appreciate that, SPYGIRL, and the few things mentioned about you were positive as well. I was a total loser this weekend!!!!!!!

In bed by midnight everynight!!!!

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Well, first of all I would like to say bumparella does someone have P.M.S….lol oh and just in case no one told you that For every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you can never get back, and also it is neither wealth nor splendor, but tranquility and occupation, which give happiness. Is someone still Jealous? Aaanyway, just to let you know that my car has OnStar so I don’t need a Navigation System, but THANKs for caring. Second of all I heard Denny SPIN much BETTER before! Lastly to Jarmenio it’s my opinion and I’m entitled to it.




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Originally posted by laurie619

Well, first of all I would like to say bumparella does someone have P.M.S….lol oh and just in case no one told you that For every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you can never get back, and also it is neither wealth nor splendor, but tranquility and occupation, which give happiness. Is someone still Jealous? Aaanyway, just to let you know that my car has OnStar so I don’t need a Navigation System, but that’s for caring. Second of all I heard Denny SPIN much BETTER before! Lastly to Jarmenio it’s my opinion and I’m entitled to it.




You were FUCKED UP.

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

I appreciate that, SPYGIRL, and the few things mentioned about you were positive as well. I was a total loser this weekend!!!!!!!

See, now I'm scared.......:eek: :eek: :eek:

It's good to be loser every once in a while, it just means for fun next time you are out and about:D

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