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what a piece of shit - arafat


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that turd of a pig, he wants to join in an international anti-terrorist group, sponsored by US. that piece of trash is the problem itself. his Force 17 and Fatah factions conduct terrorist activities everyday, shooting schoolbuses and blowing up pizzerias and nightclubs full of kids. the snake must be choked and its venom bled dry. the numbers and facts are all here http://www.idf.il/english/news/nifg.stm

please understand that the israelis have had to live under this blanket of nightmare for over 50 years, and it took us this long to see the cancer of islamic fundamentalism. its a shame that decent hardworking and benevolent people must suffer like this. things will change.

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Sir, I am not trying to start any problems, nor do I want to get into a political debate - but from my view of the situation in Israel, shooting people who throw rocks isn't exactly the actions of heroes!! I know people who died in this tragedy and I am starting to feel deeply insulted by Israelis who keeping trying to fan the flames of hate. The conflict over there is a major component of why america is suffering now - and these statements like "know you what it is like to be in Israel" pisses me off even more - Israel is not the US and killing off a whole population of Palestinians will not solve any problems!! Stop trying to use this tragedy as an excuse to further Israel's cause - They way I see it - both sides are killing each other and are full of hatred for each other - neither are right. I am born and raised in NY - I see from your profile you are not (Russia, Tel Aviv) - Please don't use an American tragedy as an excuse to spread hatred and death for your benefit - Offer your support and outrage and love, but not your hatred!!

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my friend, you have been blind or ignorant when you say that the israelis are shooting people who throw rocks. i lost friends in the attack on tue, and so did thousands of fellow americans, and by no means am i trying to gain sympathy for israelis at the cost of our own. what i am trying to say is that a terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist, no matter what the motive, agenda or ideology. if you think the palestinians are the oppressed and poor people who throw only rocks against the evil israelis, you are sadly mistaken. these are the people who danced and cheered on tue, and even though arafat and his cronies were condeming the attack, his population chanted 'death to israelis and americans' i am not trying to fume the flames of hate, but i for one is sick and tired of hearing how bad israel is for trying to protect its own citizens. and please dont think that this is somehow unrelated to our own tragedy here, because they are, this is a world wide network of muslim fundamentalist extremests. in palestinian territories, the children praise bin laden's name, and the state tv and radio (look at this broadcast http://www.idf.il/english/announcements/2000/october/15-prop.stm ), encourages acts of terror against the israeli population. if it means killing the terrorists outright, like israel did with missile attacks, then thats the way it has to be done, we will not stand for this kind of horror, and you will see, neither will US, NATO and the entire western world. fuck the palestinians, i do not offer condolences to people who dance and cheer to tragedies, no matter what your ideology is.

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My friend why is the current Prime Minister of Israel considered a war criminal in Western europe and why is he being advised not to go to western european countries (they fear he would be arrested). The fact remains that what been done is terrible and there are no excuses, but what has and is happening in the middle east is wrong on both sides!! You can call killing children the defense of citizens cause you are from that side - I call it murder and so does the rest of the world. Why won't israel accept peace keeping troops in the region, because they want to committ murder. Yes, it is true that some palestinians danced in the streets, but some palestinians also held memorials. The world is not black and white - there are two sides two every story and the fact that you want kill off a whole population due to their religion or ethnicity is nothing but genocide - the fact that you want the US and Nato to do it, is your spreading of hate. The fact that Tuesday Israel was attacking Palestinian settlements show how fucked up that region is. When a Palestinian kills an Israeli, I am upset - when a Israeli kills an Palestinian - I am upset (unlike you who is happy) We should value all human life not just some. It's time for the US to react and deal with terrorism, but it is also time to react and stop giving aid and weapons to Israel so they can't kill anymore - As far as I am concerned fuck Israel and Palestine, the US should stop dealing with both of those countries. I am not blind or ignorant - I believe you are a fanatic for one cause - Israeli, Palestinian - what is the difference, you both commit murder and rationalize it for your own benefit!! You both celebrate when the other side dies - that is just wrong!!

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I hate getting into political arguments, especially at a time like this, but to say that the Prime Minister of Israel is a war criminal in Eastern Europe is such a bunch of bullshit only Arafat could pull off as propaganda. If this act of "retaliation" at America was indeed "retaliation" for crimes committed by the U.S. and Israel, why wont the faceless bastard show who he is so we can prove all the crimes and terror we put forth upon them?? I'm tired of hearing this crap. Arafat is scared into showing pity for us simply for the reason that he knows he's like 3rd on the list of suspects. I myself think along with many think he is worse the Ben Laden himself, we all know Ben Laden is a piece of shit, rotten to the core, Arafat will smile at you, and then when you turn your back he will stab you.


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Originally posted by housemusic4evr

I hate getting into political arguments, especially at a time like this, but to say that the Prime Minister of Israel is a war criminal in Eastern Europe is such a bunch of bullshit only Arafat could pull off as propaganda. If this act of "retaliation" at America was indeed "retaliation" for crimes committed by the U.S. and Israel, why wont the faceless bastard show who he is so we can prove all the crimes and terror we put forth upon them?? I'm tired of hearing this crap. Arafat is scared into showing pity for us simply for the reason that he knows he's like 3rd on the list of suspects. I myself think along with many think he is worse the Ben Laden himself, we all know Ben Laden is a piece of shit, rotten to the core, Arafat will smile at you, and then when you turn your back he will stab you.


First of all it's western Europe and second - I read it in the NY Times about three weeks ago. There was an article where they interview the Prime Ministers advisers and they were making a list of countries that he can't enter - I believe belgium, France, Holland, Denmark, etc...(Western Europe) - This is not propaganda, formal charges were being brought agianst him in Hague - I see that some of the board members here are a bit fanatical about this - but this is what I read in the times - I am not making it up - I read the times everyday - I am not defending one side or the other, all I am saying is that making broad statements of killing of whole populations based on religion is extreme and it is genocide - Maybe some of you support killing every Muslim on the planet, but as a Roman Catholic - I can not!! The US must react and civilians might be killed, but if it is Afghanistan that we after then that's who we attack - or If we go after terrorist groups, then we attack them. Why should we kill all the muslims and say that they are all evil and deserve to die - this sounds a lot like what was said in Germany during WWII. Granted there are arabs who deserve what they get, but we never killed of all the Irish when the IRA did something horrible, nor would people say kill all the catholics or Irish!! When we deal with the IRA, it's the IRA!! When we deal with muslim terrorist groups, it's kill all the Muslim - there are a lot of muslims in the world!!

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Originally posted by tribal

that turd of a pig, he wants to join in an international anti-terrorist group, sponsored by US. that piece of trash is the problem itself. his Force 17 and Fatah factions conduct terrorist activities everyday, shooting schoolbuses and blowing up pizzerias and nightclubs full of kids. the snake must be choked and its venom bled dry. the numbers and facts are all here http://www.idf.il/english/news/nifg.stm

please understand that the israelis have had to live under this blanket of nightmare for over 50 years, and it took us this long to see the cancer of islamic fundamentalism. its a shame that decent hardworking and benevolent people must suffer like this. things will change.

Oh please don't bullshit.Israelis contribute to this problem just as much,if not more,as Palestinians do.If you also weren't so ignorant, you'd see that Arafat was not the one behind the disaster on Tuesday.So wisen up and try to look at things from not such a narrow minded, racist point of view. It irritates me to hear of Israelis talking about how much they were screwed over in the Holoucast yet they are practicing the same horrible things with the Palestinians by killing civilians without any way to defend themselves except with mere stones and rocks. Can you spell H-Y-P-P-O-C-R-Y-T-E?

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There was something you said that made me think....about Israel protecting its civilians...well, tell me why would they need to?If all those hassidim that are living near Palestinian territory would just move their fat asses back over to Israeli controlled ground, maybe the problems between the two groups would easen up a bit. Every year more and more settlements for Israelis are being built on Palestinian land, and yet Sharon that fat pig justifies it with absolute and complete bullshit. I honestly swear...that Israel has become the most racist nation ever. I went to high school in Israel and I am a citizen, but more often than ever now I am becoming more ashamed of the people's views and actions. It's really sad, because it is such a beautiful country...whatever your opinions are on Palestinians or Muslims or whatever, you cannot deny that they have a right to live as they want to just like YOU can. You are neither above or below them. We are all creations of God and we are kin. We need to stop this petty bullshit and try to get along despite our differences. If so many people weren't ignorant, they'd also realize that the true message in Islam is one of peace, just like in all religions, yet there are those many bad apples who unfortunately keep surfacing to taint the images of everyone else. I don't think it's fair that innocent people have to suffer because of the actions of others...and if the media in the US and the government weren't so fucked up, the American people would see how they are being manipulated and brainwashed into seeing the dark, half-truth of the whole situation. But, alas, there's just too MUCH ignorance in the world!And that is where this shit comes from.....but good luck trying to tell anyone..we might as well just all prepare for the next World War...and hope that our loved ones and friends won't be victims in its ruthless, mindless, power hungry path.Fuck the world.

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most countries in the world have their share of terrorists. there are terrorists in isreal that attack palestinains, and vice-versa. Hell, the united States has them (anyone remember the oklahoma city bombing?). And, most of them time, the governemnets of thse countries do not advocate these groups (there ARE exceptions to this)

something else to keep in mind, many of these terrorists groups/leaders like Bin Laden, were on the CIA/KGB payroll during the cold war. These terrorists were funded, trained, and given weapons by both the us government and the soviet government (Bin Laden was trained by the CIA:mad: )

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