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who wants to hear about my shitty night


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ok, me and my friends took a bus to a club called relish, this was a charter bus that we paid for and the last one was leaving at 2:30, so i got into the club for free and didnt have to wait on line, but it wasnt that great the music was very OLD, he played sandstorm and fragma and there was some latin house.

So my friend bought me a drink and stupid me went onto the dancefloor with it and the bouncer saw me holding it and he kicked me out becuase i'm 18. So all my friends are still in the club, it was around 1 at that time, i had an hour and a half, i walked over to a few other clubs but they were all 21 and over, then i went into this place called recession it was free to get in, and STILL a waste of money, it was the biggest piece of shit ive ever been to. I left after 5 min and found this other cub called Zei Club, which made my night pretty decent up to that point, I really liked this place, considering that i was the only non asian in there. It wasnt that big, but the vibe was comparable to Exit.I t was hard house, the DJ wasnt bad at all, but it needed a little more energy, at least for the 30 min that i was there. I danced like an insane motherfucker, but i was really waiting for one REALLY energetic song that i could go crazy to. This place had a very underground feel to it.

So I left at 2:15, and when i got back to Relish where the bus was supposed to pick us up, someone told me that i bus left 5 min ago. THAT FUCIN SUCKED!!!!! That just ruined my night. I walked around DC for an hour trying to figure out how iw as gonna get back to colege park. The trains and subway stop running at 2, what the fuck is up with that. Every taxi wanted to charge me like $50. Then finally i found a nice guy that charged me $25 and got back to college park.

So this was my first impression of DC and it wasnt a good one, i miss NYC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dude, that does suck.

If it makes you feel any better, I had a pretty shitty night, too. No where near shitty as you, but shitty nonetheless. Although it did end pretty well.

I ended going to Buzz around 12:00. I hopped a cab by myself cause I was supposed to meet a couple buddies who were supposed to be there, and another buddy was going to meet me there at 1:00. Well, after the $15 cab ride down there, I see this MASSIVE line. I've never, ever seen the line that huge. It wrapped all the way around the building to the OTHER END OF THE BUILDING!!

So, I waited and waited and finally got in around 1:15. Paid my $20, and walked in. I tried to look for my friends, but it was WAY too packed in there. I was stuck in a fucking cattle herd trying to get back to the back room. I was thinking about checking back in the front for the 1:30 meetup, but I said fuck it. I took a left out the back door, hopped a cab, and went back to my friend's apartment. So basically, I droppped $50 just to ride a cab to Southeast, wait in line for over an hour, walk in, then immediately out of Nation, and then take a cab back.

Luckily, when I picked up my car to drive home, I got in touch with my buddies I was supposed to meet. They drove down, saw the line, and were a bit smarter -- they just drove back.

The one thing that saved the night was they had some, uh, 'fungal snack treats'. So, I went over, munched on some, and partied till 8:00. Well, not partied, just kinda veg'd on the couch watching 'Monkey Bone' - which is an incredible movie to watch while fucked up.

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If it's any consolation, I am having the world's shittiest time trying to promote in this hell hole we call georgetown university, where everyone thinks it's cool to pack 50 people and a keg into a tiny apartment and do nothing all night while listening to shitty music, but going to a club is dirty and dangerous. RIGHT. So I'm ready to kill someone right now esp. 'cause tomorrow's party is actually going to be *good* (Saeed & Palash at Nation :):D ) I HATE STUPID PEOPLE.

Ecstatic High ~ I could have warned you against relish ;) PM me, I'll give you a list of good places to go, places where I have lists, and places you shouldn't waste your time on

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Well, after the $15 cab ride down there, I see this MASSIVE line. I've never, ever seen the line that huge. It wrapped all the way around the building to the OTHER END OF THE BUILDING!!

I was shocked to see the line as long as it was. My guess was that it was the first weekend that the college students were back in DC. We got in the line that approaches the door from the right and it seemed to move much faster than the other one. And I tried to find people in the alcove for the meet-up, but it didn't look like anyone was there so I enjoyed some drum and bass in the front room rather than try to get through the ridiculous crowd in the hallway. When I went back to the main room at about 2:30 it seemed to have cleared out a bit.

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