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thank goodness for Dr. Larry!!!! (911 SUX)

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stacychase & i had a great time in the city today shopping & eating & drinking in the city. we really wore ourselves out and couldn't wait to get home to hit the bed. i got home and called her house to let her know i was in safely, and she wasn't home yet. moments later the phone rings and it's her, she has a FLAT TIRE!!!! she called 911 and they told her to start walking to the toll booth!!! three miles away!! assholes!

so she calls her friend Larry, and he's on a date, but he ditches his date and comes to stacychase's rescue. who says chivalry is dead!!!

thanks Larry for taking care of stacychase!!!

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restored in people and a friendship i thought was over. i called him and he came and got me... what a great guy. :) now he also has a cosco card and on thursday morning he is taking me to cosco to get new tires. i feel like i am a blessed women this morning. i hung out with my best friend all weekend and i had a blast and when i was in need an old friend stepped up to the plate and helped me out..... great friends are hard to find.

this weekend certainly restored my faith in people! i hope that everyone here had a great weekend.

oh and it was great to see mugz and lavendar on saturday...

and i am glad that barvybe is home... :)

on a side note when i spoke with my mom last nite and began to tell her the story she interrupted me and asked if i got a DWI???? WTF thanks mom....

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