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one night stands


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I think I may have left that back at college. I'm too old and responsible now, back then I didn't really consider the consequenses. It's just not safe for many reasons.

Whenever I think about one night stands I think about this student at Columbia. Maybe you heard the story. She had an online "relationship" with one of the TAs. They met at some restaurant and he asked her back to his apartment. Once there he tied her up and raped her repeatedly with various objects for many hours. And no this is not just some urban myth.

So the idea of going home with a stranger is unappealing to me. Of course, when you're in the middle of a situation you can do some pretty stupid things. So... never say never.

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Not a big fan of one night stands. for many reasons First one being Diseases you can contract. Second being I just feel really guilty the next day especially if its with a friend than you have that awkwardness for the next couple of days. For 3-4 hours of pleasure its not worth any of those... IMO.

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I once slept with a girl the first night I met her and I can tell you that it was the most irresponsible thing I ever did. I met this girl through some friends, and after a night of drinking, we went back to her friends house and had sex, twice. To make matters worse, I didn't even use a condom. We both woke up the next morning, found condoms in the room, and regretted what we did. I still kick myself in the ass for placing myself in such a risky position, but then there is a plus side to this story. It wound up not being a one night stand. The girl I had sex with that night was a virgin at the time, she got tested afterwards, and she is now my girlfriend.

I constantly remind myself that there was always that chance that I would've never seen her again, got her pregnant, contracted some disease, and ruined the rest of my life. It was stupid on both of our parts and we both realize it. Life is full of lessons. This was one of them.

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I used to be pretty crazy like that - if he was hot, why not, right?

WRONG. I met this beautiful guy one night at a party, fucked him without a condom (DUMB, DUMB, DUMB!!) and tested positive the next week for chlamydia. Thank GOD I caught it early and that it's one of those diseases that 100% curable, so I'm 100% clean now, but that was the worst mistake of my entire life. Sucking down two watermelon-sized pills three times a day is NOT fun.

That experience was enough to scare the shit out of me, and I stopped having one night stands after that. They're just not worth it for me, especially without protection (I still can't believe I did that, I was one naive 18 year old!). From that point on, I only slept with people who I cared about/was in a relationship with.

If you can handle it, have fun! Just BE SAFE, because you never know what the other person might have (and you DON'T want to learn the hard way!!!).

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I can't say that it would never happen , but it hasn't yet in my 25 years on this planet and I now have a boyfriend so it would be hard to say....

I guess it would depend............sometimes there is just a certain chemistry with you and another person that you just have to give into temptation...

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A few years back I was VERY, VERY close to having a one night stand w/ a guy. He was a friend of a friend and so on. Alcohol played a BIG role in lowering my inhibations along with certain issues going on in my life.

What held me back was that neither one of us had a condom or a place to get freaky.

THANK GOD I didn't go through with, just this week I saw the guy working in my building! While I was waiting for my bf to pick me up, I see him walking out of the building. My stomach turned into knots.

Even though we didn't do anything, I felt very embarrassed and HAPPY that I've matured from that period of my life.

Now I have to bump into him in the lobby, uugghh.

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When I was younger, I used to have em a lot. Now that I'm older, its not worth the headache. I don't need to put myself at risk of disease for a piece of ass.

Not to mention if she stays over, the akward feeling the next morning when she's laying next to you and you're wishing she wasn't and start thinking I would give anything to be able to click my heels 3x and turn her into a bacon egg and cheese on a roll ;)

Don't let me kid you, all the one nighters were fun but now a days its about quality, not quantity.

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Both happy and sad to say :confused: I have had only 1-One Night Stand... I have never felt the urge to Fuck Someone only Once.... I gues I'm too much into the ALL or NONE rule....


Give it to me ALL the time or NONE at all...

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but it's so nice to read the responses posted in this thread... ok... enough of this mommy crap :)

never had a one night stand, but came very close to it... met this beautiful guy, we were hanging out, and let's just say he was very persistant about having sex... thank god i had the sense to turn him down... like everyone has said, you just do not know what people have these days...

how easy it would be if things were like they are in those commercials where people wear signs for what std they have, or if everyone who had herpes wore a huge neon sign on their shirt saying it... :)

happy sexing everyone, but stay safe!!! :heart:

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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

I once slept with a girl the first night I met her and I can tell you that it was the most irresponsible thing I ever did. I met this girl through some friends, and after a night of drinking, we went back to her friends house and had sex, twice. To make matters worse, I didn't even use a condom. We both woke up the next morning, found condoms in the room, and regretted what we did. I still kick myself in the ass for placing myself in such a risky position, but then there is a plus side to this story. It wound up not being a one night stand. The girl I had sex with that night was a virgin at the time, she got tested afterwards, and she is now my girlfriend.

This virgin-babe gave it up to you just a few hours after she met you? Either you got some mad skills or she was mad ripe and really felt the itch that night... Just how old was this doll anyway?

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Originally posted by bionic

......start thinking I would give anything to be able to click my heels 3x and turn her into a bacon egg and cheese on a roll ;)

That's gotta be one of the best lines I read on the sex board in a while:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

It's nice to see that most of the guys who answered aren't a bunch of pigs....I know there are girls who are pigs too, it goes both ways. But a lot guys wanna see how many notches they can put in their bed post........

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

It's nice to see that most of the guys who answered aren't a bunch of pigs....I know there are girls who are pigs too, it goes both ways. But a lot guys wanna see how many notches they can put in their bed post........

i know!! i felt the same way... :D

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Originally posted by sosultan

This virgin-babe gave it up to you just a few hours after she met you? Either you got some mad skills or she was mad ripe and really felt the itch that night... Just how old was this doll anyway?

She's 23. I know what you're saying. There's no way in hell she was a virgin at that age and gave it up to me in one night. It had a lot to do with her past and how she felt comfortable with me the minute she met me.

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

If there is something going on( intense connection kinda deal), do what makes you happy. I think eveyone has done their fair share of things that would be better left in the closet........

I agree with you-yes it has its risks, but............

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