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Who's going away to college this week, or next week and where you going?

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Hey RU frosh, have fun at orientation, ha ha. It was a good experience, but there's a lot of dumb stuff they make you do, like wake up at 730 in the morning and make you go to some dumb workshops. Other than that, its a fun weekend and at the end of the year you're gonna think back and try to remember the first time you saw this person or met someone who eventually became your good friend at orientation. Ah...to be a freshman again...

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Originally posted by breakeraver

Hey RU frosh, have fun at orientation, ha ha. It was a good experience, but there's a lot of dumb stuff they make you do, like wake up at 730 in the morning and make you go to some dumb workshops. Other than that, its a fun weekend and at the end of the year you're gonna think back and try to remember the first time you saw this person or met someone who eventually became your good friend at orientation. Ah...to be a freshman again...

730 you kidding. I already have plans for Sat and Sun the orientation weekend... Car show and clubbing so no way in hell am I going to wake up at 730. Well I could just not go to sleep..I can make it through the day like that.

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Originally posted by teklord310

I'm moving into Easton Ave. apts on the 26th.

u mean easton north apts in franklin township? those aren't too bad, do you know any pdpsi brothers. a couple of them live there.

total eclipse: u mean the rockland show on the first? see you there :)

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i lived in the easton ave apartments for 2 years... definitely the best place to live in all of rutgers. you get all the hook-ups: good location, air conditioning, bathroom, security guard, ethernet. no preceptors to bug you about smoking too much herb in your suite. also there are always cool parties going on there too, even though you have to register them. if you are having a big party, the trick is to get all your friends who live there to sign in your guests for you, and make friends with the student security ppl so they don't hassle you as much. haha i even took one security girl out to the tunnel :P

damn the easton ave apartments are the one thing i miss about rutgers...


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Originally posted by liteflyr

:sigh: yes one thing that makes me wish i chose rutgers...

i had the rutgers/nyu descision back in the day... my two regrets in life are:

(1) stopping piano lessons when i went to college

(2) not going to nyu

trust me, sister, you made the right choice. what are you studying?


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Originally posted by liteflyr

u mean easton north apts in franklin township? those aren't too bad, do you know any pdpsi brothers. a couple of them live there.

total eclipse: u mean the rockland show on the first? see you there :)

University Center at Easton Ave. Located at the corner of Somerset and Easton ave. Can't miss it, in the middle of it all, and a block away from the train station. Thanks for the tips on parties and all, i'm sure we'll be making use of them. Sucks because we have to sign ALL our guests in, what a pain... my only regret will be taking the bus to Busch 2 or 3 times a week at 8 am because all of my classes are still no Busch. Yuck!

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Originally posted by dialectics

i had the rutgers/nyu descision back in the day... my two regrets in life are:

(1) stopping piano lessons when i went to college

(2) not going to nyu

trust me, sister, you made the right choice. what are you studying?


interesting i stopped piano too... i'm going to stern studying business, hopefully majoring in international business and marketing for music entertainment.

and what qualifies as a party in the easton ave apts anyway? my friend has em all the time and they have a whole bunch of shit going on over there. only time the cop came over was to tell us to turn down the music.

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Originally posted by liteflyr

interesting i stopped piano too... i'm going to stern studying business, hopefully majoring in international business and marketing for music entertainment.

I just picked up the keyboard again, going to try my hand at producing some trance. Haha! Maybe you'll be marketing my music :P

Good luck @ stern!!!!!

and what qualifies as a party in the easton ave apts anyway? my friend has em all the time and they have a whole bunch of shit going on over there. only time the cop came over was to tell us to turn down the music.

the definition of a "party" is pretty fuzzy, though usually if you have more then 15 ppl over it helps to warn them. the fire code says you can't have more then 20 or 35 (i forget which) people there, but one time we had 80-85. It was pretty sick.

I miss that place - it had these long mirrors so me + my roomate used to crack out glowsticks and battle. One year my gf and my roomate's gf were both living with us, and we also had a giant pile of dirty laundry which counted as the fifth roomate. damn i miss her (the laundry i mean). I was the only one of my friends who wasn't 21 - every freakin night they wanted to go to the melody bar but i couldn't go, so everyone ended up @ my house.... that is except for when i was with my ex, who wouldn't let me hang out with anyone. then there was the time our apartment-mate took down my Che poster, so me and my roomate Orlando (who converted me to the cause in the first place) removed all the furniture in the apartment and painted "Viva Che" all over the place in liquid tide... and let the blacklights rip :P

i have no idea how i ended up making it through 5 years of engineering school. I worked hard and got good grades and stuff... I just have no idea when :P

Damn, i miss college. I've had enough of this grad school crap.


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Going back to California the 5th of September and I'm starting school again around the 9th or so.I can't fucking wait because even though I love NYC to death I am sick to death of being here and being with my family because they all have their own lives and rules and they try to stick it on me and I can't stand that,so I can't wait to see my friends again and smoke a joint and have a routine again. Can't wait!

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