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Pic Of Juiceheads At Undie Party

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Originally posted by bdanto4

99% of built guys around here are juicing... I don't care if they are your best friends, brother, sister, cousin whatever.. they're not going to tell you..

When people ask me.. I say Cell Tech, bro..

Man..what the fuck comment is that...ok since I've put on 20 pounds in the last 3 months in the gym that makes me a juicehead!!! Please...Ive worked my ass off in the gym to do that and the only things I supplement w/ is creatine and protein. I'm in the gym 5 days a week and watching what I eat everyday and now that i finally put on weight all I get is these juice comments from people. Its pissing me the fuck off. If Iwanted to take the easy route like you people I wouldve but I opted not too. Its no win situation

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Originally posted by ezd2

Man..what the fuck comment is that...ok since I've put on 20 pounds in the last 3 months in the gym that makes me a juicehead!!! Please...Ive worked my ass off in the gym to do that and the only things I supplement w/ is creatine and protein. I'm in the gym 5 days a week and watching what I eat everyday and now that i finally put on weight all I get is these juice comments from people. Its pissing me the fuck off. If Iwanted to take the easy route like you people I wouldve but I opted not too. Its no win situation

Amen brotha! Props to people that work hard !

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Originally posted by ezd2

Man..what the fuck comment is that...ok since I've put on 20 pounds in the last 3 months in the gym that makes me a juicehead!!! Please...Ive worked my ass off in the gym to do that and the only things I supplement w/ is creatine and protein. I'm in the gym 5 days a week and watching what I eat everyday and now that i finally put on weight all I get is these juice comments from people. Its pissing me the fuck off. If Iwanted to take the easy route like you people I wouldve but I opted not too. Its no win situation

you are winning...so get a grip and chill the fuck out...who cares

about the comments...you feel good about yourself or not?

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Well like i said im the the 3rd from the left. I can't really get mad at anyone because I really used to talk down about steriod users. So I'm a hipocrite myself. Anyways, as for whomever said "better start doing more...blah blah blah....". No I'm quite content with where I stand right now (actually that picture SUCKS!) . I've been off for almost 3 and half months and have steadily maintained 185 pounds. I diet pretty hard and spend roughly 2 hours in the gym Mon-Fri. I've been working out in the gym for about 2 years and prior to steriods i was stuck at 148-150. This was my first cycle of my life and I'm more than open with my steriod usage and I'm not a continous user (juice -crash - juice - crash..etc), I did alot of reading and was patient in choosing which steriod(s)to do.

Hey to each their own right? I feel great and look -good-. I can't say much for the people around me, hey let them put all the shit in their bodies they feel, it's theirs. I have much better pictures of myself just recently in Mexico, if anyone really gives a crap about how bad -I- look, just ask and i'll send more.

Sorry if I came off like a @ick but I just tried to defend myself somewhat.....

p.s. Mariella next time you post a picture of me just let me know you're going to post one of the WORST pictures of my life!!!

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i feel awful right now

i shouldnt have posted that pic without asking permission from the people in it first

not only that but everyone in it is cool as hell and the bad remarks make me feel bad

however i think one who passes judgement on someone they dont know is wrong

i dont criticize peoples actions or looks cause i know i'm far from perfect

all i can say is i'm really sorry

i didnt mean any bad,, it was my day off of work and i wanted to share my pics i was bored,, well whats done is done

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yeah juice is bad but isn't e bad for u also and coke does the same thing to your dick ... people will not always make the right decisions but who is anyone to put down others

in our society it seems necesary to look good

and i think these guys look good

but is that all they have?

that is the question

does confidence = dick head

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damn bro.. Here you did some research and found a steroid where you keep all your gains.. unbelievable.. I don't care what your diet is and how many times you go to the gym.. the juice DOES NOT last.. maybe GH.. but thats about it.. There is no need to defend yourself because I'm not knocking you but.. You can't keep 100% of your gains..

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No I didn't mean to just single you out of the group, it was just a collaboration of stuff.. But yea I know, no steriod gain is 100% keepable but I just want don't want to fall into that never ending cycle. I figure if I diet hard, keep a good work out schedule and come off right using the right things (clomids, HCG, nolvadex..etc) I won't loose everything I gained. I know i'll most likely go back on sometime next year, but saying "go back on now" is what I was refering too originally...

Take care everyone....

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