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The beauty of it all (last night @ Union Square)

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Was an absolutely striking and stunning event in my heart.

Focusing in on only our group for a moment, I'd like to say that these people are heroic in their own ways. Andy, Rick, Brandie, Mike K, Mia, Rob, Noreyma, and Nick... and the special guest star appearance by Steve420 have proved to me that love exists within the hearts of our friends. We pulled together to support our friend Mitchell, Casey's fiancee, and of course to provide an extra effort in our beloved Casey.

A major good came out of this, aside the obvious, and that is bringing people together. The group was diverse, black, white, hispanic, asian... this sense of unity is something that pleases me most. Friends who I haven't seen in a long while coming through touched my heart and made me smile. Whatever the outcome of Casey's situation may be, I know that she would smile upon us, whether in person or up above. This is what good is, the very essencse of all that is good.

Now, to a larger scale: My eyes weren't deceiving me... for the first time in over ten years of hanging out and about Union Square, I saw something truly beautiful; People coming together, for the vigil, in memory and hopes of the tragedy that has just occured. There was a power there and a prescense I can't explain. Every type of person you could think of, praying, singing, and unifying for our country and our race, the Human race... because there is only one. No color or ethnicity is considered a different race. The term One Love comes to mind. The roar of the F-16's overhead is the only thing that broke the harmony of it all... however, it felt more like a blanket of security, knowing that America's Air Force was doing its patrols to protect us better. We cannot blame our Government, as it was an enemy unseen that struck from within.

Finally, the time came where we broke into teams, working in tactics, so spread Casey's flyers around the area. Thus, team crackhead was formed, designated by Andy Z, which to this moment still makes me laugh... that's the point of it, to smile and laugh. Through the dismal of circumstances, joy can still be found if looked into deep enough. So, Andy, Mike K his roomie, and myself began our brief journey for an hour to spread the call to find our loved Casey. Each time we posted a flyer, I could not help but think of how much I loved this woman, and how sad it was, however us being together kept my spirits up and in good form. Soon enough, on 20th street we witnessed an accident. Passing a parking garage, we heard a loud crash which caused us to halt. I mumbled that the car must have fell, and well, the screams for help soon confirmed that as we ran back to see the parking attendant's ankle pinned to the ground by the lift platform itself, with a mini-van atop of it. There was no one around for the moment... so Mike called 911, Andy jolted off to find an officer, and I yelled at the people coming to not touch the man. Playing around with that lift could have made it worse, not only for his leg, but for his life. Within an amazing three minutes time, New Yorks Bravest (FDNY) came to the scene and delivered. They knew what they had to do within ten seconds, bringing out all sorts of tools to help the injured man. Many props to our boys, a showing like that impressed me to no end. I urged the team to leave the site, our purpose was to get help, and we succeeded. We had left and continued our mission.

Soon enough we joined the rest of the crew... emotions were definitely in air, but we all stabalized each other. We went on to have a good dinner at BBQ's... yeaaaaaah boooyy... can I just say the Mac n Cheese was phenom, right Noreyma? LOL.

After dinner we had proceeded to my secondary mission, which was down to my old hood in SoHo, 1.5 blocks north of Canal street, about 12-14 blocks north of the towers. Walking down West Broadway brought back a flood of memories for me... and I stopped the group at Spring and W Broadway to explain to them what it was like to live there for quite a time and walk home. Everyday I would turn onto broadway, walking on Spring from the 6 train. Everyday I would gaze up and see those two mammoth towers... a symbol of many things; hope, freedom, capitalism, and mans strength to succeed. No matter how miserable the day may have been, a smile always touched my lips turning that corner... and that is no lie. A landmark is a powerful thing. This haunted me to no end... and my mood fell off a cliff. Andy was there to help me up quickly, and so there was nothing I could do except dismiss it and lead the group to Circa Tabac, my old hangout and home. The lounge was as always, dark and relaxed. The proprietors were both there and a smile lit their face when I walked in. Its like coming home... and I felt the warmth. Everyone was ok, and the group had a spot to rest for its final part of the night. We had a few drinks, talked, joked, prayed, and took a moment to raise our spirits higher then before.

Before I finalize this night in a sentence or two, a great concept came up. America's favorite past time, baseball, has an urban version... stick ball :) Thus the idea came up for the boards... a stick ball tournament in two weeks. 2 man teams, with donations of $20-30 each team. Even if $400 is raised, its $400 for a good cause, and from the hearts of us. All I know is, it will be a lot of fun, and you better watch out... cause I'm going to strike your asses out. :)

Finally, once again... to my boy Mitchell, your strength and courage is amazing. The power of the hug I felt when we first met-up last night was intense. You are a man among men, and I salute your honor, courage, and faith.

To Casey: I cannot express with words, the sheer emotions that I have for you. No matter what happens, you will always have a place in my heart. We organized the best meetups ever known to man... we brought people together on these boards, we helped each other in many ways... and damn girl, you even brought me to my first Korean restaurant :) Your smile, your voice, your angelic features will always lift my heart, whether you will be there in person to share them with me, or if they will be in memory. Casey, I love you with all my heart. I even saw our pic on EZdreamer.com :)

Andy, Nick, Brandie, Rick, Mia, Rob, Steve, Mike K, Noreyma... you all have my loving respect and honor. Thank you for helping our friend, and for coming together last night.

I think I've babbled enough. This post is for Casey... because I KNOW this is what its all about, and she thinks so too.


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Thanks for sharing. Your words brought tears to my eyes. I hope that you and the urban team are ok.

and to casey. i never had the pleasure of meeting you. both meetups i attended and you set up, you had already left by the time i arrived. God bless you. You are in my toughts and in my prayers....


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I'm sorry I couldn't make it out there, but it's things like that that exemplifies the best in the people emerging from this tragedy.

Is there any word of other vigils that are going on? I'm heading into the city tomorrow looking for volunteer/donation info and will likely drop by Union and Washington Square.

And I must plead ignorance here, as I've never met her. However, I saw on the news of a woman looking for her 22 year old daughter (Eastern Asian, shoulder length black hair) who was on a very high floor in one of the towers. Could her daughter be Casey ??

Hope everyone's holding alright.

Whatever the outcome, my best wishes to Casey 's family and friends.

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Originally posted by xpander

I'm sorry I couldn't make it out there, but it's things like that the exemplifies the best in the people emerging from this tragedy.

Is there any word of other vigils that are going on? I'm heading into the city tomorrow looking for volunteer/donation info and will likely drop by Union and Washington Square.

Hope everyone's holding alright.

My best wishes to Casey 's family and friends.

Come to Union Square any time. There's always something going on there.

Also a big memorial event in Central Park is planned for next Sunday

Has anything similar been done out in Queens?

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I was really suprised by how many people came out for

the vigil. It was great to see. I was born in NYc and lived in the city over 20 years, bu in al lthat time I can honestly say I've never seen things come together the way I've seen this week. It's really just been amazing the way everyone is really thinking about what matters and what you can really just let slide. These kind of things really put things into perspective. This is something that really hit all of us.

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I've passed by there every day since Wednesday

There's been different stuff happening there each day, but whatever is there never fails to impress.

Seems like every race, ethnicity, and religion has been representin'

Has anyone seen the Tibetan group's prayer gatherings?

I also wonder how many of the memorials were planned to be the way that they ended up being... I wouldn't be surprised in most cases if it started out as just one person laying down a candle, and then someone else put another next to it, and so on... like a snowball effect

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i went there last night and it was unreal......just an overwelming amount of peace going on even though it was for a tragdey........there was singing and people praying and talking and overall just silent at times........i get chills when i think about it........

and every single person in there wants this thing to end peacefully and not to create a war........how many more lives have to be lost??????????????

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Wow. This thread really affected me. What can I say? It's been amazing to me that even though I've spent my entire life living in northern NJ with the rest of my family in LI I did not lose any close friends or family in the tragedy. While I am certainly thankful for this I think I, like many others, has somehow wanted some personal attachment to this horror other than the obvious reactions. Like many others in the days following the events life has felt somehow unimportant, my job somehow meaningless.

To the best of my knowledge I never met Casey. However, I've read many of her posts and recall her positive attitude and regular presence on this board. This board has served as a daily connection to the city I've always loved, enabling me to be in NY even while working in NJ.

Undoubtedly, there are difficult days ahead. Thinking of Casey, someone who actually touched my life, however lightly, helps give me the will to go forward in the face of this. Recalling the energy she brought to the community of this board, the events she organized, it is clear that she would want us to move forward and enjoy ourselves again in the coming weeks and years. Putting a face on this tragedy gives me a sense of accountability. I cannot let Casey down by letting fear and uncertainty get the better of me.

It is clear by the heartfelt feelings of her friends that Casey's life had deep meaning. I hope that others that have been touched by her story like I have can give some meaning to her presence at that horrible place.

I hope my words help, they are my true feelings.

God bless Casey, her family, and her friends. I hope we can all come together soon to celebrate in our beloved city.

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What you wrote brought a smile to my face. :)

I'm glad the thread has lent you some positivity and otherwise.

Don't you worry... I plan on bringing the board together again for a meetup in the coming month, that I promise. I'm coming out of retirement for this one... lol... I wish I had Casey to plan it with, we did em right, except that Lucky Chengs one got a bit messy, that's another story though. :)


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