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Do you always use protection? (be honest!)


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When I was younger, I ALWAYS insisted my man wear a condom. No exceptions. If he didn't wear one, I wouldn't sleep with him. They were all cool with it, no problems.

I met my current boyfriend 2 years ago, and the first time we slept together (2 months after we met, keep in mind), he REFUSED to use a condom. He said that ever since he fucked without one, he'd never go back to using one. He also said that he's used the pull-out method for years, and that it's pretty much 100% effective.

I know I was dumb for doing it with him back then (he really didn't know me, I didn't really know him - neither of us knew anything about the other person's sexual history). But, almost two years later, we're still together and testing STD-free regularly.

I was on the Pill for awhile, but stopped because I gained too much weight. So now we're JUST using the pull-out method, and he has really good control, so we've never had an accident.

I was just wondering if this kind of behavior is normal? For those of you who are in a couple or not, do you always use protection? If so, what kind(s)?

I have to admit, sometimes I'm still a little worried I'll get pregnant or that he's fucking around behind my back (I'm still in school, he's working and goes to the bar every night with his buddies until 1AM, which kinda upsets me :( ). But, he says to love and trust him, so I do. But if any of you have any suggestions for non-obtrusive birth control (for me, because he refuses to do anything), I'm all ears.

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What pill were you on? Maybe a different brand would have been better for you?

I certainly haven't been the best about protection, especially in college. We're all human and make stupid mistakes. I consider myself fortunate that I'm clean and never became pregnant. But I'm now on the pill. And condoms are a must (well, that is if I'm ever with anyone besides my current bf). There's something about working full time and having to pay your own way that makes you consider your actions and possible consequences more thoroughly.

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I was on ortho tri cyclen. That DEFINITELY didn't work for me, I gained 15 pounds and broke out so bad my face looked like a pizza! I guess it clears up skin for 9/10 girls, but it screws up the skin of that last 1/10!! Maybe I need something with a lower, constant dose. What would you recommend?

I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to be more careful. I'm especially concerned about possibly geting pregnant or getting an STD. I trust my boy, but he's in an environment which could very easily lead him to temptation. While I'm hitting the books in the library on a Wednesday night, he's going to the bar with his single buddies, and he has his own apartment now, too.

I think it'd really insult/offend him if I asked him to start using condoms now (especially since we haven't for 2 years, you know?). I just want to protect myself though, because I don't want to risk screwing up the rest of my life.

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That's the pill I'm on. I don't know the brand names of any low dose pills. I would just suggest talking to a doctor about it.

As for the condom situation. Yeah, that's a bind. Cause I can also see your guy flipping it around on you- "why do you want to use them, have *you* been doing something behind my back?" But if you have any misgivings it's REALLY important that you protect yourself somehow. And I know it's easier said than done. You DEFINITELY need some form of birth control, at least. Maybe you could try the female condom?

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Originally posted by linabina

isnt there a shot u can get every few months that works as birth control? i think its called DEPO?

Yeah, but chances are pretty good that if she gained a lot of weight on the pill she'll gain even more on the shot.

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Well I sure cannot really help you with the pill, but I want to commenton the condom topic as I have experienced something like that just 2 weeks ago. My girlfriend , who I have been with for the lat 2 years went to London as an au pair. She went off the pill because she thought it might be good, as she has been taking it since she was 14. She came back for 10 days 3 weeks after she had been off the pill because the family she stayed with went on holidays. So we had to use condoms. It was a really bad turn off, because I was so used to sleeping with her without protection that after 3 days everytime she went for the condom my dick shrank as it was kinna scared of the condom. As soon as she would put it away my dick was up again. Well I don't want to scare you but, beware that it might turn him off really bad as he is used to sleep with you without. What helped me was when she put it on with her mouth. Well at least you should try to give him an extra turn if you think something like that is about to happen.

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I have only slept with one guy, and when we first started sleeping together I never made him wear a condom. Yes, I know how stupid that is. The two of us are still together and have become a bit more responsible. Even though I hate condoms. Not to mention we had a horrible time finding one's that were large enough to fit him. He was always so uncomfortable until trojan just came out with those new xxlarge ones. I think it was trojan. I have too many problems with hormonal types of BC because it causes all sorts of probs for me. So we use condoms, always! He is in his second year of med school and I am in college and the last thing I want is a bunch of little poopy diaper kiddies running around. Yuck! I'm not a big fan of those little monsters.

If I ever hooked up with anyone else I would definantly make them wrap that shit up. I'm not as shy I as I used to be and I think that played a big part in my decision making in the begining years of my relationship with my BF.

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Well its never a 100% method....... u know i did it all the time and the pull out method is great but u never know about the pre cum....understand me....u're boy frind is just a penis....... He won't go down on you and he's even not using a condom ........ shows how much he cares.... shit i'll be safe and go down on you for as long as u want.... shit!!! but for real just be careful..... i think you should just find another...... yeah why can't he love adn trust you then ... shit...i'm a guy and i'm sorry he ain't a fucking man...he's a pussy........... i'm sure there are many guys out there for you.... i'm one of them... i'll treat you good babe... okay okay enough of my crap...... be careful cause when that day come when u do get pregnant... i'm pretty sure he won't live up to his responsibilties and you're going to have to fend for yourself.... be cool sweety:)

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If I were a girl and some guy refused to wear a condom, I'd tell him to BEAT IT! - pysically and literally.

I hate wearing them. I hate stopping to put them on. I hate everything about them except what they prevent, and thats the bottom line!!

I definately haven't worn them all the time as stupid is that is.

As far as the old pull out method goes, I've been there, done that as have a lot of people.

Two word to remember, "sneaky pete" you know, pre jizz. I know a girl who was really tight and couldn't have sex for the longest time. One of the first time's she tried with her boyfriend (my friend) he didn't wear a condom, couldn't even get it all the way in yet alone finish, and BAM - she got pregnant. It only takes one of those little suckers to do the trick.

I had dated a girl seriously where b/f we had sex she wanted me to get tested. I had wanted to anyway(just for peace of mind), and I really like her so I didn't mind.

Let me tell you something, there is nothing more stomach turning than waiting for the doctor to call you in to read you the results of an AIDS test. Thats when you really realize how stupid you've been, and you'll swear you'll never be careless again.

Ever see the move Kids???

By the way, the results were all negative :D

Anybody wanna bang? ;)

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Thanks for all your support and advice, everyone.

isnt there a shot u can get every few months that works as birth control? i think its called DEPO?

I've heard horror stories about DEPO. It'd probably have the same effect as the pills - I'd expect to gain 10-15 pounds, break out again, and go into depression with a lower sex drive. Not fun, I think I'll look for other options!

It was a really bad turn off, because I was so used to sleeping with her without protection that after 3 days everytime she went for the condom my dick shrank as it was kinna scared of the condom. As soon as she would put it away my dick was up again. Well I don't want to scare you but, beware that it might turn him off really bad as he is used to sleep with you without. What helped me was when she put it on with her mouth.

Yeah, if we do start using condoms it's going to SUCK for him. He hasn't used a condom since he was 16!! His dick will probably be scared of it too. :worry2: Did you ever get used to it? If so, how long did it take? Having her put it on with her mouth is a good idea, maybe I'll practice beforehand with a dildo or something so it won't be too awkward. :o

... i'll treat you good babe... okay okay enough of my crap...... be careful cause when that day come when u do get pregnant... i'm pretty sure he won't live up to his responsibilties and you're going to have to fend for yourself.... be cool sweety

Aw, thanks bigwill. You're such a sweetie! I'll try and get my boyfriend to be less of a dick and more of a man. I'll see him for the first time in 2 months this Monday, and will let all of you know how everything goes sometime next week!

Two word to remember, "sneaky pete" you know, pre jizz.

Yeah, I definitely worry about that. Does it keep oozing out the entire time you have sex, or just that little bit at the beginning? Because I try to avoid it by sucking it a lot in the beginning, starting out with oral sex on him. That way, when I've licked all of the precum away, we can start making like bunny rabits. :D

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Originally posted by linabina

isnt there a shot u can get every few months that works as birth control? i think its called DEPO?

I use the Depo-Provera shot. I didn't gain any weight or no funky side effects. It's nice cuz you'll only got get a shot every 3 months. 99.7 % effective, just a little above the pill. That's just me though. I'd talk to the doctor.

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

I use the Depo-Provera shot. I didn't gain any weight or no funky side effects. It's nice cuz you'll only got get a shot every 3 months. 99.7 % effective, just a little above the pill. That's just me though. I'd talk to the doctor.

Wow you are the only person I have heard of with NO side effects...

:confused: Not even an increased apetite for SEX, :confused: No increased breast size. :confused: WOW ! You must be young,.....it seems the older you are the more side effects take place

Oh and to answer the post....

Better SAFE the DEAD is my theory... :tongue: I NEVER have sex un-protected with ANYONE unless we were togther past the 90 day trial...


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Originally posted by b-side

Wow you are the only person I have heard of with NO side effects...

:confused: Not even an increased apetite for SEX, :confused: No increased breast size. :confused: WOW ! You must be young,.....it seems the older you are the more side effects take place


I'm not sure if this was I side effect or not, but I do work out a lot more, which produces endrophins, which raise your nautral energy level as well as your sex level. I've been on it for 3 1/2 years. I've weighed the same thing give or take a pound or two since I was 19 (114-118). I think it just works differently on different people.

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Guest bellaragazza

yeah i've always used protection, never tried the whole raw sex thing.. too many people I know have contracted shit from a one nighter.. so I'm scared :rolleyes:

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