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enough denial: its time to get a 2nd job

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OK. Thats it. i can fight it no longer. My club habit has officially bankrupted me. There is absolutely no way I can continue to live this way unless I get a second job, and I'm not about to give up the one thing that makes me feel alive.

So, its off to check the want ads. If anyone knows of any bars/restaurants hiring I've got years of NYC experience.

You know, somehow i thought that once I graduated college and got a straight up 9-5 gig, i wouldt have to work 90 hours a week.

what was I thinking?


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Originally posted by wartz

well if u use drugs and u cut down on your usage u could save alot of money probly....

Oh, drugs got "bumped" from the budget a while ago. I cant even afford the cover charges/transport/beverages/cigarettes

I think we should start an adopt-a-club-kid program.

For just 100 dollars a weekend, you can help one of these poor starving music deprived club kids get the beats they so desperately need...

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I hear ya...but here's my dilemma, a catch 22 if you will...

So if I have a full time weekday job, and have to commute (means getting up at 6 and hoem the earliest by 7:30) and it pays peanuts...and I'm thinkin about getting a bartending job to pay for partying...WHEN CAN I PARTY??? I can only bartend on the weekends because I won't make it back in time for a shift on the weekdays, and I can't really party much on weekdays because I will come down with pneumonia in a matter of days if I don't sleep.

Lavender, what's your take on this connundrum, where will you put the partying when you work 90 hrs a week?

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i know, I know, when you work that much its hard to plan your partying, this is the beauty of afterhours, plus you learn to exist without sleep. Also, I find that the busier i am, the more valuable my time becomes, so i spend less time sittin around doin nothing.

Find a restaurant/bar with short shifts.

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