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DD/Buzz - It's official!


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Oh yeah (damn short term memory), but the key word here is 'R-E-S-I-D-E-N-T'!!! I remember hearing rumors, but never seeing the official word until today on Buzz' site.

I may as well check my ass into Buzz' coat check, cause that means I'll be dancin' my butt off to DD on that dance floor once a month, guaranteed.


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Originally posted by vicman

that means DD on the 23rd and PvD on the 24th. Gotta call my parents and let them know not to expect me for Thanksgiving.....

:D :D

Vicman: 'I'm not coming home for Thanksgiving'

Vicman's Parents: 'Why not?'

Vicman: 'I'm just gonna stay in DC, munch on some pills, and go see Deep Dish and PVD'

Vicman's Parents: 'Ok, have fun, dear'

Sweet. I'm gonna do the same with my parents. I don't think they'll be as understanding, though, Vicman. Luckily, they live in Rockville, so as long as they don't plan on going out of town, I'm set. :D

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Originally posted by malanee

Am I the only one here who isn't a Deep Dish fan? *ducks*

I will kindly ask you to leave, please. Only Oakie bashing allowed on this board. C'mon, we've been through this a million times! :D

CP Rule number 342: You are not allowed to say anything bad about the gods that are Deep Dish, Scott Henry, or Diggers. If you have anything bad to say, direct your negativity towards Paul Oakenfold. Or Pete Moutso. Or Pgiddy.

There you have it, straight outta the rulebook. One more outburst like that, malanee, and I'll have CP revoke your privileges ;):D

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

only Oakie bashing allowed on this board.


Okay im not into bashing anyone,but who are you to tell people who they can and can not talk about on here???? I have been a DJ for 12 years and have worked with Paul and he is nothing but great in the studio!!In addition,It seems when i drop Visious,Gerillini,Peters,Teneglia and last but not least,JUNIOR....My crowd loves it.... Im not saying that i dont like Deep dish,I actually like "junk science and "Mohammad is Jesus" but my crowd is just not feeling Deep Dish the way YOU do.... I guess DC is the new hot spot for music..... just my 2 cents
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I dunno, even though I think Oakenfold is on eof the best, in my opinion lots of DJ's have passed him by in the quality of music they play.

Of course, I base this on the times I've seen him spin (which have been decent, nothing out of the ordinary) and on listening to the CD's hes put out recently (lets not even talk about Swordfish and there is no way in hell that I'm getting his Ibiza CD unless I listen to all of it first and it blows me away).

I dont know any DJ personally, 'cos basically I'm no DJ nor want to be one, but I think Oakie bashing on this board is based on his music......pus it is entertaining.

My two cents


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Originally posted by cosmicgate22

Okay im not into bashing anyone,but who are you to tell people who they can and can not talk about on here???? I have been a DJ for 12 years and have worked with Paul and he is nothing but great in the studio!!In addition,It seems when i drop Visious,Gerillini,Peters,Teneglia and last but not least,JUNIOR....My crowd loves it.... Im not saying that i dont like Deep dish,I actually like "junk science and "Mohammad is Jesus" but my crowd is just not feeling Deep Dish the way YOU do.... I guess DC is the new hot spot for music..... just my 2 cents

Ease up, we're all friends on this board, and what he said was in a half-joking manner.

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Originally posted by cosmicgate22

I have been a DJ for 12 years and have worked with Paul and he is nothing but great in the studio!!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Cosmicgate: J-O-K-I-N-G!!

It's a running joke, man.

Some of the people here like his brand of music, some don't. But it's all in good F-U-N. Don't take it so seriously. Didn't mean to piss in your Cheerios this morning, dude.

So, did you work with him on the Planet of the Apes soundtrack? :tongue::laugh:

:D <-- That means 'Trying to be funny'

;) <-- That means 'Trying to be a bit sarcastic'

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Originally posted by malanee

I'd smack you, Shady, but you'd probably like it! hee hee!


You know I would ;)

Alrighty, I'm out for a couple days. Just found out I've gotta go to Detroit. In TWO hours! Not very excited about getting on a plane. Not very excited about working for my company right now, either. :(

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