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What else am I gonna talk about besides MY GREATNESS

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Originally posted by shlonger

Drama, you have just revealed yourself. I know who you are, and you definitely don't remember who I am because I met you briefly on the night of your husband's bachelor party, although its hard to believe that one would forget such a beautiful face. If it weren't for my superior memory, and my incomparable intelligence, I would have been baffled as to who you are. Obviously you know cyphead, and for that reason as well as the fact that you are a nice girl (if I am correct about who you are), I will refrain from getting on your bad side. I wish you and your hubby the best. At the same time, I don't think you should be confrontational with anyone in the posse, and I hope that they arent with you. Obviously Monsterguido didnt know who you were, and I'm sure he wouldnt have said anything mean if he did, but you did take a shot at all of us by saying we had too much time. Obviously we don't, since we have less posts than any member of this forum. I guarantee you have more than any of us. Like he said, we are all established professionals: Silverback will be a surgeon in a few years, I'm a trader, though i was on my way to med school until wall street came calling, Grope is an investment banker, a number of us are in sales. We all graduated college with exceptional GPA's and are all well-spoken and well-educated. Fuse those factors with our physical attributes and you can see why we are not conceited, rather, we are convinced.

Revealed myself - how? You could not be more wrong about who I am. I am not married - not even close. I am living with my boyfriend who happens to work out at the same gym as Cyphead. You did get one thing right - I am a nice girl.............when I want to be. To be honest with you, I only know who you are by name and do not know enough about you to judge, but I am just bored as shit and felt like starting trouble - you know the whole intent of your messages. It is all in good fun....

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Originally posted by shlonger

I will prove the phenomena called the menstrual cycle; Namely, why PUSSIES BLEED. I am a walking masterpiece, and you are walking feces. I am the Mona Lisa, and you are Kindergarten fingerpaint. I am Filet Mignon, and you are a white castle. You think you are a Big Mac, but you are really A small fry.


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Hey there is nothing wrong with being confident, my girl is going to med school and I have been thinking about it as well, but I have a gripe regarding your comment about your friend being a surgeon soon. If he is in his 3rd year at med school, that means he has one more year of med school remaining minimum, if not more considering it usually takes longer, second when someone comes out of med school they have at least 3 to 10 years worth of residency because med school is not enough for him to become a surgeon as you had commented, the only thing he can become after med school is a GP, and that is all. If he wants to keep going only then can he have a more narrow discipline in the field of medicine. In addition, what bank do you work as a trader considering the market is shit, do you do personal asset management trading or corporate? I am not questioning what you do because for all i know you can be doing this profession, but I just find it easy for people to say that they work the most lucrative jobs since thats what you had pointed out for all your friends. In addition, since I know some about modeling through friends and also I, what agency are you with to do sports modeling, the only I know of in the city is the Lyons group and they are not doing well financially, in addition since modeling is usually a full time job, I find it kind of surprising that they are willing to work around your schedule since most work is done during the week, and since you are working it would be very difficult. If all your stuff is true, congrats and continued success, because it is very cool, and I am sure people are envious of it..

Late to all

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I am not going to get into a back and forth with anyone (this is my last remark), but there just seemed to be a lot of things noted that did not coincide with what the truth can and should be.

A couple other notes - a few big vocabulary words were misplaced, i am assuming the thesaurus was not used properly. In addition, Wall Street does not come calling unless you received some sort of education in an area of Finance/Economics (considering the fact that people with MBA's from NYU and other top schools have no jobs in these down economic times, mainly due do to financial houses, i.e. Merrill Lynch/ JP Morgan/ MSDW, having an underlying interest in creating an IPO for all the dot coms and other e-commerce companies which had no value and/or potential to generate any revenues, new SEC act placed to put constraints on these kinds of actions) you will only be making cold calls during dinner hour to offer financial help, that is the only possible option if you have not received a formal education in the field. Going back to what I was stating, the schooling recommended for any business degree is at least two to three years, and if you were going to go to med school as you had mentioned then that would have been two to three more years of science courses (Chem, Bio, Physics and other lab courses) since med school does not accept anyone without these prereq's, plus the general requirements needed which would make for at least 7 years worth of undergrad (which would make you around 30) since I am assuming you have not received a Master's.

Finally, if you were making the cash that these jobs represent, in all likelihood you would be getting a summer home in the Hampton's, instead of Belmar (no knock on Belmar because my friends rent a house there in the summer and it is a good time, except the girls there are just plain busted as sin, you get a good look at them on the beach and you really see what they look like, not a pretty sight, i would say that it would take me a 12 pack to get near any of those things).. An added fact regarding the pricing for the two, a trader friend that I know rents a house in the Hampton's for 75G for the summer, Belmar rental is in the vicinity of what 3-5G.

Anyway, your comments were funny and good to analyze considering all the fallacies in your comments, but hey no knock to you or your buds, you do what you got to do, and if those lines work on girls, all the power to you (you have to find a way somehow, BTW - don't forget the W rule, just in case you and your buds get drunk, if her ass is bigger than a W, pass it on)....I guess you write this shit to get a rise out of everyone and it worked, LOL

Have fun at DJay's, I prefer Bar A though, more room to move

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