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Saleen you where not to happy when people where blaming you. So lay off Jav it's not him. We don't know who it is so let's all put this behind us. If bashingprick returns just ignore him. Don't give him whart he wants and that is attention. We have seen his kind before. They come and go. Next week there will be a new personality taking his place. So let's all stop the speculation and return to having fun. Besides I too fucking pissed off right now about the fucking stupid rumor about Lawler being @ Vinyl tomorrow night. I was soo siked. My birthday just will not be the same now.

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Originally posted by saleen351

HEY asshole I did say it was you until I posted that I'm confused...So relax even though DAVE has already said it was you....SO come clean...You jelous of denny........:laugh:

I was merly stated a fact about the system.........moron....

the names were


eviljav < this one had some numbers in it but I can't remeber what they were.



kill something I can't remember

it sure sounds like you eviljav.......

:confused: :confused:

Saleen he is not bashingdick get it through your fucking skull. Just drop it.

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Guest saleen351

who ever read the system on the drama board last nite knows what the names were...dave is going to put it back up!!!!!and backwards cuba I'm pissed cause denny is pissed at me and hes helped me with music so that is the only reason I'm pissed..I really don't care what anybody thinks about me or what I say, I'm going threw my cache right now to find the page.....

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You have a right to be pissed, but don't take it out on jav because it wasn't him. I don't think it was you either. I have my ideas on who it is, but I'm not saying because it is just speculation. Don't need to start another witch hunt. Besides this issue needs to be buried, put it behind us. Your name is cleared, it will get back to Denny so don't worry about. There is no need to implicate someone else to get yourself off the hook.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by nabuc1

Saleen he is not bashingdick get it through your fucking skull. Just drop it.

oh and no I'm not gonna drop it....DAVE made it clear last nite that evil has 5 names on here,,, oh and yes ppl you can change your name and keep your stats......

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Originally posted by saleen351

HEY asshole I did say it was you until I posted that I'm confused...So relax even though DAVE has already said it was you....SO come clean...You jelous of denny........:laugh:

I was merly stated a fact about the system.........moron....

the names were


eviljav < this one had some numbers in it but I can't remeber what they were.



kill something I can't remember

it sure sounds like you eviljav.......

:confused: :confused:

Jelous of what Fatboy!!!

Denny BIG TIME DJ ********

jav nothing VFW!! jav you wanna do a party for a $100

christ you unbeliveable!!

that realy dosent make sense....

and as for other names i havent changed my name since day one..

ive posted maybe two times with masterkiller but that all i can recall...

johnnygirl was one of my girl friends..she dosent even post anylonger!!!

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Originally posted by nabuc1

When you are at work, your company, subscribes to one browser ie. netscape or internet explorer. You can't open up a different browser once one is opened.

Hey cuba, you can open up two browser sessins at work. I do it all the time for testing and troubleshooting puposes. Hit ctrl-n at the same time.

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Originally posted by lukeyblueyez

Originally posted by nabuc1

When you are at work, your company, subscribes to one browser ie. netscape or internet explorer. You can't open up a different browser once one is opened.

Hey cuba, you can open up two browser sessins at work. I do it all the time for testing and troubleshooting puposes. Hit ctrl-n at the same time.

OK I'm wrong, but it's still not jav.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by eviljav666

Jelous of what Fatboy!!!

Denny BIG TIME DJ ********

jav nothing VFW!! jav you wanna do a party for a $100

christ you unbeliveable!!

that realy dosent make sense....

and as for other names i havent changed my name since day one..

ive posted maybe two times with masterkiller but that all i can recall...

johnnygirl was one of my girl friends..she dosent even post anylonger!!!

ok so you now admit to having 3 of the names




2 more to go vfw boy!!!!!!!! the truth will come out...

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