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Originally posted by tepfenhardth

I am not advocating any of Hitler's ideas or pro any religion, but if we go back to World War I and II, we would realize that Hitler would have never come to power, if it was not for the UK, France, and the US, requiring Germany to repay war debts, which made it impossible for them to revice their economy, hence a psycho comes out of this mayhem with ideas to recreate the country, and only later on during WAR TIME did his maniacal ideas get full blown and at that time no one would question his authority because they would have been assasinated, similar to Lenin in Russia

hey, cause and effect is pretty tough to figure out. that was one cause (war debts), but of course you could just say that if WWI hadn't happened, then....

anyway, we can look at McCarthyism here in the US for scapegoating to.

Oh yeah, about us all going to hell, i don't believe in it so i refuse :)

And someone talked about religious followers manipulating the teaching of their religions, etc. Well, I think that's sort of true, but I think a bigger problem is that organized religion doesn't really teach people to think for themselves and question stuff. Now, i know that's a generalization, but you can't refute that the Catholic church and other highly organized powerful religious organizations encourage people to take things on faith, to trush their priests (or whomever) as understanding things better and being closer to the truth, etc. And all this about things that fly in the face of science that's hard to refute or the fact the 4billion people are thinking differently, and they can't all be wrong, can they?

BTW, I'm jewish. Totally not religious at all. More like an agnostic skeptic or something. I think being jewish is more cultural than religious for a lot of people anyway. My point is that every religion has crazy people - so does any movement or organization if your extreme in your beliefs or views. One thing that i did like about jewish teachings is that they are based on questioning. Abraham questions God. Rabbi's tell us to question and challenge things until we are satisfied that the answers we get are true and make sense. Not saying that they're perfect in any way, but if religions taught people to question and learn instead of preaching "truth" a lot of the intolerance would disappear i think.

Its really interesting if you study religions - some of the best literature in the world are the holy books of one religion or another - the book of mormon, old testament, koran, book of shiva (i think that's it), prose and poetic edda, etc. if you read them you start to realize (i think) that organized religion is largely a way for people to exert power and control over others....

again - agnostic skeptic :)

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Originally posted by shugabooga

gothzane once again you've impressed me with your comments. you make a lot of sense.

I believe that was Heretic darlin not I.

Although we share the same concepts, Ive never made

any sense whatsoever.



" Infinity is all for me."

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Originally posted by snapper

Killing Jews was a scapegoat for Hitler who used marxist ideas to fabricate a nationwide enemy and to empower himself by exploiting his countrymen's ignorance.

Well spok....written.


warning...a racist joke..do not read if your jewish! lol

Q: "How do you fit 60 jews into a car?"

A: Two in the front, three in the back,

and the rest in the ash tray.

ps. I love jewish....ahh...no actually I hate everyone equally.

but besides the point is that my accoutant is jewish

and i always remeber to give him a christmas present. :laugh:

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yo heretic900, i totally agree with u about the religion being more evil than good. sorry bout the job, im unemployed for a month now, tryin to get my ass on the payroll. anyway, im jewish, but i agree that religion is a definite stumbling block for society. since the age of renaissance, science has conquered religion in all aspects except for the underlying human need of belief in spirits, which dates back thousands of years. in todays society, religion's core goals are power collectives, funds and ideology proliferation. blood in the middle east is shed not due to scientific debates, but over land that is considered 'holy'. i was watching a movie called "Fletch Lives" at like 3am the other night (dont ask), and someone asks Chevy Chase at a Christian preacher convention, whether he believes in the Christian god. He replies, "well you know, i tend to follow gods that dont require heavy financing". i also read in the Times that in Europe, 20% of the population does not believe in god or does not belong to the established religions. i dont know how accurate that is though. well thats my thought. i believe in myself

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