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Kill Em All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Skin every fucking bastard invovled in this shit alive!! Fuck those palestinian bastards celebrating this horror. I left work at 12 2day and im going nuts! I wanna help whichever way i can, but i also want to participate in revenge.... Fuckin towelheads all must die!!!!!! Look out you fuckin mother fuckers, ill be lookin out for you...............................:blown:

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Quick to point fingers xcracker. First of all, I think that was an ignorant comment made on your part. You seem to believe that arabs condone such actions when its really actions of radicals. These radicals are all over. Remember Oklahoma City, when everyone was so quick to assume it was arabs, but it turned out to be your average cornfed white countryboy. Even if it were actions by Arabs, once again, they are extremists who feel that their government hasn't done enough for them, so they take actions into their own hands. Second, the reason for the rejoicing in jerusalem and the mid-east is because of their resentment towards the US govt due to the history of the US continually siding with Israel because taking care of Israel is in America's best interest. The US doesn't see the palestinians as being oppressed, when that is exactly what they are. I know, because I have seen everything first-hand, and I've seen what they do to Palestinians over there. Of course, everything we see is manipulated by the media because the media and this country are run by JEWS. It would not be wise for Arab's to do that, but I heard on the radio that there is going to be retaliation for what happened to the innocent people here. Now if the US decided to attack Palestine, who have an inferior military, which probably couldn't even take the alliance, the US would be doing the same thing that had been done to them. All this stems from what is being done to the Arabs in their homes. And if America claims they don't support this type of behavior, they are hypocritical because they do support Israel who are closet advocates of this behavior because they continually practice it daily. In no way am I defending what happened, in fact, I'm totally against it, and am deeply distraut over what happened. I spoke to my friend from college, whom I work with 2 blocks away from the WTC, and he is traumatized. I skipped work today, but he said that on the way home, after evacuating, he saw the buildings collapse, and was also, literally, walking over dead bodies. This was a well thought-out plan, and was only done by raadicals, arab or not, who for some reason or another wanted the US's attention. This is a tragic day in US history, and whoever did this now has America's undivided attention. Hypothetically speaking, let's say that this act was done by Israel, we would never know because it would be covered up by the Jewish-run media, and the US will pin the blame on an Arab scapegoat, much like a conspiracy theory. Reason for this: How does America benefit from Palestine?...they don't, so why burn bridges from Israel, who by the way have a military which can and probably does scare the US military, when they can pick on the helpless country, sort of like the guido who picks a fight with the small kid rather than the juicehead. Well, things could have been worse, they could've bombed belmar. I have a few other points as to why the NSA didnt shoot down a plane going from Boston westbound to LA which was traveling south for some reason. I was under the impression that the US had protection for the city as in missiles aimed at NY in case a plane penetrated fly zone restrictions. Maybe because it was a charter plane. But the FAA and traffic control play a big part because when a plane is flying at such a low altitude in an air zone which it should not have been in, someone should have been notified. Where was the communication between the FAA and the proper authorities, once they realized the plane wasn't on the right course, and/or upon realizing it was being hijacked. Shoot the plane down, even though it had innocent people on there, they were going to die anyway. By the way I am part palestinian, and part guido, and if you still feel the way you do, and anyone else, I will happily better acquaint myself with you, and we can "iron" out our differences. You obviously are not educated, and dont have a mind of your own to think things out before you make assumptions...much like the rest of the US population. Anyone who wants to further discuss this, can e-mail me.

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Shlonger I agree with you. This wasn't done by just any group of terriost group. These crazy fuckers were trained and prepared for this a long time. Every buddy loves to point fingers before the truth comes out and label a whole group of people for a terrible act done by some. How about if us americans were label by others for all the acts of cerial killing,rape,child molesting,Unier Bomber.Oklahoma,and many others. Who ever was behind this is going to rot in hell.

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shlonger, kudos to you my man. I am so glad to see that there are people in this country that believe Palestinians fight for their freedom and their own sovereign state. After all, that's what was happening here not too long ago (about two hundred and some years if I'm not mistaken...).

Let me say this: I support every fight for freedom and independence.

But the monster that is behind the whole act deserves to die SLOW and PAINFUL DEATH... Putting bullet in his head or an electric chair does not even do the justice to thad inhuman creature...bounce

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Originally posted by xcracker


True to that bro. Your reaction was normal,just remember you can't blame a whole group of people for the terrible acts of some bastards.

I just saw on cnn there is already action on afganistan.

There getting bombed right now.

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I appreciate everyone's response and am glad to see that none were confrontational. I understand that people would normally have a reaction as xcracker did... in fact, my first impression was somewhat similar to his, even though I am part palestinian, but that comes from the thought being beat into our heads, daily, by the media. I completely agree with the fact that this was done by an animal, not a person, but an animal who has no conscience, and has a misconception of the idea of fighting for your country. Whoever is responsible for this, should rot in hell, with all who were involved in this unbelievable attack should. I am still in shock, and relaize how lucky I am today that i took off of work today. I work 2 blocks away from there, and my co-workers have already told me numerous horror stories. Along with that, and on a less important note, its a shame to see such beautiful structures of the most beautiful skyline of the best city in the world go down. Does anyone have any thoughts of whether they think they will replace them? I personally feel that people would be afraid, as will the city, to put another skyscraper there in case there is another such attack in the future. You never know what could happen, and I cant stop thinking of what would have happened had I taken that path train in today.

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Originally posted by shlonger

Quick to point fingers xcracker. First of all, I think that was an ignorant comment made on your part. You seem to believe that arabs condone such actions when its really actions of radicals. These radicals are all over. Remember Oklahoma City, when everyone was so quick to assume it was arabs, but it turned out to be your average cornfed white countryboy. Even if it were actions by Arabs, once again, they are extremists who feel that their government hasn't done enough for them, so they take actions into their own hands. Second, the reason for the rejoicing in jerusalem and the mid-east is because of their resentment towards the US govt due to the history of the US continually siding with Israel because taking care of Israel is in America's best interest. The US doesn't see the palestinians as being oppressed, when that is exactly what they are. I know, because I have seen everything first-hand, and I've seen what they do to Palestinians over there. Of course, everything we see is manipulated by the media because the media and this country are run by JEWS. It would not be wise for Arab's to do that, but I heard on the radio that there is going to be retaliation for what happened to the innocent people here. Now if the US decided to attack Palestine, who have an inferior military, which probably couldn't even take the alliance, the US would be doing the same thing that had been done to them. All this stems from what is being done to the Arabs in their homes. And if America claims they don't support this type of behavior, they are hypocritical because they do support Israel who are closet advocates of this behavior because they continually practice it daily. In no way am I defending what happened, in fact, I'm totally against it, and am deeply distraut over what happened. I spoke to my friend from college, whom I work with 2 blocks away from the WTC, and he is traumatized. I skipped work today, but he said that on the way home, after evacuating, he saw the buildings collapse, and was also, literally, walking over dead bodies. This was a well thought-out plan, and was only done by raadicals, arab or not, who for some reason or another wanted the US's attention. This is a tragic day in US history, and whoever did this now has America's undivided attention. Hypothetically speaking, let's say that this act was done by Israel, we would never know because it would be covered up by the Jewish-run media, and the US will pin the blame on an Arab scapegoat, much like a conspiracy theory. Reason for this: How does America benefit from Palestine?...they don't, so why burn bridges from Israel, who by the way have a military which can and probably does scare the US military, when they can pick on the helpless country, sort of like the guido who picks a fight with the small kid rather than the juicehead. Well, things could have been worse, they could've bombed belmar. I have a few other points as to why the NSA didnt shoot down a plane going from Boston westbound to LA which was traveling south for some reason. I was under the impression that the US had protection for the city as in missiles aimed at NY in case a plane penetrated fly zone restrictions. Maybe because it was a charter plane. But the FAA and traffic control play a big part because when a plane is flying at such a low altitude in an air zone which it should not have been in, someone should have been notified. Where was the communication between the FAA and the proper authorities, once they realized the plane wasn't on the right course, and/or upon realizing it was being hijacked. Shoot the plane down, even though it had innocent people on there, they were going to die anyway. By the way I am part palestinian, and part guido, and if you still feel the way you do, and anyone else, I will happily better acquaint myself with you, and we can "iron" out our differences. You obviously are not educated, and dont have a mind of your own to think things out before you make assumptions...much like the rest of the US population. Anyone who wants to further discuss this, can e-mail me.



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Originally posted by trewguy


Not for nothing but you got to be really dumb if you think all this happen over that. When was this? Like maybe two weeks ago.

If you think it took two weeks to plan this terrible terriost act you are as dumb as you probaly look.

This was planned by an expert with a flawless plan. This mother fucker was evil. He trained people and they even practice this routine many times. It could of taken years. Do you see how shit went down. There was probaly some inside connection for terriost for everything to go down the way it did. Did you know why they choose the planes they did? Not for the amount of people but the fact that each plane was heading for california with a full tank of gas(witch made the impact of the crash so powerfull) the timing of the planes everything. This didn't get planed over night. How the fuck can this happen to America with all the money we spend on security? These bastards were trained for years.

It had to be Ven Laden. Are gov't can't find this fucker but some reporter can.

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we better do a number on afghanistan ,because when we bomb the shit out of them they better not hold back.that country has to suffer like we have been suffering this whole week.i worked with someone awhile back who was on the flight from newark to san fran she was only 29.bin laden can run but he can't hide and when the u.s. finds his sorry camel jockey ass ,i hope they make him suffer from here to eternity.

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Some people can be so ignorant. Why beat innocent people? Don't you think they are just as mad? Why label a whole entire race for the actions of a few terrible. How about us? Should we label ourselves from the actions of a few terrible? Do you remember Oklahoma city,Wacco Texas,# of school shootings, and many others. Shit why don't we kill everybody BLACK, WHITE, SPANISH, ASIANS, ARABS.

How about the Palestinains we possibly saw cheering? I say possible because for all we know, we could of possibly falsely been portrayed misinformed news by CNN( run by the jews).Hello does anybody know what propoganda is?

Don't some of you guys find it funny how not 3 hrs into this tradgyof WTC and are good old pals from CNN have footage of people cheering in the streets but yet these people don't really have tv's and radio's or could of it just been footage of people in streets cheering a week prior. When Israel soliders left a certain territory that belonged to them. Wake up people. Since when has CNN news ever tell you about the 5-10 Palestinain kids that are killed a day from Israel troops, but they'll be sure to let you know if one Israel civillian is killed. The whole thing down their so sad. When are both sides going to stop?

Back to my point. Even if those people were cheering(terrible) it was only a terrible few, mostly kids who have no fathers or older brothers because they were killed, but did any of you notice the clips were the same clips of the same people. Not that many people in that group but no new clips. I bet you remember all the faces on those clips. I sure do remember, but it's funny how CNN showed the same clips and only aired then the first day, maybe because they couldn't find anybody else cherring but CNN decided not to show you guys the following day that thousands of Palestinian kids and adults in schools and mosques giving a moment of silence and their prayers for the victims. Even hundreds giving blood. Luckly while this board was down I found a music board with no ignorant people and somebody posted pics if you would like to see them(ezadreamer.com) since CNN decided not to show you.

What I'm trying to get at is you can't even trust our news at all times because in some cases they are bias. Also don't judge a whole group of people on the terrible acts of others because are country has it's share. Don't fall victims into these terrible acts of Bin Laden and his cells, because then he has won. Think before you go outside and want to act on people who don't deserve it, because they are Americans too. I hope we'll kill that piece of shit too and his whole crew of scumbags. Keep your head up high America, don't fall in Ben Laden's trap. Peace to all and lets pray for the victims in this horrible tradgy.

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Capone, you are a wise man who apparently has a mind of his own. You do not buy into what the media feeds the mass population, and are smart enough to know that there are many hidden facts about what goes on in the middle east. I like that you think for yourself, and you use rationale and logic when formulating a thought or opinion... We obviously see eye to eye on this subject.

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it goes back to the israeli gov't taking over the west bank years ago.....for every palestinian they kill, they create more and more terrorists that we have to go searching for. if they would just leave that fucking desert sand plot for the palestinians to live in, that would solve half the problem

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That they will rebuild something in place of the WTC, and I think they should, basically for the economy of the city. We cannot pinpoint a single race, and the only the the United States can do is try to filter out who did this and punish them. I mean it is a horrible horrible thing that happened and I cry for these people everyday, but I also feel for the people who are innocent in these countries, trying to flee for their lives. We as Americans can not understand these peoples ways of lives, it is completly different than what we are used to. They live for religion, which many of us don't, and can't comprehend. Sometimes the U.S. involves itself in things that it should not, and we do side with Israel primarly because of our own interests, lets not be blind to that fact. But then again, I think about those neighbors of the terroists who said that they were everyday people living everyday lives, and it scares me to think that it could be anyone, and I hate to think that way, but I cannot help it. Like said on the media, this in not "a war" as we may know it because these motherfuckers are spread so far out againist the WORLD that we would have to bomb every country to find them. I think that the U.S. plans are to force the other countries to identify those who take place in these crimes, isolate them, and them react.

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I for once agree with shlonger. The individuals who are responsible for this attack are a minority amongst their religion. the Koran preaches that violence is wrong, that suicide is wrong. These terrorist are a cult of religious zealots who take phrases and portions of religious preachings and create their one interpritation. It is the same as some christian blowing up an aportion clinic and killing ten people in order to stop an abortion. That does not mean that all christians believe this mentality. let us not focus our energy on hatered during this tragic time. Let us focus on unity and serving justice to the guilty.

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I agree with everyone who says we shouldn't backlash against people in our own country. This is exactly what bin laden wants. He wants us to change the way we AMERICANS live our lives. He wants us to have to live looking over our shoulders. we should try to live a normal life. fly when you need to fly and BUY AMERICAN STOCKS. we need to come together as one. and with the support of the world we shall overcome terrorism.

In regards to the cnn comment

I really don't think that cnn would show old footage of people dancing in "paki-stank". Whats his face the leader of "paki-stank" even comented on the footage saying that it was just a small group of people cheering.

The one thing we should worry about are the people that a cheering in our own UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Imediatelly after the attacks on the U.S. groups of camel jockeys gathered in passiac to cheer the attacks. WE SHOULD NOT ALLOW PEOPLE TO CHEER HERE IN THE U.S.!!

Just the other day another camel jockey was caught in his office cheering in front of his other AMERICAN co workers. He was fired from his job and the FBI was notified and it turned out this guy had an expired visa and the INS deported his ASS. YEAH!! HU - RA!!


I hope they build another two buildings. Maybe a big HUGE!! monument of two real big middle fingers with two big AMERICAN FLAGS flying on it, pointing towards af - fucking - stanker - hoe - stan and the rest of those dirty swamp ass terrorists




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i am not trying to bash the islamic community,but the people who did this should suffer the consequences.all afganestan has to do is give up bin laden and if they get in the way then, that country should suffer the way we have suffered.im not for war but the destruction these people did to us was horrible.they woke up a "sleeping giant".now they will know what destruction will feel like when we get threw with them.

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