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The truth about NYC NightLife -

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The truth - its supposed to be about

1. the music

2. dancing

3. Vibe

4. Contributing to a culture

5. Fun

No matter how you word it or explain it.....those five words will all be used directly or indirectly.

why is it that..all these five factors are nowhere to be found in nyc?

instead we get..

1. Lies

2. Greed

3. Drug abuse (funny how the ab- comes before -use and gives it a whole new meaning...if your doing it more then once a week..sorry honey, thats abuse)

4. Sex

5. Hatred

anyone care to explain this?

would you care for some examples of this from an insider? (yes i am offering, but i will be using names..so all my facts of course will be argued and deemed false)

before i go any further....does anyone even give a shit?

Would you like learn how you are manipulated from party to party like sheep...or will you just baaa-baaaa-baaaa your way past this thread?

there is a way to stop this....who wants to learn the truth?

i'll reply again here at 3ish p.m thursday....if anyone is interested.

if not...baaaaaa baaaaa baaaaaa

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Of course the scene has made a dramatic turn but give me a break. There have *always* been sex, drugs, lies, greed, manipulation, and hatred prevalent in the club scene. Take it all the way back to Studio 54. People bought each other out with alcohol and party favors, had sex in the rafters, gave drugs to please, ass kissing for every famous person and so on.

The big difference in the scene now is Rudy killed it. It's not the same scene anymore - the old days of, and Im sure Rob will agree on this one, Paladium, old school Limelight, and Club USA are long gone. Club kids who *made* the parties have fallen into the woodwork and the vibe has diminished. The freaks are all gone and so is the glitz and the glam. Unfortunately, we won't get that back. But to say its basically a new thing is just plain stupid and ignorant.

For generations, drugs and sex have come hand in hand with music. Music brings out the masses and carries the other 2 factors right along in its back pocket. I personally think the vibe is still holding strong in many venues - missing in others. We all contribute to it for the better or worse. Ya dont like it, get the hell out or be much more selective about the venues, the DJs and the people you party with! Unfortunately, too many people base partying on the drugs, the "who's who", and themselves. Hopefully, this will change at some point but I dont see it for a while - unless we get back into underground!

And, on a side note, the club owners and promoters, they're all looking to make a quick buck. They don't care about you or me or anyone else for that matter. There's your big factor for the greed and it goes back again to Steve Rubel, former owner of Studio 54. It's been here in the scene since before I was born and possibly you were. From the very beginning of the birth of disco and drugs and venues and VIP and partying. Get use to it, or dont party. It's a simple solution.

~misskittie~kAt~ *we* make the scenE what it is!

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Well my little Kittie.... i agree with you about the stuff always having been there BUT....

I don't think it's JUST Rudy that killed the scene.

I think we have to blame ourselves/club goers also.

Club goers have to have more common sense than to take say 8 hits of this or that and then lay on the floor cracked out. Rudy or not this is going to bring negative attention to the scene! Wouldn't you agree?

Also, with regard to the promoter thing etc....

Not only did it used to be harder to get into the clubs, but it also used to be MUCH harder to be a promoter, and to have your own guestlist. I'm going to scan some OLD Limeligth guestlist returns i recently found in an old folder of mine. First you gotta check out who the promoters were.... then check out how few guestlists there were etc....

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I agree with Corbett on the promoter part.

BEFORE say ten years back . . . it was much, MUCH harder to get into a "good" club . . . let alone trying to get onto a guestlist. Also, the word "guestlist" took you far. It wasn't just comps and reduces . . . it was a special treatment.

NOW it really doesn't mean much. Promoters are not important to club owners as they use to be.

Things have definately changed in the club land, but so has everything else in the world. Everything evolves . . . it's the facts of life.

I also agree with MissKittie, we do make our own scene.


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Sorry Rob. I shouldn't have put all the blame on Rudy and I really didn't mean it that way. My bad for not ellaborating more.

I do feel he has a lot to do with it though. Cracking down on the clubs sure doesnt help much by his part. We, the clubbers and NYC DJs have a lot to do with it. So do the residents that live in the club areas. Its a combination of everything.

As for it being harder in times past, I dont really know much about that. I just know the vibe and all has changed. Maybe we should go back to making it harder for individuals to be promoters and others to get on lists. Be more selective about who gets to party and who doesn't. But, if the club owners dont do that, and the partiers dont try to make a difference, then the scene will go further and further down the drain which is the most unfortunate thing about this.

Now Im interested to what the originator of this post has to say about everything. This should be either a good laugh or serious stuff~

~misskittie~kAt~ thanks for those guestlists from LL. Thats pretty cool to see

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OK, I realize in the old days it used to be harder to get into clubs, but then, how DID one get into a club? Was it an elitist thing, where you had to know somebody or be able to drop a name, etc? I agree that method brought in people who were more "trustworthy" (in terms of drugs, etc), but then would close the club scene to a normal person, who might otherwise be interested. Also, the focus those days, was more on the scene, and music didn't necessarily rank number 1(IMO).

Whereas, nowadays the scene is a lot more accessible to your normal everyday person, and the focus is more on Djs, and genre of music being played. Of course, the problem with everyone getting in is that you get a lot more bad apples, but I guess there are pros and cons to everything.

Everything evolves, whether that is a good or bad thing is upto the individual to decide.


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