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Federal Law: I Can't Be Drafted

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my mom told me....by law, i cant be drafted by the us military. my father is dead, and i am an only son, only child actually. and there is a law that someone in my position cant be drafted.

i kinda have mixed feelings about that. on one hand, it's a releif, cuz im scared as hell to have to go to war, and i think we all know this will start a war. but on the other hand, i almost wanna go, cuz i have this feeling that i wanna protect our country.

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Jesus.. no one is going to get drafted. Take a xanax.

We still have a 2 million man military and it would take 9 months to draft and train someone.

Not to mention they could lower the enlistment standards to not require a HS diploma and get another 200K enlistees in a month.

We didn't draft anyone for desert storm, we certanly will not draft anyone now.

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well, first of all, there is no draft.

second, shroomy is correct, theres no reason to panic about any possible draft yet.

third, if shit gets bad enuf to warrant a draft, it could get worse. if it gets worse, all "rules" about the draft can be changed. look at russia or germany during WWII. by the end of the conflict, old men and young boys were in the service.

and during any draft there are plenty of guys who were once "unfit" for service who suddenly become fit, in the eyes of the military.

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