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What do you guys think of Giuliani?

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

I just want to chime in with a kinda funny obersavation that I made during the the days after the attack. I need to know if it's just me or if anyone else noticed.

It seems to me that George Pataki turns into a sidekick when Giullian takes the mike. During those first press conferences I was expecting Pataki to chime in with a "Yeah. . what he said . ." after every major pause in The Giulliani's speech.

Anyways, just an observation,

P.S. That "You're the one that I love" song BLOWS! Just thought I'd add that. .


phunk - yeah, a lot of people noticed that about Pataki... or in my friend's words... "I knew Giuliani had a limp dick, but i didn't realize it was named Pataki."

as for the P.S. - LMAO, again I agree with ya :)


Hope to see you all at the meetup in October!

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Originally posted by igloo


Igloo - yeah, yer right, not worth the time or bandwidth to argue with the mentality of "am not - are too" frontrunner types. I love when the intellectual defense for an argument is "Because I say so!" It's juvenile and entertaining for a while, but then you realize that they just don't listen. These are the attitudes that tourists and newbies have brought to what was a great scene, and these are the same jackholes who OD or get busted often enough to get clubs shut down. It's always someone else's fault for them.

Anyway, have fun this weekend kids! I have something more important to do than go clubbing, if you can imagine such a thing.


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Originally posted by ichi_gami

Igloo - yeah, yer right, not worth the time or bandwidth to argue with the mentality of "am not - are too" frontrunner types. I love when the intellectual defense for an argument is "Because I say so!" It's juvenile and entertaining for a while, but then you realize that they just don't listen. These are the attitudes that tourists and newbies have brought to what was a great scene, and these are the same jackholes who OD or get busted often enough to get clubs shut down. It's always someone else's fault for them.

Anyway, have fun this weekend kids! I have something more important to do than go clubbing, if you can imagine such a thing.




:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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I think everyone needs to chill out and stop insulting each other - there are other ways to get your point across. The fact remains that rules are the rules and the term rules were voted in by the people and supported by Guiliani. I voted for him in the last election and thought he did a great job, but what makes the city and country great are the laws. We might like the job he did, but now it is time for him to move on. The people might want him now, but they also wanted term limits - so - as we see anything built on popular opinion at the moment is built on the foundations of mud. Everyone is just being over emotionally because of the tragedy and don't want to go through a change at the moment. But what is comfortable for us is not good for democracy. Term limits were created and introduced to make the democracy run more smoothly. It doesn't seem right that a conservative wants to break the rules for his own personel gain. The mayor has done a great job, but it's time to move and see what the next guy is going to do!! This is the law and I think trying to change things in the middle of this tragedy would not be wise - like I said before people are more emotionally now and aren't thinking to clearly. I agree with Ichi has said about Guiliani - the best mayor since LaGaurdia!!

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Originally posted by ichi_gami

not worth the time or bandwidth to argue with the mentality of "am not - are too" frontrunner types. ...

...and who started the whole "im more old-skool than u" rhetoric? not only is he an arrogant asshole, but a stone cold hypocrite as well... no wonder he wants guiliani to fuck 'im up the ass so bad...

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Originally posted by neuroton

...and who started the whole "im more old-skool than u" rhetoric? not only is he an arrogant asshole, but a stone cold hypocrite as well... no wonder he wants guiliani to fuck 'im up the ass so bad...

I believe that rhetoric was brought on by neurosis, when he posted the condescending words, "this is a clubbing messageboard. most regulars here value the "clubbing" experience much higher than any petty comfort or convenience u might seek from any political leader. if someone who needs to be policed like u takes too many pills at a venue, then we all have to pay for your ignorance by not having our nightlife anymore."



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Originally posted by ichi_gami

Igloo - yeah, yer right, not worth the time or bandwidth to argue with the mentality of "am not - are too" frontrunner types. I love when the intellectual defense for an argument is "Because I say so!" It's juvenile and entertaining for a while, but then you realize that they just don't listen. These are the attitudes that tourists and newbies have brought to what was a great scene, and these are the same jackholes who OD or get busted often enough to get clubs shut down. It's always someone else's fault for them.

Anyway, have fun this weekend kids! I have something more important to do than go clubbing, if you can imagine such a thing.


i have never touched any drugs in my fucking life, and i never will

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