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sumthing about Osama Bin Ladin that no one talks about...

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Would you believe that a 43-year-old who has ten children and is worth at least 250 million dollars is the “...most visible threat to America That is the case in the matter of Sheik Usama (Osama) bin-Muhammad bin-Ladin, commonly know to the rest of us as Osama Bin Ladin. This man has declared war on America, and the strange part is that we supported him. That is correct, the United States government has helped bin Ladin in the past. What is even more appalling is that you and I have been endorsing him every day also, and we do not even know it. As another terrorist (Ramzi Yousef) wrote in a poem “...the world is my shackle.” This most certainly applies to bin Ladin.

On March 10th, 1957, Usama (Osama) bin Ladin was born. The 17th out of 50 children in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, he is the son of a wealthy construction magnate who bequeathed 250 million dollars to his son. He seemed to have been leading such a charmed life. While attending King Abdul-Aziz University he met Sheik Abdallah Azzam. By the time Osama graduated, with a degree in Public Administration, he was a religious fanatic because of Azzam’s influence.

When the U.S.S.R invaded Afghanistan in 1979, a call to arms was sent out to Muslims the world over. A secular, beastly form of government had occupied an Islamic state and threatened the religion as well. It was time for defense, and jihad was underway. During the war in the 1980’s, bin Ladin paid for thousands of Muslim volunteers to join in on the effort. He fought personally in the jihad throughout the Soviet occupation (until 1989). While fighting he used the resources of the construction business he inherited to help blaze trails for guerrillas. Bin Ladin built underground hospitals and made tunnels into rock to dump arms as well (U.S. State De! partment). He did all of this with the backing of the United States government.

When the occupation ended, Osama moved to Sudan and undertook his most ambitious project yet, the forming of a terrorist cell named “al Qaeda.” First, bin Ladin invested fifty million dollars in the Al-Shamal Islamic Bank in Khartoum (the capital of Sudan). With the dividends, he reinvested in the major exports of Sudan’s economy; corn, sunflower, and sesame products and gained a monopoly on the industries that utilized them.

The most important investment which Bin Ladin made was in Gum Arabic Company Limited. This investment is appalling because it makes you and me responsible for lining the pockets of bin Ladin. Gum Arabic is a product that comes from the sap of the Sudanese Acacia Tree. It is a colorless and tasteless gum which makes newspaper ink stick to presses, keeps ingredients in soda from sinking to the bottom of cans, and forms the “gel-caps” that we see on medical pills. Gum Arabic is crucial to the success of products we use everyday the world over. Osama bin Ladin had a complete monopoly over this commodity in Sudan, and thus the world, because 80% of the worlds supply comes from Sudan. Every time you ! have had a soda, the money went to bin Ladin. Next time you take a gel-capped pill, remember whom the profit is going to!

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Yep, Yep

Its sad.

US sponsors, recruits, trains Bin Ladin and other "unsavory characters" in the last 30 years to fight against the Soviets for the "higher good" of the world and now these same characters that the CIA sponsored, stoped needing them, they form their own causes, and come back to take a bite out of the US.

Now Cheney and many politicians want to start recruiting and using more of those "unsavary characters" again to infiltrate the terrorist groups. Sounds like a good idea, but it will probably backfire again in 10 years or so, like it did in the past.

Also the cia used to be sponsoring and working behind the scenes with the Taliban and other rebel groups in the middle east to further their own causes. ( Like sponsoring the checheny rebels to fight against Russia, also sponsored the taliban to wage a jihad against russians in afghanistan). A lot of the means to do that also came from the Afghanistans/Pakistans drug trade.

They basically put the "war on drugs" on hold and turn their backs and used the opium trade as a way to sponsor the rebels.

Blah blah, i can go on...

BUt the jist of it is that we put the Taliban in power when we needed them, and now that they achieved their goals and got the Russians out of Afghanistan, US wants to destroy them.

Im not for Taliban at all, actually i dont care if they get overthrown and attacked, Its just that the US foreign policy was and is a little flawed!


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Originally posted by PFloyd40

actually.. i hear it all too much..

mostly by people who have no idea of the significance of it.. but just heard tom brokaw say it one night since the bombing and who've only been paying attention to any global events for the past 6 days...

i never had a clear idea of it until my teacher gave us a brief history of what led up to these events and about the funding and training that came from the united stated government.....and people you gotta realize and make the distinction between us which is the people and the government....nothing that we say or do is gonna change the minds of the gov't and who we decide to bomb........personally im against war and dont want to see anymore people die but it doesnt matter what i have to say.......think about it
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I'm not against going to war, but against bombing the shit out of Afgan. All that will do is make things worse in the long run. If we bomb them and thats all, well we will kill all the weak innocent people who probaly themselves hate the Talban and Laden. Guess who would get away Laden and his crew. Just think how the land is. It's perfect for terriost. I think we need to fight a diffrent war. A more intelligence war rather then number of bombs. We got to go in there find and assasinate terriost. Take care of that first, but us americans must be patient because it ain't going to be quick. Then we have to find them all. All over the world even hear in are back yard. I honstly think bombing is not the answer. To many innocent people will die and other country's might turn there back on us, but it seems like all other countrys are down with stomping terriost all over the world.

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In the article illustrates that we need a better plan than just bombing Afghanistan. The man is like a fox and the US gov. needs to think this through and not just act on the rage of the people. Politically, it will be hard for the Gov. because so many people want revenge.

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i am in Europe right now, and yesterday on EuroNews they showed this russsian Afghan War Veteran, who was strongly advising US not to invade Afghanistan, because it will only produce enormous causualties. They also showed some horrible pictures of russian soldiers burn in their tanks by the hand of talibs. This guy said that a very complex terrain makes it easy for talibs to ambush the soldiers, and talibs fighting style is cruel and mercyless, dont forget, those people are so fucked in the head, that war is the pathway to internal nirvana for them.

I dont know now, first, i was thinking that US presence in Afghanistan is necesary, so this sick fundamentalist crap will be ended once and for all, but at the same time, seeing new pictures of american soldiers being ambushed - is too high of a price for that.

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I am a muslim and very against fanatic bastards like taliban .. and plus i am a mix of italian and paki ..

I have lived in pakistan and i know how the afghanis are .. Well first of all they will let the ground troops of USA to enter kabul cause its a plain ground after that they wont let them GO, If the war starts cause once you in kabul after that all you see are caves and mountains .. YOU cant use helicopters there cause if some one on the mountain is carrying a rocket he will blow up the thing .. If you bomb the mountains from fighter JETS they have alot of stingers to take them down .. THere is no place for the TANKS ... so its not easy to beat afghanis .. they have been fighting all there lives and not scared to die at all ..and you cannot hit a nuclear missle on them that will creat a world war cause china is even watching the USA and has no reaction yet cause afghani border even touches china ... SO I DONT THINK ITS GOIN TO BE ANY GOOD IF THE WAR STARTS....

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Originally posted by sonicinfusion

I am a muslim and very against fanatic bastards like taliban .. and plus i am a mix of italian and paki ..

I have lived in pakistan and i know how the afghanis are .. Well first of all they will let the ground troops of USA to enter kabul cause its a plain ground after that they wont let them GO, If the war starts cause once you in kabul after that all you see are caves and mountains .. YOU cant use helicopters there cause if some one on the mountain is carrying a rocket he will blow up the thing .. If you bomb the mountains from fighter JETS they have alot of stingers to take them down .. THere is no place for the TANKS ... so its not easy to beat afghanis .. they have been fighting all there lives and not scared to die at all ..and you cannot hit a nuclear missle on them that will creat a world war cause china is even watching the USA and has no reaction yet cause afghani border even touches china ... SO I DONT THINK ITS GOIN TO BE ANY GOOD IF THE WAR STARTS....

exactly my point.

you have also to consider that talibs were trained how to shoot and kill by the age of what? 8, 9 ? their purpose of their whole life is to fight and die and go to heaven, sick shit. And american soldiers? There is a strong level of patriotism, but still, its different from what those sick fuckheads have in mind. Therefore, i really hope US will not send any ground troops in Afghanistan, because if they do, we will see those CNN reports of soldiers ambushed and taken out with a sniper riffle on a daily basis. US has to go different about it, like get an informant base, and some undercover agents or whatever and then destroy specific targets. And what most important of all, is the funding of talibs, it has to be cut off. This would be the major progress in fighting terrorism.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by gonzojournilist

Would you believe that a 43-year-old who has ten children and is worth at least 250 million dollars is the “...most visible threat to America That is the case in the matter of Sheik Usama (Osama) bin-Muhammad bin-Ladin, commonly know to the rest of us as Osama Bin Ladin. This man has declared war on America, and the strange part is that we supported him. That is correct, the United States government has helped bin Ladin in the past. What is even more appalling is that you and I have been endorsing him every day also, and we do not even know it. As another terrorist (Ramzi Yousef) wrote in a poem “...the world is my shackle.” This most certainly applies to bin Ladin.

On March 10th, 1957, Usama (Osama) bin Ladin was born. The 17th out of 50 children in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, he is the son of a wealthy construction magnate who bequeathed 250 million dollars to his son. He seemed to have been leading such a charmed life. While attending King Abdul-Aziz University he met Sheik Abdallah Azzam. By the time Osama graduated, with a degree in Public Administration, he was a religious fanatic because of Azzam’s influence.

When the U.S.S.R invaded Afghanistan in 1979, a call to arms was sent out to Muslims the world over. A secular, beastly form of government had occupied an Islamic state and threatened the religion as well. It was time for defense, and jihad was underway. During the war in the 1980’s, bin Ladin paid for thousands of Muslim volunteers to join in on the effort. He fought personally in the jihad throughout the Soviet occupation (until 1989). While fighting he used the resources of the construction business he inherited to help blaze trails for guerrillas. Bin Ladin built underground hospitals and made tunnels into rock to dump arms as well (U.S. State De! partment). He did all of this with the backing of the United States government.

When the occupation ended, Osama moved to Sudan and undertook his most ambitious project yet, the forming of a terrorist cell named “al Qaeda.” First, bin Ladin invested fifty million dollars in the Al-Shamal Islamic Bank in Khartoum (the capital of Sudan). With the dividends, he reinvested in the major exports of Sudan’s economy; corn, sunflower, and sesame products and gained a monopoly on the industries that utilized them.

The most important investment which Bin Ladin made was in Gum Arabic Company Limited. This investment is appalling because it makes you and me responsible for lining the pockets of bin Ladin. Gum Arabic is a product that comes from the sap of the Sudanese Acacia Tree. It is a colorless and tasteless gum which makes newspaper ink stick to presses, keeps ingredients in soda from sinking to the bottom of cans, and forms the “gel-caps” that we see on medical pills. Gum Arabic is crucial to the success of products we use everyday the world over. Osama bin Ladin had a complete monopoly over this commodity in Sudan, and thus the world, because 80% of the worlds supply comes from Sudan. Every time you ! have had a soda, the money went to bin Ladin. Next time you take a gel-capped pill, remember whom the profit is going to!

What you didn't mention is the fact that he was kicked out of sudan and his holding are siezed!!!!!!!

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I seriously doubt that this war will involve a large ground invasion. Its mostly going to be Special Operation Forces working in conjunction with close air support. These guys could get in close to Bin Laden's camps and mark them with lasers so that the planes could drop bombs on them. Also if needed, they would be the only ones capable of quickly storming these camps to capture Bin Laden and other higher-ups in his organization. The U.S. will also probably get help from the British SAS and the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan that opposes the Taliban. The Northern Alliance has several small airfields which could be used as a launching point for the U.S. Special Op's missions. That's my take on how it might go down.

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