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I wrote this for Americans. Everyone should read this


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- God Bless America -

America has been attacked, they destroyed a great piece of NYC, the Pentagon and many precious lives, but they missed America itself, what we are, and who we are. We are stonger, closer and more united now more than ever. This tragedy has caused Americans to be true Americans and beyond. This is now a hard and mournful time. But also at the same time we have become better and greater Americans, as individuals and as a nation. And I am damn proud to be an American. So proud. And I'm sure every single one of you are also. God Bless America.

This has been undeniably the most tragic, horrific occurence to hit The United States Of America. Amazingly, us Americans, especially New Yorkers, has shown an incredible and almost suprising amount of strengh, love, compassion and patriotism, of which i admire and very proud of. Through all the attacks, shock and danger, America has some how been all that. No one can get us down, these attacks were the strongest America has been damaged by, but we are not phazed, we are stronger. Just goes to show what Americans are about and made of. United we stand, united we fall. These faceless cowardly fools has attacked the Earth's greatest nation, and wether they stand united or not, they will fall all together. These ugly thugs has done to Americans what no other person, group or event has had the power to do, they have made Americans closer and more loving toward eachother then any other way. We, New York, will build a much bigger, greater monument or building/s where the WTC Rests In Peace and show and laugh at these cowards. They will know once again and again we are unbreakable. These insects will be punished for there foolish actions on America. We are survivors and they shall not survive for long. God Bless America.

My deep condolences to all the friends and families that has lost a loved one during this hard time. We all wish all of you the best and God bless you. All of the lives stolen by these dirty criminals were all innocent men, women and children. These innocent lives lost for a senceless and pointless reason. Not only have they murdered some of us, they have made an attack on our way of living and what we have. As all of you know, the death toll will reach the thousands. The relief efforts in lower Manhatten has been done by a tremendous number of Fire Fighters, Police Officers, EMS, and ofcourse the many volunteers. All these poeple are such amazing heros, selfless and brave human beings. Hundreds of NY's Finest and Bravest lost there own lives rescueing and helping other lives. That is greatest thing in my opinion a person can do. They risked there lives in order to save others. We thank you so much. God Bless Our Heros.

I myself did not lose any loved ones, but my father lost half a dozen close freinds and associates from the collapse of the two great towers. I also heard about a certain girl I had gone to school with who had lost her father from one of the airplanes. My deep, deep condolences to her and the family. The terrorists have tooken many of our lives, but please dont let them take away your hope and your way of life. This sounds a little cliche but, everything happens for a reason, most of the time we dont know why or understand it, but God has his ways. God works in ways we can't possibly understand. God has a time for everyone for when they go. So like they say, "They are in a better place now." I hope to everyone with losses, that they understand and feel our love and condolences, not only in New York but the rest of America.. Because America is just that right now...love and united. God Bless Our Angels.

I can honestly say that this tragedy has also created and caused many good things for New York and the rest of our nation. They tried to break us, but only bonded us tighter. They tried to kill us, but we are now more lively. This has caused Americans to care and love eachother so much more then I thought possible. I am so very proud of our New Yorkers, and of course Americans. I am so proud to be one, to be a part of this, to live in this great, amazing nation, to live with the greatest poeple on this planet, to feel this love, to be American.

God Bless America.

I hope this lil letter

touches some of

your hearts, and

maybe help some

of you get through

this crazy time we

are facing. Thanks

for reading this.

I love you all..

God Bless You.

-Sean Ket-

aim screenname - seanket

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