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think before you hurt someone innocent

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During this time of shock, fear, and anger I would plead for everyone to not take matters into their own hands and not seek "justice" or revenge on someone that LOOKS like or has the same faith that the ppl that may be responsible for tuesdays attack....

in case some you don't know lots of Muslim and/or Arabic ppl look like they are white they can be fair-skined with light hair and light eyes. They could be standing next to you and you would not even know it!!!!

kow the difference btwn muslims/arabics and indians who are hindus...the Indians/Hindus are innocent just like you and I. ANd if you do take out you anger on someone that looks like the "bad guys" think of the consequences..jail, fines, etc.

and most importantly, does that make you any different from what the terrorists did?

and you let the terrorist win b/c they put fear and anger and hate in you.


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So true.

The sad and scary thing is, most people (Americans especially) don't know the definitions of (or distinctions between) Sikhs, Muslims, Arabs, Palestinians, Pakestinians, Israelis, etc.

At this point, it seems like anyone wearing a turban or in traditional Islamic dress is a target for ignorant, hate-filled people. A few Sikh (some of whom weren't affiliated in any way with Bin Laden or Afghanistan) Americans were killed recently - random hate crimes in gas stations, convenience stores, etc.

I think the media seriously needs to address the issues here to prevent future hate crimes. Otherwise, it's Japanese internment camps all over again.


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You are absolutely right about that. We have to think first b4 going crazy doing some stupid things that will end in violence. Good thing that President Bush recognized this early enough and broadcasted some message. Still the media need to make things clear about who is who. If we beat up some innocent Arab or Palastenian or Indian just because he looked like Osama Bin Laden or a terrorist, he might get all pissed off and, just because of our ignorance, he would retaliate; making that a terrorist act. We can imagine all the shit that would follow. So I think we oughtta be careful about conducting any acts.

Spread the words of peace and unity at home. But not the words of hate and violence. Let the government handle this situation and come up with some solution. Meanwhile we can continue to support the rescue operation. Once we know who are responsible, we can act accordingly.


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