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So I Lost All Of My Songs.......


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MY computer must have cought a virus or something but anyway ater countless call to hewlett packard they came to the conclusion that i had to recover my system......anyway that means make it like the day you bought it so i had all of my tracks deleted and now i gotta rebuild.........

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ouch. but on the bright side, your computer is all ready to rock now. cleaned shop, removed all the old porn and bad songs, now its new again. i usually burn all my mp3s and important apps to cds, then reformat the HD every few months...keeps the puter running in tip top shape

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Originally posted by bigart

i told you to UPGRADE when u were installing XP , steve, SImple as that ,, and u call urself a SYS admin


I didn't want to fucking upgrade!

Upgrade is for newbies like you!!!!:D

At least, i have a nyce clean system.

I will never, ever upgrade an OS. Keep that in mind!

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ok, this is coming from the geek in me, lol.

this is what i do to avoid the situation above, and it works, unless the harddrive goes totally fucked.

you can make a partition for just the operating system, and say call that one c:\. then just make another partition just for mp3s or movies, whatever. so in case you catch a virus or just have to reformat you can just format the partition that the OS is on and the mp3s are safely stored in your other partition which you can access again when you reformat. and of course, i always back my stuff up on cds anyway, but sometimes that gets tedious.

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Just back all ur shit up on cd's. Thats what I do. What I think we shoudl all do are put a lot of our mp3's on cds and send them to eachother. This way we can get so many more songs without the hassle of downloading. Im down if any of u are down but I have a feelin nobodies gonna do this. Keep in mind i can send some people an mp3 cd that draper could probably play in exit. anyone up for doin somethin like this. peace

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