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11:30pm ..bitch#3 Still At Work =

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She's about to find out what kind of bitch I CAN REALLY BE!! :chainsaw:

Honestly, I have been working for 14 and 1/2 hours STRAIGHT... NO LUNCH BREAK ...NOTHING! This beats my longest time in a club, which was 13 hours in Space in Miami. I have just come to the sad realization that I've never even been in a CLUB THIS LONG... AND I AM WORKING FOR THIS LONG??? :flame: OH, THIS IS JUST GREAT!!! AND ..the fact that she just said to me, "Are you ok?? Do you want coffee??" IS NOT A SURE SIGN OF ME GETTING OUT OF HERE ANYTIME SOON!

sorry ..had to vent cause my bitches are all home sleepin'!:zzz:

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Originally posted by bashingbitch3


She's about to find out what kind of bitch I CAN REALLY BE!! :chainsaw:

Honestly, I have been working for 14 and 1/2 hours STRAIGHT... NO LUNCH BREAK ...NOTHING! This beats my longest time in a club, which was 13 hours in Space in Miami. I have just come to the sad realization that I've never even been in a CLUB THIS LONG... AND I AM WORKING FOR THIS LONG??? :flame: OH, THIS IS JUST GREAT!!! AND ..the fact that she just said to me, "Are you ok?? Do you want coffee??" IS NOT A SURE SIGN OF ME GETTING OUT OF HERE ANYTIME SOON!

sorry ..had to vent cause my bitches are all home sleepin'!:zzz:

DAMN GIRL!!! WTF!! I can't believe it!! I certainly don't miss those days - but I can relate so I feel your pain!!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by bashingbitch3


She's about to find out what kind of bitch I CAN REALLY BE!! :chainsaw:

Honestly, I have been working for 14 and 1/2 hours STRAIGHT... NO LUNCH BREAK ...NOTHING! This beats my longest time in a club, which was 13 hours in Space in Miami. I have just come to the sad realization that I've never even been in a CLUB THIS LONG... AND I AM WORKING FOR THIS LONG??? :flame: OH, THIS IS JUST GREAT!!! AND ..the fact that she just said to me, "Are you ok?? Do you want coffee??" IS NOT A SURE SIGN OF ME GETTING OUT OF HERE ANYTIME SOON!

sorry ..had to vent cause my bitches are all home sleepin'!:zzz:

Hello saynotodrama, you've just been identified!!!!!!!!

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Listen bb#3, not quite sure what it is you do for a living, but based on the long hours and your ability to access email leads me to believe your involved somehow in IB. Well take some advice from THE GREAT ONE...if you can't deal with the lifestyle that me and my fellow investment bankers are forced to lead, get your ass in the kitchen and laundry room where it belongs!!! I'm sick and tired of hearing you complain, moan and whine about working long hours...believe me, you don't know what long hours are until you work in a TOP MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS IB like yours truly. Keep your whimpering to yourself and start spending more time learning new recipes and stain removal techniques.


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Originally posted by gropasaurus

Listen bb#3, not quite sure what it is you do for a living, but based on the long hours and your ability to access email leads me to believe your involved somehow in IB. Well take some advice from THE GREAT ONE...if you can't deal with the lifestyle that me and my fellow investment bankers are forced to lead, get your ass in the kitchen and laundry room where it belongs!!! I'm sick and tired of hearing you complain, moan and whine about working long hours...believe me, you don't know what long hours are until you work in a TOP MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS IB like yours truly. Keep your whimpering to yourself and start spending more time learning new recipes and stain removal techniques.


Actually that was the first and only time I heard Bitch #3 bitch about working to late. I would to if I worked 15 hrs straight.

I think you should keep to yourself about your fake muscles. What good are they going to do for you in 10 years when your dead.

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I heard my name mentioned so I thought I'd grace you all with my presence!

Who's the sleuth here?

Saleen or shall I say Mustang Sally

Kudos on your search but sorry wrong answer but I do have a consolation prize for ya-how bout some fuzzy dice to hang on your rearview mirror!!!

I love that everyone spends so much effort trying to seek us out-funny thing is people we're right under your noses laughing our asses off at you.

One word _PATHETIC!!!

yeah now lets stir up some shit! oh I apologize if I cannot reply as quickly as I used to but its hard being this important in life!


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