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Pray, Pray, Pray, Pray ...Does anyone realize that's part of the problem!!!

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I feel terrible about the tragedy that happended last week. It was brutal and senseless and it's an absolute shame innocent people had to die. I truly feel for anyone affected, and the rescue workers and volunteers involved are true heroes....

Throughout this past week, I keep hearing the same sentence uttered over and over again...."Let us Pray for the victims' and their families" ...... "I will keep you in my prayers"......Friday was a national day of mourning and prayer....

I understand that religion and prayer can be an enormous help to people in times of tragedy, however I can't escape the anger at that mentality.

God had nothing to do with what happened last Tuesday, and guess what guys....he is not going to do anything for the families and victims that remain....

These Islamic Fundamentalists also believe in a "GOD".... they believe that by exterminating any threat to their religion, they in fact will go to the paradise that is heaven.....They pray upto 5 times a day..... they are willing to die for what they believe in.... They committed these brutal acts for their GOD as their duty of JIHAD....

Does anyone else see that religion seems to be the underlying cause of this horror??? it's happened time and time again...

The Crusades....Salem Witch Trials....Holocaust.....

I just shudder to think that the same families praying for the fallen, are just like the Islamic Fundamentalist families praying for their own....

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

Extremists are the problem here. Religion is helping americans deal with this tragedy. I don't see anything wrong with that. Extremists in any facet of society are a problem.

I agree. Religion in and of itself is not a problem. And I'm an atheist! The problem occurs when religious beliefs are distorted in a way to justify monstrous deeds.

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I agree. I believe that i'm agnostic (agnostics can't make up their mind anyway). When religions or factions of them become exclusive instead of inclusive, problems occur. That is true for fundamentalist groups of all religions.

People look to community and togetherness in religion during times of crisis, and i have no problems with that. Many of the phrases like "may god bless us" have become almost part of the vernacular and don't necessarily have true religious connotation anymore except in certain contexts.

What does both me is when our President, who is clearly referencing the Christian / Jewish god, make these sorts of statement during his speaches. As president of a country with MANY religions, many peoples and a constitutional separation of church and state i believe that he shouldn't say things like this. The national prayer service, which was a christian service, bothered me for the same reason - the Catholic church doesn't represent all of america!!!

It was bad enought when, during the campaign, Bush cited God as the number one influence on his beliefs and policies. HOW ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION? HOW ABOUT THE WISHES OF HIS CONSTITUENTS?

sorry about any negativism - i just don't like people speaking for me or representing me in the name of any god - i can do that for myself.

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I don't think that any religion says that Kill Americans or Kill Afghanies or Arabs. Religions do tell in some obscure way to kill all the evil of the society. Islam itself means peace. I think its the way you interpret evil is the case here. Those Taliban followers see America as evil and thus they want to destroy us. These Taliban people are using Islam as an excuse to spread terrorism (in their minds, America is the evil). They are also extreme Islam fundamentalists. But they seem to forget the meaning of ISLAM which is PEACE. :blank:

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