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Kill JasonTowns!!!!

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Next time you decide to post some racist propaganda, at least have the balls to stand on your own... don't use someone else's post as an excuse to spread that BULLSHIT. If you had actually read what Jasontowns had written... you would have seen that his original post was a JOKE from In Living Color.

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Originally posted by echo55


I don't know what you are thinking. You talk about killing

white people, then you claim to be a "mentor" for underprivileged kids in the ghetto. That explains a LOT. I don't think the congressman would even want to be associated with a person like you. The man you stood so hauntingly next to worked his

ass off to get where he was. There were not many social programs 'back in tha day'

Wanna know why you cant get the government to pay for

your "program"? Because the "whiteys" are already paying

for our education, our food and everything else we own. When

I say we, I am referring to 80% of the African Americans who

life off the government programs.

Want to know why they live on these programs? Because people like YOU suck at leading youth. Instead of telling them to work hard, you tell them how the 'whitey' is holding them down. You dont even give them a chance, you give them an excuse.

"I know you will never score as high as whitey on any

exams, but thats okay brother, cuz we got laws that will

make sure you exceed anyway."

Remember Jason, its not the fault of the children that they were reared in such a place. They, like many of us, were born into it. Luckily my mother didnt give me any excuses, she gave me a dream. And after graduating from Grad School (with honors), I attained that dream.

My advice to you is to drop the jokes about killing people and learn to become a servant so that when you get old, someone

will be there to serve you.


To: Echo55, check this jackass.

Hi, my name is Echo55. That's my screen name because the echo is what I hear in my empty head. I brag about graduating from grad school with honors because my mom gave me that dream, I am truly a dreamer. The dream was that I graduated from grad school, had a six figure salary, had a big dick and a real girlfriend. But that was all a dream mom put in my head. She would tell me these stories to calm me down after daddy brutalized my butt hole with a jagged broom stick. She said "Echo, echo, echo. Think of a place far from here. Imagine, son, that your penis and brain are very, very big. It's ok! Daddy loves you. Echo, echo, echo."

Dream all you want beotch. Nothing will hide the blood coming from your asshole.

We can settle this in a manly way. I'll bet, my dick is bigger than yours. Hahahah! STFU and Maintain!!

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils



Dumb ass, you're posting on the drama board. FYI, my big dick got me out of the ghetto because it was in your tight ass you jackleg!

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Originally posted by spragga25

80% of African Americans? Bullshit!

Back that shit up with some data before you place it in a public forum sparky!:mad:

Your right, I dont have exact numbers. I suppose I could search through statistical data, but its really pointless. Drive through the projects, look at the social programs and prisons. The facts speak for themselves.

You act as if I am talking down to my own race, which is not the case at all. I am saying quit the crying and get an education. And to be honest, spragga25, you might just be doing that. Im not putting you or anyone else down, I just think we need to quit talking about the system and start working on building a new one, one that works.

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Originally posted by tastyt

Next time you decide to post some racist propaganda, at least have the balls to stand on your own... don't use someone else's post as an excuse to spread that BULLSHIT. If you had actually read what Jasontowns had written... you would have seen that his original post was a JOKE from In Living Color.

Racist propaganda? You have proven my point. You are so use to calling people racist that you are even calling me, and African American, racist. I do have the balls to stand on my own, I dont know what you are referring to. But I can tell you tastyt, that I am FAR from racist. I dont hate the hispanic, white man, or anyone else for that matter.

I did go back and read Jason's original post, and although you find it funny, many do not (including me). Just like I wouldnt appreciate someone talking about the klan, joke or not. But I realize that this is the 'drama' area, so people can post what they wish, I just wanted to put in my 2 cents. :)

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Originally posted by jasontowns

To: Echo55, check this jackass.

Hi, my name is Echo55. That's my screen name because the echo is what I hear in my empty head. I brag about graduating from grad school with honors because my mom gave me that dream, I am truly a dreamer. The dream was that I graduated from grad school, had a six figure salary, had a big dick and a real girlfriend. But that was all a dream mom put in my head. She would tell me these stories to calm me down after daddy brutalized my butt hole with a jagged broom stick. She said "Echo, echo, echo. Think of a place far from here. Imagine, son, that your penis and brain are very, very big. It's ok! Daddy loves you. Echo, echo, echo."

Dream all you want beotch. Nothing will hide the blood coming from your asshole.

We can settle this in a manly way. I'll bet, my dick is bigger than yours. Hahahah! STFU and Maintain!!

I will keep you in my prayers

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Originally posted by echo55

Your right, I dont have exact numbers. I suppose I could search through statistical data, but its really pointless. Drive through the projects, look at the social programs and prisons. The facts speak for themselves.

You act as if I am talking down to my own race, which is not the case at all. I am saying quit the crying and get an education. And to be honest, spragga25, you might just be doing that. Im not putting you or anyone else down, I just think we need to quit talking about the system and start working on building a new one, one that works.

Looking through data is not pointless at all. If you search through data, one can find where the problems lie. I jumped down your throat (sorry :) ) but I hear so much about generalization about our race, and nobody does a damn thing about it. I was born in Harlem, but my parents worked their asses of to get me out and give me a chance to succeed. Unfortunately that is EXACTLY where the problem lies. I shouldn't have to leave Harlem to have a better life, but that's the way it is. A better education system is needed there, as well as other parts of the city and country for everything to turn out the way it should.

I am grateful to my parents for giving me a chance to obtain a good education. It took lots of hard work, and some luck. It's a damn shame that more youths don't have the opportunity, and that's where reform should begin.

Sorry to ponificate...but that lit a fire under my ass....sorry!

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Originally posted by spragga25

Looking through data is not pointless at all. If you search through data, one can find where the problems lie. I jumped down your throat (sorry :) ) but I hear so much about generalization about our race, and nobody does a damn thing about it. I was born in Harlem, but my parents worked their asses of to get me out and give me a chance to succeed. Unfortunately that is EXACTLY where the problem lies. I shouldn't have to leave Harlem to have a better life, but that's the way it is. A better education system is needed there, as well as other parts of the city and country for everything to turn out the way it should.

I am grateful to my parents for giving me a chance to obtain a good education. It took lots of hard work, and some luck. It's a damn shame that more youths don't have the opportunity, and that's where reform should begin.

Sorry to ponificate...but that lit a fire under my ass....sorry!


Thanks for the post. I am very thankful (as I know you are)

for parents that gave their sweat and tears so that I could have a better life. I can remember walking to school and having people look at me as if I was trash. I didnt look all that great, didnt have ANYTHING cool, but I cherished everything that my parents provided because I saw how HARD they worked to give me the little that I had.

Somehow that helped build character, because my goal in life was to give back to them the way they gave to me. But ya know, I have learned that all the money in the world will never be able to give the love that they gave to me. My mother (now 76 years old) to this day would give me her last dime without a question asked. Its not about 'bling bling' its about love, pure and simple.

Your exactly right, you shouldnt have to leave you home to get a

better life. We need to re-educate ourselves, which goes far deeper than college. We need to reach out to the youth, not to give them an excuse, but to give them love and the ability to love others. When a child feels that someone loves them and believes in them, their possibilities are endless. My friends growing up were just as smart (if not smarter) than I was.

The difference was that I had a family to nurture and look after me. Many kids dont. This is where I believe education should start. I cant help their parents, and I cant change the way society looks upon them, but I can let them know that I, if no one else, believe in them.

I have my roots and that will always be my home, regardless of where my head may rest. I dont dislike ANY of my people, I just hope they find the kindness and acceptance that many of them are so desperately seeking.


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Originally posted by echo55

Racist propaganda? You have proven my point. You are so use to calling people racist that you are even calling me, and African American, racist. I do have the balls to stand on my own, I dont know what you are referring to. But I can tell you tastyt, that I am FAR from racist. I dont hate the hispanic, white man, or anyone else for that matter.

I did go back and read Jason's original post, and although you find it funny, many do not (including me). Just like I wouldnt appreciate someone talking about the klan, joke or not. But I realize that this is the 'drama' area, so people can post what they wish, I just wanted to put in my 2 cents. :)

First off, JUST BECAUSE you are black does not necessarily mean you are not a racist, even against other blacks. There are plenty of people who loathe themselves because they have internalized society's beliefs. I'm not saying you're one of these people, but there are plenty out there.

Second, I didn't say I thought his first post was funny. I just said it was meant as a joke. If I had realized what he was referring to at first I'm sure I would have laughed. In fact I'm pretty sure everyone else would have been amused if they had realized what it was about. Come on, Homey the Clown is hysterical!

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Why don't we shut the fuck up?? If you're so concerned with what we say, I suggest you go to Borders or Barnes and Noble. Pick up a book in one of your interests, like "Dummies guide to Prostitution." It's called reading, left to right. Try it sometime. You might learn something. Otherwise, take the cock outta your mouth and zip it before I slap you with 10" of limp dick!!


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Originally posted by jasontowns

Why don't we shut the fuck up?? If you're so concerned with what we say, I suggest you go to Borders or Barnes and Noble. Pick up a book in one of your interests, like "Dummies guide to Prostitution." It's called reading, left to right. Try it sometime. You might learn something. Otherwise, take the cock outta your mouth and zip it before I slap you with 10" of limp dick!!


"You the fuck are you? "

Ok while I'm at borders I'll pick up "The Niggers guide to writing English"

By the way, I wrote "Dummies Guide to Prostitution". It was intended for your mother.

When she told me she was pregnant..i chased her into the belt parkway and watched her get hit by a car....but she didn't lose the baby! FUCK!

Oh well...there's always drive by shottings.

-Ms. Escobar


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Originally posted by jasontowns

Listen whore, regardless of the color of my skin, one thing is certain.

My dick is bigger than YOURS!!


I'll also pick up "The Nigger's Guide to Male and Female anatomy"

Just because your mom was really a transvestite doesn't mean ALL women have dicks!

Silly Rabbit! Crack is for Niggers!!

-Ms. Escobar

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That's where I was. I just came back from the sloppiest three-some with me, Iliana and Iliana's sister. We were in this position called the rubix cube. It's named that way because I hold my ready to explode cock exactly three cubits from Iliana's eye while her sister is giving her a blow job. Ohh, it got very ugly especially after I stuffed my Nokia cell phone in her 2 inch, fishy bung hole.

I tell ya boys, Iliana is hung like a horse.

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Originally posted by jasontowns

That's where I was. I just came back from the sloppiest three-some with me, Iliana and Iliana's sister. We were in this position called the rubix cube. It's named that way because I hold my ready to explode cock exactly three cubits from Iliana's eye while her sister is giving her a blow job. Ohh, it got very ugly especially after I stuffed my Nokia cell phone in her 2 inch, fishy bung hole.

I tell ya boys, Iliana is hung like a horse.

I see you've been watching your dad's porn tapes that he made back in the day with your mom(trannie in training) and sister all cumming on each other's faces. I tell ya, a family that fucks together stays together.

By the way, why you sweating my dildo for? I smell a closet homo! You're damn right my dildo is bigger than your cock. Why don't you go teach that to your after school kids. Maybe they'll stop "looking up" to you and realize what a fucked up smalled dick cunt you really are. They'll probably realize that you forcing them to go down on you is not part of the learning process.

Maybe I should print this thread out and send it to them..




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