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People are Gross


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This rant may make no sense but I needed to get it off my chest after a frustrating combo.

I feel the first step to great sex is accepting the human body. The human body is a disgusting mobile bacteria colony. it sheds skin, produces snot, shits, pisses and farts. People can have bad breath days and sex fluids get all crusty when they dry in your hair. Semen has a strong smell and sometimes pussies have a discenible (though not unpleasant odour). You occassionally get shit on your dick or fingers when you have anal sex. Doggy style can produce the loudest pussy farts.

But until you accept it and even kinda like how messy sex is you will always hold back. Great sex is about finding nothing disgusting. et the cum fly where itmay landing on her face or your own stomach. Pussy farts and to be laughed at and enjoyed in some moods or just completely ignored in others. A little shit on your dick or some blood by accident is not cause for alrm or a big deal. Sex is nasty. Deal with it.

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Hey sweetie...I only visit the site for 5 minutes, and who and what do I find? What happened to you????? Is everything ok????

...and yes you are right. Sex is fun and shouldn't be taken too seriously (this goes in both directions). Everyone should take it as the joy it is supposed to be and that's about it.

Big hug to you though :)

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Sista agrees 100%:laugh:

Once you accept yourself for who you are and love the other person for who they are there is nothing that can come between the sheet but good pure fun and excitement.

Now I do have to say that besides all the silly stuff....God darnit I am hurtin today.....

Have you guys had so much fun that is seems that every part and whole in your body is screaming...back me up girls...it hurts to pee, poo but I would do it again in a heartbeat:hump: :smoke:

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Jana - Great to see you. You too Doris babe!

Nothing went wrong at all. Just needed to rant after a conversation with someone who feels the exact opposite. And whereelse butt here to get it out of my system.

Someguygve up anal sex because he once got a little poopon his peter. I'm like "heh, shit happens!". or the girl who thinks that her guys should always cum inside her vagina and then she immediately oes to washroom afterwards to wash it out so that they never get any semen on them or have to deal with it being crusty in the morning.

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the dick is back in town! like jana, surprisingly for a moment to check on on the dungeons and who do i find but dick?!!

you newbies have no idea whos presence (sp?) you're in... dick was quite the stud way back when... ;)

wyatt... nice to see you posting... i def. wholeheartedly agree... hope all is going well with you...

love ~ jessica :heart:

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AH Jess - such sweet words.

Yes I was King of the Sex Boards once upon a time. But internet time moves so fast. Now its all a distant memory. Though I still talk a good game and lick a mean pussy :)

I almost never post. First time back in awhile but great to hear from you. I'll drop you an e-mail sometime. I must hear about university and all the action you be getting - or at least planning on getting.

Luv ya babe!


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