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ATTN: Caution - concerning World


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I read your post and I couldn't help but laughing. Your shocked you only pulled 1500 to world? Well shit you idiot you were charging $35 per person, trying to charge your promoters, set up list to close too early. I mean come on, Great Adventure is cheaper and at least there you don't have people working the lines thinking World is suddenly Studio 54. I had a group of 35 (all b/t/w at least 21 who wanted to hear Scott Project) who'd been pre-partying and then we headed there .. guy at door outside says YES guestlist still open , Girl inside says NO sorry .. I tell her I got a list and a bunch of people looking for parking ... It's not a small group whats the deal? She says sorry can't do it it's $35.00 (Nasty too) Ok well I get on the cell phone, call a couple people, and 20 minutes later we are all partying at Centro-fly .. to a better dj, better price, and a few comps. SO DON'T talk SHIT if you don't know all the facts. You want the party to work? get a clue and learn about actually running a place. You don't turn away a huge crowd who will drink, you use your head! b/t/w Centro's list closed at 1:30 but they were smart about it.

Yeah maybe some promoters didn't pull numbers but some did and DECIDED NOT TO ASSOCIATE themselves with that place at least for that night. I'm not done with it, giving it one more week but I'm not trying to make everyone money except for myself and then have them pay ridiculous prices. Sorry

p.s. if you think I'm being nasty in this post go back and read how you responed to someone who worked hard and didn't get paid. You could've been nicer but chose to be an ass.

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Ill try to answer this maturely, but Im just so amazed how stupid some people are.

First of all, dont blame me for the guestlists being closed when you got there. Was I the the girl at the guestlist table? Or, maybe I was the bouncer at the door who told you that the lists were open? Oh thats right, I was the person who was charging all the promoters to get in the door. Dont blame the promoters for the way that people run the club. I know you are not stupid enough to believe that we have any control over that.

By the way, the gueslist girl (Rachel Talon) is one of the sweetest people I know. And Im sure every other promoter that has every worked with her will say the same. So to tell me that she got an attitude with you, is probably the result of a nasty disposition on your part.

The comments you made are so rediculous, please take a minute to reread your post.

"get a clue and learn about actually running a place. You don't turn away a huge crowd who will drink, you use your head!"

From what I understood, you didnt actually get turned away, you just had to pay full price. Am I "getting the facts straight" or are you making this up as you go along to try to make World look bad.

Do I run the "place"? No. Do any of the promoters run "the place"? No. Basically you have no one to take their anger out on, so you turned on me for making valid comments about the way the sub promoters have been acting.

After all this time you have wasted bitching, you are still willing to give World one more try. Why did you even waste your time with this post? What I said about the sub promoters I will not take back. And anyone who has been promoting for a few years will definatley back me up. 15 people is a joke, you are lucky to be getting paid for bringing that many. How fuckin hard is it to call up 15 of your friends and tell them to use your guestlist?

And then there are the Exit promoters who are bitching about not getting their comp, and not getting paid. HELLO! It was the same way at Exit, but you still kept going there.

Why dont you save your $35 and take your friends to Great Adventure instead. Hopefully they wont "turn you away at the door"

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is this party Promoter run or is it Vince taking time off from WWF stuff? yeah ... and your absolutely right it would be a waste to give it even one more week. I'll say no more your obviously biased and close-minded but I will ask you to do me this one favor .. let me know what numbers you guys pull this Friday. Here is my predication ... soon you'll see the old Exit strategy .. girls free before Midnight. lol

Here's a suggestion .. get a clue from the Clique


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