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WAG THE DOG! CNN broadcasts lies on America!


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I got this letter from a reliable source..

kinda makes you wonder if WE aren't the media brainwashed ones.




celebrating Palistinians to

manipulate you by Marcio 9:10am Thu Sep 13 '01

Repost from IMC israel

address: State University of Campinas -


All around the world we are subjected to 3 or 4 huge news distributors, and one of them - as>you well know - is CNN. Very well, I guess>all of you have been seeing (just as I've been)images from this company.

I'd like to add some ideas from here, down south.

There's an important point in the power of press, specifically the power of


All around the world we are subjected to 3 or 4 huge news distributors,

and one of them - as you well know - is CNN. Very well, I guess all of

you have been seeing (just as I've been) images from this company. In

particular, one set of images called my attencion: the Palestinians

celebrating the bombing, out on the streets, eating some cake and making funny faces for the camera.

Well, THOSE IMAGES WERE SHOT BACK IN 1991!!! Those are images of Palestinians celebrating the invasion of Kuwait! It's simply unacceptable that a super-power of cumminications as CNN uses images which do not correspond to the reality in talking about so serious an issue.


A teacher of mine, here in Brazil, has videotapes recorded in 1991, with the very same images; he's been sending emails to CNN, Globo (the major TV network in Brazil) and newspapers, denouncing what I myself classify as a crime against the public opinion. If anyone of you has access to this kind of files, serch for it. In the meanwhile, I'll try to 'put my hands'on a copy of this tape.

But now, think for a moment about the impact of such images. Your people is hurt, emotionally fragile, and this kind broadcast have very high possibility of causing waves of anger and rage against Palestinians. It's simply irresponsible to show images such as those.

Finally, I'd like to say that we all regret and condemn all that has happened in the last days; but Nikos has a point here. I really don't want to be misunderstood here, but the truth is that US government had shown no respect for other countries in the last decades. In the 60s and 70s they had halped lots of military coups throughout the world (including Brazil in 64). Later, with Reagan and Bush Father, the Washington Consensus have been demolishing the bases of our economies, making us more and more dependant (and, many of us, prehocupied with this situation).

Your current president quickly made things worse: Kioto Protocol, Star Wars, Colombia Plan, the exchange of rain forest for pieces of external debt, tha abandonment of the position of third party in negotiations between IRA and England, and between Palestinians and Israel. All those mistakes in US external politics made your country more hatred than before, and, of course, more vulnerable.

Listen, I'm NOT justifying the terrorist actions that took place in your

country; but it seems to me that, if your leaders had come along another path of thoughts and actions, you wouldn't be suffering what you are now.

Best regards, and the hope that everything is resolved for the best of all of us

Márcio A. V. Carvalho

State University of Campinas - Brazil


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Oh my god I'm sooooo surprised!

You mean WE, the American people, are being manipulated by the media and the government??? Say it aint so!!! You mean to tell me that propaganda is being used on us in order to get us to support our war-crazed, intellectually stunted, bomb-happy president and his hidden agenda??? Demonizing an entire people through media images in order to make it OK to kill them---geeez- thats a new tactic...

Those who forget history are doomed to.... well you know.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by goldenman


i think the government runs CNN and all those other news channel? yes/no?:confused:

Plain and simple: NO

It is only in very few countries that this is actually allowed. I know from Russia, but they got a lot of shit from other governmets because of that.

It would be just too easy to use the TV for Propaganda.

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Originally posted by mugwump

Finally, I'd like to say that we all regret and condemn all that has happened in the last days; but Nikos has a point here. I really don't want to be misunderstood here, but the truth is that US government had shown no respect for other countries in the last decades. In the 60s and 70s they had halped lots of military coups throughout the world (including Brazil in 64). Later, with Reagan and Bush Father, the Washington Consensus have been demolishing the bases of our economies, making us more and more dependant (and, many of us, prehocupied with this situation).

Your current president quickly made things worse: Kioto Protocol, Star Wars, Colombia Plan, the exchange of rain forest for pieces of external debt, tha abandonment of the position of third party in negotiations between IRA and England, and between Palestinians and Israel. All those mistakes in US external politics made your country more hatred than before, and, of course, more vulnerable.

Listen, I'm NOT justifying the terrorist actions that took place in your

country; but it seems to me that, if your leaders had come along another path of thoughts and actions, you wouldn't be suffering what you are now.

Best regards, and the hope that everything is resolved for the best of all of us

Márcio A. V. Carvalho

State University of Campinas - Brazil


The first why has been given, but unfortunately it was not an American, who is speaking out loud what a lot of people around the world think. I have heard similar opinions from Germany, France and the UK. I have also seen one Senator on Fox News who was stating the same. He got cut off the air!!!!!! It seemed to me that people here do not even want to think about why this has happened. I hope this makes people think!

Don't get me wrong it is a terrible thing that happened and it is in no way justifyable!

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Originally posted by goldenman


i think the government runs CNN and all those other news channel? yes/no?:confused:

It is much more complicated than that but the media's coverage is influenced by the powers that be. Is anyone aware of the fact that we STILL continue to bomb Iraq and kill innocent people over there. Funny how that never seems to get mentioned over here any more. The media has to be consistent with a country's political agenda or else the people in the country will resist. Its subtle but also very blatant to those who step outside this country.

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Originally posted by midiman

It is much more complicated than that but the media's coverage is influenced by the powers that be. Is anyone aware of the fact that we STILL continue to bomb Iraq and kill innocent people over there. Funny how that never seems to get mentioned over here any more. The media has to be consistent with a country's political agenda or else the people in the country will resist. Its subtle but also very blatant to those who step outside this country.

Soooo True!

very well put!

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Originally posted by midiman

It is much more complicated than that but the media's coverage is influenced by the powers that be. Is anyone aware of the fact that we STILL continue to bomb Iraq and kill innocent people over there. Funny how that never seems to get mentioned over here any more. The media has to be consistent with a country's political agenda or else the people in the country will resist. Its subtle but also very blatant to those who step outside this country.

Huu, this is scary, I thought everyone was aware of that! There were quite a few protest marches against the Iraq bombing in Europe. Didn't they cover that on the news??

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Guest saleen351

Wow a bunch of idiots on cp...

you ppl need to get educations!!!!

The constitiution of the united states protects the media from what ever they report on...they are not influenced by any one....ARe you telling me with around 10,000 newspapers around the us and tons and tons or other media outlets,, internet, radio, etc that it is a cover up.....HELLO earth to cp memebers!!!!! Most of the time they do use file footage but every newspaper including the BBC reported them celebrating, even there leader said it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IDIOTS......It is common practice to use file footage.... Any one from Brazil should shut their mouth!!!! Why cause Brazil is in such dier economic situation that they now use what they call the Brazilan dollar which trades off of our dollar value because the Brazialian Real was so unsteady!!!!

And no we don't bomb inocent ppl in IRAQ!!! Yea sometimes innocient ppl get hurt but that is the cost of war!!!! If you ppl for one second would think of letting Sadam do what he wants then you are all destined to be drafted.....

Remember its all about the dollar, so the media in times of war actully LOSE money cause they don't air commercials!!!!!!! Of course they are fighting for your future viewing , such as when CNN almost went of the air until wolf blitzer from the gulf got ratings way way up....so there for news agencies are competeting and ALL would have to colude together like opec to cover up the story!!!!!!!!!! I don't think so!!!!!!!!

And jews don't control CNN the viewers do!!!!!

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Originally posted by saleen351

Wow a bunch of idiots on cp...

you ppl need to get educations!!!!

The constitiution of the united states protects the media from what ever they report on...they are not influenced by any one....ARe you telling me with around 10,000 newspapers around the us and tons and tons or other media outlets,, internet, radio, etc that it is a cover up.....HELLO earth to cp memebers!!!!! Most of the time they do use file footage but every newspaper including the BBC reported them celebrating, even there leader said it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IDIOTS......It is common practice to use file footage.... Any one from Brazil should shut their mouth!!!! Why cause Brazil is in such dier economic situation that they now use what they call the Brazilan dollar which trades off of our dollar value because the Brazialian Real was so unsteady!!!!

And jews don't control CNN the viewers do!!!!!

Read what I wrote above. When this Senator told something that the general mass didn't want to hear he got cut off!!

Just remember what you stated at the bottom.

Only bad news are good news! They definately change the news to what the people wanna see.

And what you said about the Brazilians is just the same thing that got the US in such a mess!! Ignoranz and Snobbism.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by midiman

Is anyone aware of the fact that we STILL continue to bomb Iraq and kill innocent people over there. Funny how that never seems to get mentioned over here any more. The media has to be consistent with a country's political agenda or else the people in the country will resist. Its subtle but also very blatant to those who step outside this country.

Pick up a newspaper one day and you will read that we bomb them like 2 or 3 times a week....They just shot down 2 of our unmaned planes in the last 2 months...We only bomb radar sites and sites that are military!!!!! Please, please read the wall street journal or the times, and turn a few pages in, instead of just reading the head lines...... You are one of those ppl that are all into conspirocy theories.........

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Originally posted by saleen351

Pick up a newspaper one day and you will read that we bomb them like 2 or 3 times a week....They just shot down 2 of our unmaned planes in the last 2 months...We only bomb radar sites and sites that are military!!!!! Please, please read the wall street journal or the times, and turn a few pages in, instead of just reading the head lines...... You are one of those ppl that are all into conspirocy theories.........

That it has been written in a newspaper does not mean that people are aware of it! It is also pretty sad that it was not on the front page, just makes the US seem more ignorant. I recall that this was on the front page in most European countries, even though they were not directly involved.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by nightgroover

Read what I wrote above. When this Senator told something that the general mass didn't want to hear he got cut off!!

Just remember what you stated at the bottom.

Only bad news are good news! They definately change the news to what the people wanna see.

And what you said about the Brazilians is just the same thing that got the US in such a mess!! Ignoranz and Snobbism.

Newsflash every senator is allowed to speak on the floor of the capital....They air it every day on cspan so I think there is an outlet for him to voice his opinion....... or his information.....

Just to let you know:

We did put a man on the moon...

JFK and Elvis are both DEAD!!!!

There is no aliens in Roswell NM

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by nightgroover

That it has been written in a newspaper does not mean that people are aware of it! It is also pretty sad that it was not on the front page, just makes the US seem more ignorant. I recall that this was on the front page in most European countries, even though they were not directly involved.

Buddy we bomb alot of places every week in Iraq,,and it is just not us it is NATO, do u know what nato is???? it doesn't make the headlines in the BBC, we are killing RADAR sites not ppl!!!! Its old news......we bombed them last week so what papers around the world had it on the cover???? The most crediable source of news in Europe is the BBC!!!!!!

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Originally posted by saleen351

Newsflash every senator is allowed to speak on the floor of the capital....They air it every day on cspan so I think there is an outlet for him to voice his opinion....... or his information.....

Just to let you know:

We did put a man on the moon...

JFK and Elvis are both DEAD!!!!

There is no aliens in Roswell NM

Read man! It was on Fox news. I was not trying to say that he needs an outlet for his opinion, but that he was cut off the air on the news and that this for me shows that people seemed to be uninterested in why all of this happened and instead just want to see hatred and retalliation.

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Originally posted by saleen351

Buddy we bomb alot of places every week in Iraq,,and it is just not us it is NATO, do u know what nato is???? it doesn't make the headlines in the BBC, we are killing RADAR sites not ppl!!!! Its old news......we bombed them last week so what papers around the world had it on the cover???? The most crediable source of news in Europe is the BBC!!!!!!

WRONG!! You dont know what you are talking about. The NATO is not involved in Iraq. It is a defense treaty. You are talking about things you don't know anything about.

And yes it was on cover I dont know about last week, but about 2 month ago. The german foreign minister got a lot of shit from the public for not telling the US to stop bombarding Iraq. And yes I know that for sure!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by nightgroover

WRONG!! You dont know what you are talking about. The NATO is not involved in Iraq. It is a defense treaty. You are talking about things you don't know anything about.

Listen bro, my college roomate flies the F-15c strike eagle for the united states airforce!!!! Trust me it is nato and UN forces that keep sadam in his box.. not just america!

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Originally posted by saleen351

Listen bro, my college roomate flies the F-15c strike eagle for the united states airforce!!!! Trust me it is nato and UN forces that keep sadam in his box.. not just america!

Good on him!Does that make you know what the NATO is? The NATO is only allowed to act if one of its members is attacked! There might be some other countries involved in the bombing (I think it is GB) but definately not the NATO!!!!!

fyi: This argument groes boring, I am gonna have a shower now! C'Ya

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i agree with saleen, people here have pickles for brains. FACT: the palestinian pictures are real and not some jewish/right wing/military/whatever propaganda and conspiracy. and its not only CNN, but ITAR-TASS (russia), REUTERS(US), BBC(UK) and FOX NEWS all reported the same thing, and they are all owned by different owners and different countries. heres a transcript of FOX news network about the incident and how arafat was hastily trying to perform damage control by threatning the reporters and tv crews http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,34346,00.html

dumbasses. and you know what, fuck all of you who say that US should think about its own actions and its US's fault that these animals attacked us. we've brought out the best in the world, we've revived the global economy, yes us, the rest followed. we've made it work and the dozen or so of these countries who critisize us are pissed because their own societies are in the shits. and yes, we do seem arrogant at times, but we know how to do it right, and how to live like decent human beings, and if our 'allies' are too pussy to help us, we'll do it alone with UK, fuck this anti-US mentality. we will do what must be done, no more bullshit.

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Although CNN provided us with false footage of Palastinians celebrating, it did happen, and closer to home than you think. In Paterson, New Jersey, a few of the locals were celebrating the destruction of the WTC. Although the mayor of Paterson claims that no such thing happened, one of my mother's coworkers (whom lives in Paterson) witnessed groups of people celebrating in the streets on her way home from work on Tuesday. If it was happening here, in our own country, I am sure that there was celebration among the Palestinians. The fact that CNN did show footage from 1991 is pretty messed up, I will agree to that.

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