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Weekend Reviews???

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How was everyone's weekend??? I didn't make it out on Friday night, Saturday I got an early start and went to Djais around 7:30 for Happy Hour, place was mobbed when I got there then kind of cleared out by 9:00. Then headed over to Tempts, another Crazy Night!!! Music was good all night, Didn't see to many of you from the board, Temptkid where were you??? Well guys 2 more weeks :( Let's make the best of it!!!

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XS on saturday night.......music was good from what i remember...after that had a VERY long after hours which lead to no sleep and going to surf club then tempts, got home at 3am last night.........im out of my mind right now but the summer is almost over so it had to be done

one more weekend of the shore (thank god, im getting sick of it all) then its off to vegas for labor day :D

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Originally posted by jarmenio Well guys 2 more weeks :( Let's make the best of it!!!

Here's my 2 cents....I started my weekend Thursday night. I went to Karma, a mad tiny little hole in the wall bar. It was interesting, to say the least. Friday night I hit XS for one of my girl's birthdays. We got there around 11:30, dead, dead, dead.... Left, and came back around 12:30. It was starting to fill up. The crowd was up beat and in a party mood. Manny was terrific!!! The best that I have heard in a long while(IMO) Saturday I was all set to hit Temps, but I got food posioning, so it just wasn't gonna happen.........

Joel- We had a great time, Thank-You, Thank-You, Thank-You:D

Ceeotter- Thanks for the inside scoop, I need to hear the rest ;)

CosmicGate- I'm waiting patiently, stuff happens.......:confused:

007Pourer- Were you trying to run us over???:tongue:

Quote of the night-"We can't all be as old as dirt....Can we?"

Ya Jerk, you are the best, sometimes(most)....Thank-You:spin2:

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My weekend was good. We hit XS on Friday after a LENGTHY predrink...had fun at XS but dont remember much of it-only that those guys me and Laurensomers met WERE cute (I mean........)

Had a good time at Tempts as well...thought the music was great but the crowd a little sketchy.

Went to Surf Club last night and had a blast as well. Didnt make it to Tempts though cause i had to work early:(

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Friday night just couldnt make it out.. wanted to rested up for a crazy saturday, started at D'Jais then made my way to temps.. Muisc was great and so were the peeps i was with.. good to see so old friends from H.S but coulda done with out some of the shady people in the crowd. Anyways thanx JArmenio for a great night cant wait to do it again

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had fun at XS but dont remember much of it-only that those guys me and Laurensomers met WERE cute (I mean........)

Hey Car-

I mean...if you think they were cute!!!!!! Too bad they were BUSTED!!!!!!! heheheheh!!!

XS is pretty much a drunk/mangled haze...I know I had a great time though, just cant really account for my whereabouts for most of the night:confused:

Saturday at Temps was fun, the music was really good, but I thought the crowd was a little wierd...overall a good time though

Last night went to the surf Club...or so I'm told:confused: :confused: !!!!!! I was completely wasted, probably has something to do with the 15 or so shots of SoCo and lime at pregame. From what I do remember, I had a great time, never made it to Tempts though:(

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Originally posted by lesdig

Hey Car-

I mean...if you think they were cute!!!!!! Too bad they were BUSTED!!!!!!! heheheheh!!!

XS is pretty much a drunk/mangled haze...I know I had a great time though, just cant really account for my whereabouts for most of the night:confused:

As long as SOMEBODY knows where you were...most of the time;)

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Originally posted by lesdig

Hey Car-

I mean...if you think they were cute!!!!!! Too bad they were BUSTED!!!!!!! heheheheh!!!

Yea, because YOU were in the shape to form that opinion. HEY, you didnt even see them-where did you go?????hmmmmmmm....heheheheehehehehehehee.

I hate short guys (short guys NEED not get offended Im just kidding!)

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Originally posted by lesdig

Last night went to the surf Club...or so I'm told:confused: :confused: !!!!!! I was completely wasted, probably has something to do with the 15 or so shots of SoCo and lime at pregame. From what I do remember, I had a great time, never made it to Tempts though:(

Oh yeah, and by the way, hands down the DRUNKEST 2 people at Surf Club!

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