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Clubbing or Raving or whatever?


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Definitely clubbin... Even thought clubs in LA seem like raves, so I dunno... Most big clubs here are into trance. Don't get me wrong, I love trance, but it sucks now. Plus, trance tends to just attract white and asian people. I like house better cause the crowds are better. I don't need people asking me if I want a light show, etc. especially considering I go out sober 99% of the time...

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i was always a die-hard raver, but now that i've moved from nyc to l.a., i may have to make the switch to clubber.

the new york rave scene is INCREDIBLY different from the l.a. scene. (i don't know where you're from, so pardon me if i write about things you already know.) the parties in nyc are mostly held in clubs and are 18 and over, so usually people are in control and well behaved. but the vibe is also colder, and there are a lot of people putting on a tough exterior and trying to look cool. there are a lot of people who come to hang out in the dark corners, on the couches, to do drugs and spread bad, "we're too cool to be bothered by anyone and just came to be by ourselves" vibes. also, BTS, that nasty crew of peeps who go to parties just to start shit with people, rob them, sell fake shit, and steal people's drugs, are usually at every east coast party. and there are hardly any candy ravers anymore.

the l.a. scene is all ages, which is great for a positive vibe. it brings out candy ravers almost exclusively. the problem with raves out here, though, is that they bring out 14-year-olds who don't know how to do recreational drugs safely. i went to a party out here in september at which two kids died and one turned up dead a week later. looking out on the dancefloor that night was frightening - no one was dancing; the floor was full of spaced out VERY YOUNG people, fucked up out of their heads. and they go to raves just to get fucked up. a lot of them don't tell their parents where they're going, because their parents would never let them.

well, i could go on and on. but what it boils down to is that i can't go to raves out here anymore, or at least not massives. the kids out here scare me senseless. i used to think it's be no problem to party with people, no matter what age, but i just can't party with kids who can't take care of themselves. i guess i have to make the switch to clubbing, where people are in control of themselves and partying responsibly; we all have a better time overall.

*just read this back to myself and it doesn't really say what i wanted it to. i want to add that something's got to change at these raves out here. i think they have to stop having all-ages parties, because they're just too dangerous. yes, some kids have just ruined it for the rest, and it's too bad. when people start dying, it's time to stop.

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.....Clubbing, i personally am a clubber at heart. No trance, techno, electronica music for me. I am a hip-hop girl all the way. Ravers i've talked to are like, "man clubbin' is just all about people and their status and shit like that!" It's not even like that, not for me and the friends I go with anyway. We go to shake it and have a few drinks and getting high or messed up is not the objective for the night. When we go out, we try to do it responsibly, like the designated driver thing and going in large groups. It's about kickin' it.. I'm not dissing ravers, whatever you guys wanna do, that's your thang. I have a few raver friends who have invited me to some massives, but it's not my thing. I wouldn't know how to dance at one of those :-)

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Originally posted by nitro449

Go clubbin'....raving is for kids who can't get into clubs

that's not true. raving and clubbing are very different - different vibe, different types of music in general, and raves have more different kinds of music in one night because they have more djs per night. i'm over 21 and i prefer raves when in new york. i'll agree that raves in l.a. are really geared towards and dominated by young teenagers, though. *read my previous post. but i'm sad it has to be that way; i'm definitely gonna miss the music that's at raves.

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