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Could this incident cause Anti-Aribic sentiment?


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Just like it happened to the Japanese during WWII, do you think that this will cause Anti-Arabic sentiment? People might say that that was then, and now it's the 21st Century... but i don't think that we've come that far as human beings.... We'll see JUST how far we've come.

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Originally posted by maximman

Just like it happened to the Japanese during WWII, do you think that this will cause Anti-Arabic sentiment? People might say that that was then, and now it's the 21st Century... but i don't think that we've come that far as human beings.... We'll see JUST how far we've come.

it already has.

just look at all these posts around here calling for death to palestinians! we dont even know who the real threat is and tough *talkers* around here are saying how they are ready to kill (or more acurately-- saying they are ready to send our military forces over to do the killing for them).

it happend in 1991, it will happen again. everybody will be so happy once we put a face to the horror. if its an arab, all arabs will be viewed as enemy. if its an afgani, all afganis will be viewed as the enemy. during the gulf war, many americans of arab ethnicity were terrorized (houses and businesses vandalized and burned) by the same kind of hotheaded, misguided, foolishness that we are already hearing around here.

after all, its easier to be a pussy who terrorizes his own neighborhood or a tough talker who isnt in the military than someone who actually signs up to serve. put up or shut up, i say.

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I'm not anti-arab, just anti-Arab countries.... The majority of those countries are a threat to our way of life....I'm not saying that our way of life is the best.... But I think it's pretty damn good and would like to keep it that way. If that means killing a bunch of Arabs, then so be it.... to save our way of life I don't care if there Arabs, German's, Japanese, Koreans whatever.... JUST DON"T FUCK WITH US....

No matter who's fault it is all the terror causing countries in the mideast should be punished for this attack.

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Originally posted by trancend

i wont discriminate....besides if theyre livin in our country i dont think theyre really helpin out with the attack anyway

i have friends that are palestinian and them and their families are just as horrified as everyone~~>exactly what u said...it has nothing to do with them....just because some people are bad..doesn't condemn the whole race~~>are all germans bad because of hitler!?! i'm sure u guys know what i mean.

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Originally posted by pumavisor808

If that means killing a bunch of Arabs, then so be it.... to save our way of life I don't care if there Arabs, German's, Japanese, Koreans whatever.... JUST DON"T FUCK WITH US....

That's exactly what I'm talking about. There are Arabic-Americans, German-American, Japanese-Americans etc... Who's to decide who's "US"... you say don't fuck with us.... what happens to the aribic family down the street who have been here for 20 years and b/c people don't consider them to be part of "US" they get harrassed. They get harrased because they look different, because they don't wear jeans and sneakers, but rather cover up their face and bodies...

In a country composed of immigrants (newly immigrated or settled for a long time)... i ask you once again... who's "US"?

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My point is that I'm not pissed at the Arabs or Muslims that live in this country or any other country. I'm pissed at the ARABs that caused this and the countries that back them.... Countries like Syria, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan etc have held the world hostage too long... They all harbor terroirsts under their govt's and all support anti-American orginaztions... These are the people that I want GW to take care of... It will be nice to find out who did this and bring them to justice. But what about the next group waiting in the wings???? Should we just sit and wait for them to do something even worse???? They all need to be stopped..

Again I'm not anti Arab or Muslim (my roomate is muslim and I'm pretty sure he's not a terrorist) Just Pro American!

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