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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

To all of the CP messageboards heads...


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I'm really touched that SO many people on this message board have been so deeply affected by this tragedy - I know that New Yorkers, and especially people within the "club scene" get stereotyped as careless and unfeeling, self-centered and self absorbed, and so on..... but almost everyone today has been so hurt and so affected by what happened to our city (even though I'm from Jersey). i think New York & all of those who love the city willl be changed forever.

I know that I haven't said anything anyone else hasn't sadi already but I just wanted to say it

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That was very nice, Parti Girl.

Either way, if you're from NJ, NY, PA... its our country and freedom that has ultimately been threatened.

To all that are lost, RIP, and to all who are still alive, may you be saved to live a long life.

This is a tragedy, and we need to stay together to overcome it... I mean our entire country, and being.

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Guest jaxl

Couldn't have said it better myself. NY as we knew it has changed forever. They thought they could bring us down, all they did was succeed in bringing not only NY, but the entire country closer together. Makes me proud to be an American!!!

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Originally posted by jaxl

Couldn't have said it better myself. NY as we knew it has changed forever. They thought they could bring us down, all they did was succeed in bringing not only NY, but the entire country closer together. Makes me proud to be an American!!!

me too!! i love seein everyone kinda united now... its a reassuring feeling that everything will be ok... :)
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me too. and its not just us. i have received hundreds of messages from people overseas - australia, brazil, hollad, peru, argentina, canada, england, turkey, israel, thailand, japan, etc.

the entire world is shocked and outrage.

lets remember that we are ALL in this together.

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