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Originally posted by jarmenio

I find it hard to believe. I have met Jav a few times and he has always had a lot of respect for Denny Tsettos.

I've heard nothing but good things about him but Dave the administrator said that it appears he and Bashingdick are one in the same along w/about 4 other personalities. I think the thread is gone now but it was there.....

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by Emmitt

no doubt he has mad respect for girls and for Denny...i'm sure he's just joking around if that was him, but i really don't think its him

Sorry Emmitt it was your bud....

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Originally posted by bashingbitch5

I've heard nothing but good things about him but Dave the administrator said that it appears he and Bashingdick are one in the same along w/about 4 other personalities. I think the thread is gone now but it was there.....

What's up with that???? Was this EVIL JAV??? Defend yourself SON! We're giving you the benefit of the doubt.


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by eviljav666


Yo peps iam jav..that's it on the board...

straight up!!!

Dave what the deal i dont understand!!!!!!

YUP I'm all confused again..:confused:

DAVE deleted the other post when he tried to edit it.....

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Javs has mad respect for all people. He wouldn't pull shit like that. Besides he posts from work almost every company has a fire wall on their systems. That means there would be no way for a CP administrator to trace these posts back to him. That's how I know DaVe is mistaken. Let's not start a witch hunt here. Cuba don't sweat it compadre. We know it isn't you. You got to much respect and class to be a poser SQUID.


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Originally posted by nabuc1

Javs has mad respect for all people. He wouldn't pull shit like that. Besides he posts from work almost every company has a fire wall on their systems. That means there would be no way for a CP administrator to trace these posts back to him. That's how I know it's not Javs. It's mistake, let's not start a witch hunt here.



I agree but for those of you who read his posts, you can tell it isn't him.....his verbiage is totally different!!!!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by nabuc1

Javs has mad respect for all people. He wouldn't pull shit like that. Besides he posts from work almost every company has a fire wall on their systems. That means there would be no way for a CP administrator to trace these posts back to him. That's how I know DaVe is mistaken. Let's not start a witch hunt here. Cuba don't sweat it compadre. We know it isn't you. You got to much respect and class to be a poser SQUID.


you can trace email threw a firewall, its is not hard to do....My clients (when I had a job) would trace my internet companies email ads all the time to see if we were hackers cause hackers pose as internet sites all the time to get into their systems......

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by jarmenio

It can't be Jav, both eviljav666 and bashingdick are logged on right now!!!

you can log in 2 differnet person at the same time...just open up 2 browsers...My buddy slim 007 and I tried it...I don't think the system checks the email ads for any user when they log on.

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Originally posted by eviljav666

Hey Dick that's my eightball nice try...

i cant believe this......iam buggen, my high is totally ruined..

Cuba don't seat it bro. Some punk SQUID is trying to fuck with you. Like JBR said, those of us that know you don't fall for this shit. We know it is not you. And DaVe is mistaken (an honest mistake). Your company, most likely, has a fire wall. He can not trace any user back to you because the fire wall will block him. He could trace it back as far as that. Fire walls have certain signatures. Bashingdickinhisass probably has the same signature fire wall as you. Shit a lot of us could have similar signature fire walls. Just forget about it. Go break bread again and get you high back.

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Originally posted by saleen351

you can log in 2 differnet person at the same time...just open up 2 browsers...My buddy slim 007 and I tried it...I don't think the system checks the email ads for any user when they log on.

Hey BLADBOY enough it's not me

you dont want to believe me cool!!!!!!!

this is insane..

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You can trace e-mails because each source has a distinct signature to it. This is not an e-mail. You are logging onto a web-site and posting on it. So you can not trace it back as effectively. And as far as opening two browsers. When you are at work, your company, subscribes to one browser ie. netscape or internet explorer. You can't open up a different browser once one is opened. On a home computer you can and we know javs posts from work. Saleen I'm not sticking up for him because he is my friend. I'm doing it because I know it's not him. Dave made a mistake.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by eviljav666

Hey BLADBOY enough it's not me

you dont want to believe me cool!!!!!!!

this is insane..

HEY asshole I did say it was you until I posted that I'm confused...So relax even though DAVE has already said it was you....SO come clean...You jelous of denny........:laugh:

I was merly stated a fact about the system.........moron....

the names were


eviljav < this one had some numbers in it but I can't remeber what they were.



kill something I can't remember

it sure sounds like you eviljav.......

:confused: :confused:

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