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Sasha Links again

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Naw, it was intended for the other person that's been hazing me in my poor, hungover state (this is where everybody gives me sympathy and says 'Awwwwwww' :D) all morning about getting her these links ;)


Sorry, had to vent...

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I must say thank you for the link!!! It only took my damn computer 2 hrs to download it but I am loving what I am hearing so far.....LOVE ME SOME SASHA!

I can't wait 'til Sasha & Digweed go on tour this fall/winter....I hope they stop by DC or somewhere nearby!

By the way, do you or anyone else know how to break a file like this up???? I'd like to burn the set onto 2 CDs - it'd be great to hear this in my car stereo...:) *drool*



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Originally posted by yellowgirl

By the way, do you or anyone else know how to break a file like this up???? I'd like to burn the set onto 2 CDs - it'd be great to hear this in my car stereo...:) *drool*



Try this application out for size. I've been using this for a year and love it.


Take your MP3 file(s) and convert them to WAV. Then use this application to split it into multiple tracks. Since you can split them any way, you have some flexibility with how you burn them. You can split the file into two massive tracks, and just burn them to two separate CD's. Or you can get even fancier and actually burn it with track markings, but I find that to be a bit overkill.

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Originally posted by millele

i'm sure that remark was NOT intended for me, b/c if it was, i'll beat your ass!!!! :D:D:D:D:D piggedy knows the wrath of millie.... :):):)

My little cousin has a more harsh wrath then that so called one of yours. But with a little practice I could see your wrath being one not to mess with. :eek:

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oh, that was just play wrath. be scared if you were ever unfortunate to experience my real wrath, as members of my family and certain friends and ex-boyfriends could attest to

piggedy, you're coolio, you make me laugh :):):)

Originally posted by pgiddy

My little cousin has a more harsh wrath then that so called one of yours. But with a little practice I could see your wrath being one not to mess with. :eek:

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Not to get you going but Eggy did tell me that you were all bark and no bite?? Ok fine I believe you, no need to get you started, but my millie used to have a little temper to, she would throw her tantrums and would refuse to play catch with me. Look what happened to her though. I'm cooli :cool: :cool: :cool:

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what?!?!?! i don't believe that, eggy & i have never even disagreed about anything

Originally posted by pgiddy

Not to get you going but Eggy did tell me that you were all bark and no bite?? Ok fine I believe you, no need to get you started, but my millie used to have a little temper to, she would throw her tantrums and would refuse to play catch with me. Look what happened to her though. I'm cooli :cool: :cool: :cool:

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Originally posted by millele

what?!?!?! i don't believe that, eggy & i have never even disagreed about anything

Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just telling you what eggy told me, sorry. Don't worry I don't believe him anyways I'm sure you have a very powerful wrath, at least from what I've heard, hahahhhaaaaaa

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for timo maas??? not a huge fan myself. how can you not be sure about sun? IT'S DANNY HOWELLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is whole reason why i'm not going to a good friend from school's wedding in freaking cleveland, ohio and feel extremely horribly about it. SUNDAY NIGHT WILL BE AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING!!!!!

Originally posted by pgiddy

I will be at Centro on Saturday, was going to go up tom. but might wait until Sat., still not sure what I'm doing for Sun. The million$$$ question is where will you be???

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I know I know I know, thats what everyone says and I don't think I will be able to do anything different and I especially won't be able to leave NY on Sun, but I do have other things to take care of, so we'll see, I'll probably end up being there though, which isn't a bad thing, jsut I did have other engagements.

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yeah, pgiddy.. we better meet up on Sunday night 'cause A1 is outta this town as of Saturday... driving out of Dodge... so meeting up in the future might be a little difficult... if the ROW could ~fly~ ...now then we'd have a different story...

and I'm feeling just fine, thank you


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