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"You've Changed"


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The other day Im talking to my ex- ( you know one of those 3 am fon calls whatever... ) -anyway, an in the middle of the conversation she says well " ...Youve changed, I cant put my finger on it but you've changed..."

we went out for 4yrs from age 17-21. THrough these years you change. I went from grimey ass highguy/Skater-Snowboarder

to welldressed cleancut Business Exec. ( however i still skate and snowboard often, and of course get high from time to time) Now she didnt mind me changing when I was paying for all her shit, and all the dinners at these 5star restaurants, buying her $400 evening dresses, and shopping at stores like they were going out of business... And that changed her too, because she went from Skater chick to Classy girl in a matter of months as well. Bottom Line is that why is bad that I changed but When I say she changed as well shes like "Im still the same... "

One last thing I admit I've changed Financially, and Aesthetically but in no way have i changed in persnality or character... Everyone I know says i havent, friends family so forth, so Why is Change such a bad thing? Why does she always throw it in my face? Why cant she leave me and my friends alone???

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first of all "m--ko" aka sal or george, i seen your evolution from corn ball, loser white trash to some high end benz... look how i changed??? from a cornball preppy (mother buys my gear) to a polo, outdoors gear, thugged out chink... there is nothing wrong with change in style, appearence, or financals. look at me.. im still the dick who you laugh at while i do mad stupid shit.. and crack farts in class... you are still the fucker i know and grew boys with... remember back in the days.. all we did was look as corny as possible??? i remember my hair used to look all fucked up.... i wash my hair.. go to sleep with my hair wet.. and go to school.. and my hair would be all over the place... the person behind me in class would tell me to move over so he/she can see the board... wrinkled high-water slacks, white socks, shoes, a rugby, and a crazy polo down jacket... i used to look like a super cornball in them j crew cataloges... but... no matter what you do.. change.. or whatever... you will always be the same person as the person she once fell in love with....

dont believe me??? am i still the jerkoff clown that you once knew in class??? think back to miss meyers class... (the bitch with dragon breathe)...

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My opinion, worth what ya paid for it... there is a line in the play Inherit the Wind that always seems to fit questions like this. Please indulge me, it's almost 5 am, and I'm not seeing too clearly...anway, here goes:

Matthew Harrison Brady asks Henry Drummond how he could have moved so far away, after the friendship they once had... Drummond replies, "Perhaps it is you who has moved away, by standing still."

My point? Perhaps you and the world have kept moving, and she is looking for something in the past. By her "standing still", you may SEEM to have changed more than you ACTUALLY have.

And when someone says that, they are tearning for the past. It's "bad" that you've changed, because maybe, somewhere deep down, she wants to be with you again. Ahhh, the tide of exes - Those are shark infested waters, so careful when ya go swimming. ;-)

ichi :rainbow:

ps: i hope this is lucid and coherent when i go back to reread it!

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If you are happy with who you have become then what does it matter. I am sure that because you went out for 4 years you feel that you knew her and she knew you and I mean everything but lets be honest....when we are that young we really are shaping who we are going to be. She is probably saying that cause she know how good she had it with you and now the next classy chick that comes along is gonna have it better then her and she is probably jealous. In my exp....when you go back it never works out.

I think it is great you changed....it sounds like you still like to have fun but know that you also have responsibility and priorities. :)

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Thank you all for your input, I took all to heart and I see things a lil differently now that you've given me your inputs... THANK YOU...

I agree with all of you, You have to change in order to survive.

If you dont change within your enviroments or change your enviroments you become extinct! and obsolete! why would anyone want to stand still? especially in this day and age were things change by the minute... anyway im just rambling... And its just that she got me so vexed when she said that. that i want to like go on a rampage but fuck it. Thank you again....

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Im dead happy with who am I. And yeah I did change and In a positive way which I am proud of. I went from a nobody fucked up high kid. To Account Exec. Climbing the business ladder double-stepping the whole way... The only thing Im pissed about is how she regards these changes as bad, as " you gotta keep it real " fuck that real what real broke? Real high?

I just wish that the one person whos opinion I really cared about wouldve acknowledeged these changes and encouraged me instead of saying why? and you suck...

Especially since these chanes were for us ( we were engaged )

and our future family together...

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Wont work man she'll just find me, and wont stop her from calling one of you guys up and getting my new number.. plus she's like the matrix peeps mixed with the devil... She'll just show up on my new doorstep with blah blah blah this and blah blah blah that...

Take the blue pill if you wanna be shittyfriends or take the red pill if you want me to be your enemy...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

Im dead happy with who am I. And yeah I did change and In a positive way which I am proud of. I went from a nobody fucked up high kid. To Account Exec. Climbing the business ladder double-stepping the whole way...

Especially since these chanes were for us ( we were engaged )

and our future family together...

That makes it tough, but live, learn , and be happy.....God, I almost sound like Spock:eek:

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