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Club 5


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Has anybody been to 5 on a Saturday since M3 started doing its stuff there?

Also, has anybody heard of this guy, Nicolas Matar? Hes presumably a resident at Pacha, Ibiza.

I was at 5 before M3 and it was &^%@!*& awful, but since Emerson and Yousef canceled Im willing to give it another shot, aside from the fact that I dont want to spend another Saturday night watching Sportscenter until 5am!

Thanks any input is greatly appreciated


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i used to LOVE LOVE LOVE 5, but ever since m3 took over, it's been happy happy happy house music all night long. don't get me wrong, i love house too, but the house the m3 dj's have been spinning is too ... happy, even for me. BUT i haven't been there in a good 2-3 weeks or so, so maybe.....

haven't heard of this guy either. BUT the guy who's coming in oct, "BABY HEC ROMERO" is awesome, at least the one time i saw him in ny not too long ago (he opened for satoshi tomiie). i know him as hector romero, not baby hec, but it's the same guy.

also, the m3 parties are saturday nights, so you could still go to buzz (friday). christian smith is supposed to be a wicked techno master.

ps late nights at 5 are coming back, although it'll still be hip-hop til 2 or 3. buster will be spinning 3 - 5:30 this friday!!!!!! i'm a HUGE buster fan. :D:D:D:D

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Since M3 took over at 5, the crowd and the vibe has gotten much better, in my opinion. Not to mention they are bringing in some great djs. More people there for the music. M3 has brought me back to 5. However, I was there on a Friday and it was terrible. Drunk assholes everywhere, and nasty dudes grinding chicks on the dance floor. The music selection sounded like 95.5 or 93.9. Skip Fridays and check out Saturdays. Mark Farnia rumored to be coming in the fall.

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Music at 5 on Fridays sucks in general...BUT, starting this Friday, they're operating afterhours. Buster, who used to spin alongside Alex Whalen on Sats, is spinning this Fri frim 3- 5:30am...his style is mostly dark progressive house (though it'll be interesting to see how he transitions from hip-hop to prog house).

I've been to one M3 party at 5 so far, and IMO the music sucked. Happy house...not my cup of tea.

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Thanx for the input. The last time I was there was sometime in spring, I remember Scott Henry spinned that night and aside from having to get dressed up as if I was going to work, there were drunk guys all over the place and it was so packed that you couldnt move at all.

Getting to bathroom took me 45 minutes! :mad:

And there was someguy in his business suit dancing by himself.


Maybe sportscenter would not have been a bad idea that night.

But I've been to some M3 parties at the Edge and had a good time.


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Originally posted by vicman

there were drunk guys all over the place

Yeah, that was me. Sorry. I was mangled that night. So mangled in fact, that I saw all of Scott Henry's set, but didn't realize it was him. At the end of the night, I swore to all my friends that Scott Henry was a no show. Took us days to sort it out. Hey, it happens. I tried to stay out of everyone's way, though, I swear! I was a good drunk - honest! :D

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My opinion? I've been twice since the new promoters started and hated it! But, Friday, Buster is going to be spinning 3-5 and I know I"ll be on the dance floor the entire time! I miss Buster and Whalen!

I guess it just depends on what flavor you prefer. Me? I'll take 2 scoops of progressive....

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well my two cents .when i returned to Five labor day weekend of course it was packed up stairs and of course of was freaking mangledesh after drinking and "stuff" at dragonfly..i had a pretty decent time actually..i dont like the fact that it closed at 3:30 but the music was house and the dance floor was packed..and probably the fact that i was jacked the fawk up was probably a + hahaha:laugh: well ta ta



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Originally posted by chynado11




Shit. I thought me and my buds were original trendsetters ;) I guess we're nothing but a bunch of followers. Thanks for bursting my bubble, Chynado. I think I'm gonna go home now and get on a plane to Mangledesh. :(


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Originally posted by malanee

*bends over obligingly*

Hello from D-Troit! Damn, it's been a rough day. Had to get my CP fix before passing out, though.

Ummmm, malanee, I said 'MANGladesh', not 'BANGladesh'. :tongue:

OK, we'd better stop now. The NetNanny on my computer is crying foul. ;) Kuro started it, though, let's be clear on that. He's the dirty minded one. My mom says I can't hang out with you anymore, Kuro. She says you're warping my fragile little mind. And Malanee, my mom says I can't hang out with you either, but we'll find a way around that! ;):laugh::D :D :D

Yeesh, I need some sleep... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

I think *I* will need to start buying multi-packs of panties -- laughing TOO hard right now!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Uh. Should I? Oh well, can't resist...

If you're buying multi-packs of panties, then I'll find a way to get my mom to let me hang out with you too ;)

Gawddamm. How the hell did this board degrade so quickly. Look what you did, Kuro! :D :D :D :D :D

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It's not my fault. Malanee started it with the whole bending over thing. How the hell am I supposed to ignore that one? With her talk of bending over, and being obliging, and bending over obligingly. Bending over. Yeah. Wait, what were we talking about? Oh yeah Vixenfoxxy's panties.

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Originally posted by Kuro

It's not my fault. Malanee started it with the whole bending over thing. How the hell am I supposed to ignore that one? With her talk of bending over, and being obliging, and bending over obligingly. Bending over. Yeah. Wait, what were we talking about? Oh yeah Vixenfoxxy's panties.

Changing the subject... So, did anyone see the latest episode of Sesame Street? That Count really cracks me up. One...Twoooo...Threeeeee...ArArArAr. Sesame Street, right guys? Guys? Hello?

I need to go to confession. And I'm not even Catholic! I'm a good boy. I really am...


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Originally posted by Kuro

"It's not my fault. Malanee started it with the whole bending over thing. How the hell am I supposed to ignore that one? With her talk of bending over, and being obliging, and bending over obligingly. Bending over. Yeah. Wait, what were we talking about? Oh yeah Vixenfoxxy's panties. "

I'm sure I have no idea what you all are talking about! *innocent look*

Hey, is that a penny on the ground? *bends over again*


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