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MMM...yea? How did you get your CP name?


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Back in NY, I have a car. It's a Volkswagen Fox '88, the cutest most pathetic little box on wheels that you'll ever see. Mind you, cute does not equal sexy, and this car, which goes by the name of Ralph, is really anything BUT sexy, despite what the model name may suggest. So, my friends began to poke some sarcastic fun at my Ralphie calling him the "vixenfox" and so came the screenname first on AIM and now here. Side note: Ralphie's in trouble 'cause he broke down at Cheetah at 3 a.m. and I was stranded in Manhattan facing a $143 cab ride home to suburbia. :mad: Rest assured, I got a ride and Ralph will be out of the car hospital soon.

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Mine was going to be my DJ name. Shady Groove. I was desparately trying to think of a DJ name one day while I was driving home from work up I-270 N. I pass by an exit near my house - Shady Grove Rd. I see the sign, and I hear angel choirs singing in the background and rays of light shining down on that sign, as I mangle the word Grove into Groove. Thus was born Shady Groove. I signed up on CP using that name. But then I got to thinking about Shady Groove as my DJ name. I mean, 'Shady Groove & Digweed' just doesn't have a nice ring to it. But then, my first name - Sung, as in 'Sung & Digweed' sounds a little better. So I decided to drop Shady Groove as my DJ name, cause when I replace Sasha one day in the S&D duo, it'll sound much better if S is for Sung and not Shady Groove :D :D So now I'm stuck with the cheesy Shady Groove moniker on CP. So much for rays of light and angel choirs...

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Its kinda corny and pretty simple.

My name is Victor so "vic" comes from there. Funny thing is that nobody used to call me "vic" until I moved to NY where my roomates started calling me by that name, I guess they were pretty lazy people, but it stuck.

"man" because I'm a guy, thus "vicman"

I also wanted an easy name to remember, I tend to lose my mind and wander from time to time.


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you know, whenver i rode the red line, and i'd see "shady grove" on all the signs, i read it "shady groove", all b/c of you Sung!

and so, "millie"'s short for what then?

oh, my name. . .my friend back home is a turntablist/dmc guy. . .loves to make scratchapellas. . .any song, record, soundtrak, whatever. . .ended up being one. . . brainwashed me into loving them too. . .hence, "scratchapella", plus i just like the word. . .went to the DMC championships this past summer, makes for a cool moniker. . .i like "scratch" too. . .

did that make any sense?

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Originally posted by scratchapella

and so, "millie"'s short for what then?

oh, my name. . .my friend back home is a turntablist/dmc guy. . .loves to make scratchapellas. . .any song, record, soundtrak, whatever. . .ended up being one. . . brainwashed me into loving them too. . .hence, "scratchapella", plus i just like the word. . .went to the DMC championships this past summer, makes for a cool moniker. . .i like "scratch" too. . .

did that make any sense?

i like scratch a lot...great name

millie's not short for anything

although i wish i could change "millele" to madam millie...my name on everything else now....

omg, work SUCKS these days

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I was signing up for Hotmail awhile back and was trying to find something that was different ~and~ available... I like water, so "wave" worked... don't know how the A1 part got added on, but you know it's not easy when millions of people have hotmail accounts.. a1wave was available... then i started using it as a screen name ... voila... :)

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Originally posted by crownroyal

My name is Royal and when my friends and I got trashed they would call me crownroyal (or royaaal with cheese) so I picked crownroyal cos I like that little purple bag they give you and royaal with cheese sounds dumber than crownroyal.

LOL! I like Royaaal wit Cheese! :laugh::D:laugh::D:laugh:

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