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Is anyone else watching this telethon crap?


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We are depressed enougn in NY. I need uplifting, patriotic music. It's a sorry state when Tom Petty had the most riveting song "I won't back down". Although ALicia Keys was good, and it's always a pleasure seeing Dave Matthews and the Legend..Stevie Wonder.

But I'm sick of Wyclef thinking he is Jamaican. he is fucking Haitian, and that is a Jamaican independance song.

Oh christ, Living on a Prayer? C'mon.

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hey, no offense but FUCK YOU alright....

This isn't here to entertain YOU... It's not about YOU needing patriotic UPLIFTING music... there are familes ALL over the place that are in MOURNING the loss of a father, brother, sister, mother, aunt, and sister. If you want UPLIFTING patriot music go buy a John Philip Sousa CD...

don't call this event CRAP... it's to SUPPORT the people and the family of those who died so that maybe one day YOUR father, brother, sister, mother, aunt, or sister can LIVE.

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I totally agree with maximman. Celebrities are using their power and advantage they have to raise much money for families who lost love ones. They are doing something very productive by donating their time and money. I'm sorry to hear that their singing of songs made you "depressed." As maximman stated earlier, they were not there to entertain U.

"Telethon crap" - whoa~ I can't believe that you had the nerve to even say that. Oh wellz... you're intitled to your opinion. I thought this telethon was great and it touched my heart.


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Originally posted by maximman

hey, no offense but FUCK YOU alright....

This isn't here to entertain YOU... It's not about YOU needing patriotic UPLIFTING music... there are familes ALL over the place that are in MOURNING the loss of a father, brother, sister, mother, aunt, and sister. If you want UPLIFTING patriot music go buy a John Philip Sousa CD...

don't call this event CRAP... it's to SUPPORT the people and the family of those who died so that maybe one day YOUR father, brother, sister, mother, aunt, or sister can LIVE.

Hey no offense but EAT MY SHIT. But no offense.

EVERYONE lost people MYSELF included. And it's a TRIBUTE to our HEROES, trying to PULL together our NATION, not ADD to an incredibly TRAGIC and GRIM situation, like YOU are by telling me "FUCK YOU."

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Originally posted by cazz926

We are depressed enougn in NY. I need uplifting, patriotic music. It's a sorry state when Tom Petty had the most riveting song "I won't back down". Although ALicia Keys was good, and it's always a pleasure seeing Dave Matthews and the Legend..Stevie Wonder.

But I'm sick of Wyclef thinking he is Jamaican. he is fucking Haitian, and that is a Jamaican independance song.

Oh christ, Living on a Prayer? C'mon.

I missed it......I was only able to see the very last song. Was Dave Matthews really there?

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Originally posted by cazz926

But I'm sick of Wyclef thinking he is Jamaican. he is fucking Haitian, and that is a Jamaican independance song.

Oh christ, Living on a Prayer? C'mon.

Holy shit - I was thinking the same thing about Wyclef - and I'm part Jamaican!

There's a term for peeps like Wyclef - JAFAKIN'!!:cool:

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Hey, I honestly meant no offense when i said "FUCK YOU". I felt that it was the best way to get across the fact what you said was INCREDIBLY offensive. I'm glad that you took it in stride and realized that what you said was wrong and took responsibility and apologized. Not that you owe me or any one of US an apology... but i'm sure that those that YOU knew that YOU claim to have lost would have wanted you to do.

I'm glad that you call something that you REALIZE is a TRIBUTE to our HERO's "CRAP". I hope you feel good about yourself and the fact that it's not YOU who is minimalizing an "incredibly TRAGIC and GRIM situation".

Grow up and TRY and take it like an adult when you're wrong.

"EAT MY SHIT" won't get you out of difficult situations when you're all grown up.... one day maybe.

Originally posted by cazz926

Hey no offense but EAT MY SHIT. But no offense.

EVERYONE lost people MYSELF included. And it's a TRIBUTE to our HEROES, trying to PULL together our NATION, not ADD to an incredibly TRAGIC and GRIM situation, like YOU are by telling me "FUCK YOU."

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