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Important Drug Test Question...Somebody HELP

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Will goldenseal clean some weed out I smoked YESTERDAY? They spring this drug test malarchy on me, and boy am I indignant.

But I digress.

I implore the blossoming scientists on this board to aid in the quandry of a pothead (or to be more "politically correct": Cannibis-Cranium American)

Thank you

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just hung up the phone with my sis, she used to be the biggest pot head in the free world... well she got a great job in the spring and had 6 fun filled days and nites to get clean..... well, she did the golden seal route, drank tons of cranberry juice and water, said a prayer or two... well her pee-pee test was a big ole negative....

when is your test????

quick catch the flu that day. it will give a few days of reprieve.....

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Here you go cazz...

From the article....

"Many websites sell 'herbal cleansers,' synthetic urine or additives designed to foil screening, but most are gimmicks, said Steve Ferris, vice president of Advanced Workplace Strategies Incorporated, a California-based company that administers drug and alcohol tests."

I suggest the good ole "dilute" method. Drink tons of water and cranberry juice and take a vitamin B complex to make your piss yellow.

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Originally posted by MarioNY

I posted an article I read about piss tests the other day. In the article they claimed that a lot of these "herbal remedies" were bullshit. Let me find the link again. One sec...

Why are screwing with my 'special' burnt mind? Cruel!

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Originally posted by MarioNY

Eh?????? I'm just trying to help! :confused: :confused: :confused:

I was kidding!!!!! I know!

If I knew I could make money peeing, I would have never done any drugs in my life. There was this report once on Dateline or something where this doctor was accused of murder, so they had to give him a blood test for his DNA sample. And he actually surgically implanted a tube with someone else's blood in his arm, as if it was a vein...He got caught because the blood was cold and somewhat coagulating. I don't know what my point is other than people are desparate, such as myself, but I ain't paying for piss.

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Originally posted by cazz926

I was kidding!!!!! I know!

If I knew I could make money peeing, I would have never done any drugs in my life. There was this report once on Dateline or something where this doctor was accused of murder, so they had to give him a blood test for his DNA sample. And he actually surgically implanted a tube with someone else's blood in his arm, as if it was a vein...He got caught because the blood was cold and somewhat coagulating. I don't know what my point is other than people are desparate, such as myself, but I ain't paying for piss.

I hear you...

How many days do you have to take the test??? How much pot do you smoke?

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Water, water and more water. You've just got to keep drinking water up until the time that you have to pee. Also, since you'll be pissing as clear as a Mistic spring, you need to get some red meat in your system for color. A big thick steak should do the trick. Just keep pissing. Those cleaners don't work worth a shit. Good Luck, fellow pot head.

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That's why I don't smoke Pot....Cazz, stick to real drugs...ya know *deigner* or *rave* or *club-drugs* as Fox 5 news puts it...

Those only last a few days in your system and you get a much better high, and the chance of going to the Hospital are much greater where they will inject you with adrenaline shots which help get it out of your system even quicker

just my $3.1415273968...

- Pete


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My $.02...

I had a drug/piss test for work and did use a herbal remedy-- unfortunately, I don't remember what the name of it is, but I bought it from GNC. It consisted of 6 pills, that I took in 3 doses, 1/2 hour apart from each other. It was for the DAY OF THE TEST, which I found convenient, because I hadn't much prep-time!!!

Anyway, I don't know whether it was the 2 gallons of water I was supposed to injest and forced myself to, (I actually drank water until I threw up---not part of the directions!!!), or if it was the pills, BUT my test came up clean!!!

Oh and another thing I heard once was that if you add a bit of salt to your pee, while you're pissing, it covers up the pot and screws up the test. This is easy to do by putting a pinch of salt in your pocket before you go. I HAVE NO IDEA IF THIS WORKS!!!! It sounds like some myth passed on through generations, however, if you're that deparate, why not try anything!!!! But it is a bit silly!!!!!

Hope this helps some!

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Dude! True funny story:

My friend had his brother piss into something, then he put it in ziplock (or some shit), taped it to his leg and tried to think warm thoughts during the interview part until they made him go to the bathroom, BUT THEY NEVER GAVE HIM THE TEST! It was a bluff and he sat there with the piss taped to his leg!!!

Seriously, buy some bullshit they sell at GNC or a headshop, my friend passed a test at Phizer...

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