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***Was anyone watching George W tonight???

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

EXACTLY- I cant beleive this many people think he did a good job. First of all, Its not like he wrote that speech. Second of all his delivery was horrible. He inspires absolutely no confidence. He has no presence.

Third, that speech was nothing if you compare it to the speeches given by past leaders of this country at critical moments in history. You cant even compare it to FDR's "Day of Infamy" speech, or LBJ's "We Shall Overcome." come on. I mean, THAT is what kids are going to read about for generations?


CHILL OUT and support your president......
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I just don't comprehend what is the point of making an inordinate amount of speeches in the U.S., telling everyone everything what we will do, does that make sense, does it make sense that our press knows every detail about our plans, let's keep some things a bit more secretive, would be a lot more beneficial for our own good. In addition, it is not Bush who will rekindle any of my security, he is a puppet of other people's creation, with a track record of lies similar to Clinton.. Who knows what will happen now, but having a gun totting baffon as a president with no sense for grammar and geography, and in addition history makes a spectacle of our country. Not showing bipartisan thoughts, but I do believe Bill Clinton would be much better in handling such foregin affairs. To think that Bush jr, graduated from our pride and joy universities Yale and Harvard, says either a lot about our educational system, or the lack of decency in our country to let someone as idiotic as him take the place of people with some intelligence.

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bush did a solid job last night. they wrote a good speech for him and he delivered it to the best of his ability.

i hope everyone now realizes that are lives have been changed forever. our country will be focused on leading the effort in ridding the world of terrorist organizations that threaten our freedom and way of life.

accomplishing this is going to take many years and many americans are going to die for this cause. we're going to see some crazy shit happening but we can't neglect addressing this anymore.

i think everyone needs to come together on this one and support the president and our country. yeah, i'd rather have mccain charge but that's in the past. bush is stepping up to this huge task. he's dealing w/ more shit already than clinton did in his 8 years in office. and if bush accomplishes just this one thing then he should be considered one of our greatest presidents.

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