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HELP. I need advice!!!!!!!!


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I don’t think that I am going to get myself in trouble this weekend. Two of my ex’s called me on the same day. Both want to hang out this weekend. One of them is flying in from Cali for Labor Day. So I’m suppose to hang out with him (Cali) on Friday with his bestfriend (we have all know each other for 7 years). The other one is going to help me go shopping (he never liked to go shopping when we were together) with me on Saturday. I still have love (not in love with) for the one that is going to go with me shopping (we have a lot of history together).

:unhappy:But the problem is that I have a very very crazy, jealous man. I figured that there is nothing wrong with hanging out with them.

Only one of them knows that I have a man the other I haven’t told yet. :woah2: But i'm gonna tell him.

:hey:The question is should I tell him that I’m going to hang out with them (we tell each other EVERYTHING). :huh:

Help Please


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wow girl you got your hands full.

My best advice is to be honest. When you are honest there are no worries to keep a story going and how can you "honestly" be mad at someone for telling the truth....what would you want? If it were you going to Cali would you want him to lie to you.

I find that it may hurt to hear the truth but I would rather know and get over it then to find out later...be mad and argue that I was lied to or deceived.

If there was love involved it is always gonna hurt.

Good luck sweetie

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Being honest is without a doubt the best way to go. If you have always been open with each other in the past, now is not the time to start lying.

God forbid, you did lie and your man found out about it - it would look really bad and lead him to beleive that something else is going on. Relationships are built on trust and he should be able to trust you and respect the fact that you told him the truth...

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Originally posted by jamaica

I don’t think that I am going to get myself in trouble this weekend. Two of my ex’s called me on the same day. Both want to hang out this weekend. One of them is flying in from Cali for Labor Day. So I’m suppose to hang out with him (Cali) on Friday with his bestfriend (we have all know each other for 7 years). The other one is going to help me go shopping (he never liked to go shopping when we were together) with me on Saturday. I still have love (not in love with) for the one that is going to go with me shopping (we have a lot of history together).

:unhappy:But the problem is that I have a very very crazy, jealous man. I figured that there is nothing wrong with hanging out with them.

Only one of them knows that I have a man the other I haven’t told yet. :woah2: But i'm gonna tell him.

:hey:The question is should I tell him that I’m going to hang out with them (we tell each other EVERYTHING). :huh:

Help Please


They say that honesty is the best policy.....BUT if you're honest this time , I guarentee that your weekend will be nothing more than just trying to convince your boyfriend that your innocent..So go ahead be honest ruin your weekend...
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Well...bring your bf along too...that way there will definetely be no funny business going on between you and your ex's, and he can def trust you then LOL :blown:

If thats not an option then ask your bf what he thinks about it if you were to hang out with them...

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Thats a good way to wreck your three day weekend if you ask me. Being honest is the best option in this matter, but why is he so jealous? Could it be that you talk to all your exboyfriends? Not sayin it's a bad thing, b/c you should be able to talk to whoever you want, but someone that you may have had sexual realtions with is a little sketchy, but thats my opinion and thats what you asked for. Just be honest, that way if he finds out on his own somehow, then the shit will hit the fan. If you really like this guy, than always treat him how you would like to be treated (cliche, I know, but true) Good luck...

(Boy do I hate women sometimes ;) )

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go out with me... promise no funny bussiness.. hehe...

but check this out...

1 - you can bring you bf alone

2 - if funny shit come across.. be like break out... ( tell your BF )

3 - dont hang out with them at all, avoid the whole shit.

4 - bring an extra girl with you... or anyone at that matter

why cant you shop with your bf? is your ex GAY?

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