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no way, i'm not smirking, i promise!!!!!! i'm all smilies!!!!

yup, i'm going to ny this weekend, but have a great weekend.

"there something you know that I think you shouldn't' know????" - i dunno, is there something you think i don't know that you don't want me to know???? :D:D:D:D:D

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Yeh! none a'that ! this is a clean thread.

i dunno millie, maybe it's drugs making me paranoid, but if you know something. . . let it be known. . .(not to everyone else, just me ;) ) all those :D :D :D :D :D :D making me nervous. . .who do i have to kill?

have fun at the psy trance party! is krish going too? he was pretty excited about that earlier. . .

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no, i'm not going for the psytrance party (i think it's next weekend anyway) but for a friend's bday.

hmmm...i think scratch thinks i think i know something that she thinks i shouldn't know...what a predicament, i think, for scratch... :D:D:D:D:D okay i'll stop that now. :):):):)

kuro - just reread your post, i get it, that judy song. what's it called again? i forgot.

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Originally posted by scratchapella

MILLIE! whatup gurl! why all the smiles? (actually, why not? you're always smiling. . .) are you in NY this weekend? why do i feel like you're really smirking, not smiling. . .is there something you know that I think you shouldn't' know????:confused:;)

anyways, if you're not in ny, i'll see you at ruth's. ciao

Hey, you goin to Ruth's tonite as well? See ya there!

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Originally posted by millele


kuro!!! you and shady and vf keep your dirty talk away from here!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek:

HEY! No smack-talkin' about Shady! -Sigh-. I take such massive amounts of abuse.

Don't make me kick your ass again, Millie. Remember last time, I kicked your ass all over town, all because you took that attitude? You don't want a replay, do ya??? :tongue::D;)

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