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Rosh Hashana

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Happy New Year.

I am going to dinner & services w/ my family on Monday...then I have off from work on Tuesday, so more services...dinner again Tuesday night, then back to the city so I can go to work on Wed. I can imagine the sermons will be quite amazing...

Hope everyone has a healthy & happy new year.

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Originally posted by nrgy112

happy new year to everyone especially during such a somber time. I came home for Monday and tuesday from school, and then it's back up to miserable Binghamton.

Thanks.. You guys are luck up at Binghamton because you get all the Jewish holidays off. We don't get anything off, what can i do.. nothing. Luckily I only have one class on Tuesday so I can skip it. Happy New Year.

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Rosh Hashana starts on Monday night, SUNDOWN.

Since Rosh Hashana is 2 days, so its Tuesday, and also Wednesday. Wednesday sundown the Jewish Holiday is over.

Rosh Hashana means: The begining of a new year.

In other words, the New Year according to the Jewish calander starts on Monday night.

Happy Holidays all!

To a bright and healthy new year! ;)

Here is more about it:

Rosh HaShana, the Jewish New Year, is a time of both joy and introspection. Apples are dipped in honey to remind people that the coming year should be a sweet one. At the same time, the shofar, or ram’s horn, is blasted to awaken the soul and look inward at one’s deeds. For Rosh HaShana begins the ten days of repentance when Jews prepare themselves for the atonement of Yom Kippur.

Interestingly enough, while Passover is considered the New Year of the Jewish people, Rosh HaShana is considered “the birthday of the world.”It is a time when Jews commemorate the creation of the world as mentioned in the Book of Genesis (Bereshis), while at the same time working to re-create themselves. A common greeting is “L’Shana Tova Tekatevu v’Techatemu” – may you be inscribed and sealed for a good year.

Special prayer for the high holy days “Yamim Noraim”, are recited from the Machzor. These include a special Musaf with versus concerning G-d’s kingship, providence and revelation. There is also the custom of symbolically casting one’s sins into the water called Tashlich.

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Originally posted by nrgy112

happy new year to everyone especially during such a somber time. I came home for Monday and tuesday from school, and then it's back up to miserable Binghamton.

my gf goes to binghamton. i hate it up there. i have been up there a few times already this year and what a boring place. i feel sorry for ya.

happy new year!!!!!!!

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since i dont get any of the jewish holidays off, i will only be able to come home to nyc for yom kippur...although in light of recent events it doesnt sound like a particularly safe choice, since it is a big holiday and all, and anti-israeli/jewish sentiment tends to rise during such times. =(

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